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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Just take delivery and pray. ETFs/ETCs not looking good. Paper/forward markets might be next.
  2. Yes, let's see when they update it. Last time was 11/09. I guess it's weekly?
  3. Of course you should. UBS is one of the bullion banks, after all. He IS the cartel. Then, one day, he might get it awfully wrong.
  4. That's good too (hyper, hyper): http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  5. I can see it. The ECB has just printed another €30bn, the BoE £5bn. Wait a minute ...!
  6. They will pave Wall Street with gold and silver just to show how well things are. First time since Atlantis and El Dorado. I am really looking forward to this.
  7. As long a Silver Eagles sell for a 90% premium on Ebay, I consider this to be a paper problem, and not a physical one.
  8. In the first case, you want to hold gold. In the second case, you want to hold gold, too.
  9. A little off-topic, but the Aureus is basically a Sovereign.
  10. So what? Is van Eeden claiming here that M3 is growing slowlier than above ground gold stock? I don't understand where he gets his numbers from. EDIT: Also, several years ago his 'fair value' was $1,200. What happened to that? Has M3 suddenly shrunk, or what?
  11. Depends on who is writing that textbook. Thanks Hank, thanks Ben. But I don't buy it.
  12. I think some suffer more than others, depending on degrees of confidence, leverage, overall commitment, and time horizon.
  13. If you started this strategy years back (2001?) like Jim Puplava, there is not all that much risk in it. Even someone who only started averaging in over the, say, last two years should be OK. Of course, if someone starts losing their convictions about the fundamentals at this time, then it looks differently. I think the fundamentals look better in place than ever.
  14. Look at the spreads and prices of silver (I mean REAL silver, not paper silver). There is your explosion!
  15. I didn't hear that at all. Second time you mentioned it.
  16. I think J.S.Bach was a genuine optimist. And he would always take physical delivery and accept physical gold & silver ONLY.
  17. I calculated from the data on this page that Dubai's net gold imports since 2008 have been a staggering 2,016 metric tonnes!
  18. They're not even raising interest rates, which would have been the easiest way to help the Dollar. IRs to 20%, like Volcker, problem solved. And yes, then you might see a nice deflation.
  19. Maybe gold is more important to them than they would ever admit.
  20. thesilverexchange.com allegedly accepts credit cards. I would possibly just start paying all running expenses with the CC and average in. Anyway, we're not there yet, and I might actually not do it anyway if IRs are forbiddingly high. It was more of a joke.
  21. Painting a chart. Ben & Hank succeeding 100% in screwing the little scared investor over. I stay invested 100% in physical, and will buy more on dips when I have cash ready. No margin, of course. EDIT: When gold hit $1,000 I kicked my @$$ because I hadn't bought more below $700. Guess what? TIME MACHINE! Looks like the opportunity of the decade to me. And this with the great re-assurance that all the fundamentals are better in place than ever before. It's sort of a dream come true.
  22. Ask yourself: who is buying all this stuff? For every seller of gold and silver, there is a buyer. I don't think it's the little panicked guy who is buying right now. It's the big & clever guys. GOLDman Sucks cover their shorts frantically, China or someone possibly a huge physical buyer at this stage. Isn't that clever: make China believe the USD is strong again, at the same time giving them the chance to gobble up shed-loads of gold & silver without raising suspicion?
  23. IMO, Sinclair is right here. Forget about TA. It's useless in such a rigged market.
  24. Jim Sinclair says throw your Technical Analysis out. I've never really believed in it first place. http://www.jsmineset.com/
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