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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Why? You possess physical gold through BV. The disconnect of retail and wholesale market only means that the wholesale market will catch u.p at some stage because the short get blown out of the water when the manufacturers need to go shopping to satisfy retail demand. No need to worry.
  2. THE EMPIRE STRIKING BACK. NOW. EDIT: Launchpad still intact.
  3. I bought my monthly allotment of gold this morning. Haven't bought my monthly silver yet. Might do that tomorrow. Look at the daily chart on USAGold. Gold has formed a lauch pad over the past few weeks. I think we're going to see some sort of moonshot soon.
  4. Great chart. Wow. The PPT in full action!!
  5. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home Gold is not confused. Kaplan is.
  6. It's a gift from above and I make full use of it (i.e. I am buying with both hands whenever I can).
  7. I think so too. I will be buying more soon. Silver will catch up with gold in the end, even if it is very close towards the end of the bull run in a few years time or so.
  8. I've bought a little today. And some for a friend too (his first, so that IS very bullish).
  9. I think only people forced to liquidate sell gold at the moment. I mean, anyone in their right mind will hold on to it in this environment.
  10. This is the worst possible outcome and unfortunately a real possibility.
  11. I hold coins for sentimental reasons, but it's only a small quantity. They're still bullion, but usually more expensive than more common coins. I see no reason not to do it as long as it is on a small scale. But otherwise, it's just bullion coins for me.
  12. The cheapest 1oz silver coin on coininvestdirect is GBP 12.02, while the spot price is GBP 7.19. I guess my silver purchases remain confined to GoldMoney for now.
  13. They only allow you to buy 5 every 60 hours. FFS, is it worth it?!
  14. They will get nationalized themselves sooner or later, or put on life support with 28-days permanent rollover loans to infinity. Zombies.
  15. I think +$100/day moves in both directions are now possible. I personally think that one direction is much more likely than the other. My general point of view is not to rush financial decisions. Anything else is just trying to find a nice dip to buy.
  16. This is very significant. The spike today was a first tremor of what's aroun dthe corner. The GOLDman Sucks and JPMorgan are among the few banks they have decided to keep afloat, by giving away to them for free the prime pieces of failed retails banks like WaMu, and by allowing them to go long (or at least not short) gold now. This is going to be very interesting.
  17. Not good. These are the coins I usually buy.
  18. I'd advise people to not trade this market.
  19. I guess one could say that. But the cure has been baked into the cake a long time ago.
  20. Just too busy to write recently. Anyway, THIS IS IT! (And it's not deflation! I am so fed-up with the deflation-morons...)
  21. Hardly have any time to read news at the moment. Heard Hank & Ben will bail out everyone in return for used toilet paper? Got to buy more of the yellow stuff soon!
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