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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=17233
  2. Mouth pieces of brass instruments as well. The amazing thing with silver is, even the tiniest silver coins, basically just small pieces of silver 'tin', have a very fine bright sound. My father has a few medieval silver coins of such tiny size. The silver content of these 'coins' would be worth less than 10p-20p I guess. I wonder what they bought back then.
  3. I don't quite see this yet. Also, even if the USD has made a bottom against Sterling some time ago, it doesn't mean it's not still doomed. Only, Sterling is even more doomed.
  4. I do that all the time. It also works with Silver Eagles/Maples or gold Sovereigns. Take a little stack of them, and let them gently drop one after the other back on the table (just from 1/4 inch height or so). It's a very good exercise for one's hearing. Fakes that have a large content of other metals should sound differently. Less bright, I would assume.
  5. You must admit, it's quite a big thing.
  6. Leveraged paper silver. Wow. That's going to be a wild ride.
  7. When Sinclair shuts down the phone lines, the bottom must be close one more time.
  8. Fair enough, he might really push PMs that way. In the end he might end up as someone people will blame when they possibly lose lots of money in precious metals when the bull will be over.
  9. Yes. Some people provide a lot of evidence that he doesn't seem to take details & truth too important. He also seems to have achieved nothing besides his career selling 'advice' on how to get rich, i.e. he was not exactly successful before that.
  10. Very interesting anecdotal IMO. And not really surprising either.
  11. Some people seem to think Kiyosaki is a crook. Not sure what the status of the public debate on this is. He claims in the show to have sold gold at $700 and that he has been in the oil business since 1966 (that's when he was 19). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Kiyosaki
  12. DOUBLE POST on how it COULD play out. (This charts belongs here too, I guess.)
  13. Here an extension back to 1930. Expect fireworks! Av 212.05 Min 65.03 Max 691.49
  14. 100oz or lower. Triple-whammy: houses will tank, Sterling will tank, gold will go up. Within only 6 months the media have changed their tunes quite a bit. In another 12 months any 3-year old on the street will tell you how bad of a dog houses are as an investment. Credit crunch is also not going away. Last time (in gold cycles) we hit 80oz, quarterly numbers. We could easily see the same or lower at the bottom this time. This crisis is worse than the 70s. Even Darling has woken up to this now. Funny thing is, the street cafes are full, people are shopping. It's truly a While E. Coyote moment of the wider economy. EDIT: I would put it like this: someone who didn't buy a house because he saw it coming, instead bought gold, and will exchange this gold for a house when the price in gold is lower than, say, 120oz, this person will have done very, very well.
  15. Don't forget, during the last crash houses sold for less than rebuild value. I see no problem for this happening again. Yes, it will mean building houses on empty lots won't make sense. And this is exactly what we need to get rid off all the oversupply. £164,654 / £456.00/oz = 361.08oz
  16. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/art...ices/article.do That's exactly what I am doing all the time. I just told my wife that we haven't lost £20,000 over the last 12 month (unlike the average UK house). How good is this?
  17. The funny thing is, and as Peter Schiff has pointed out recently, China tries to keep the game going by giving us a seemingly eternal unlimited credit facility. I really, really wonder at what stage they will let us go bust. Because I can't believe they want to work like our slaves forever. Something has to give.
  18. It will implode on itself. The Dollar is backed by ... Dollars! Great idea. Not.
  19. I am watching closely the developments in a certain area of Edinburgh. Of 87 flats/houses that are advertised in this area, 58 are 'fixed price'. For those who don't know the Scottish system: usually (6 months ago) EVERYTHING was 'offers over', leaving the interested buyer in the dark, causing insane bidding frenzies. Now with 66.6% 'fixed price', we have a clear sign that the market is collapsing. Literally, the emporer has not clothes anymore. The new (and often lower) price is on display for everyone. Edinburgh = toast.
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