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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Seems they're going to be allowed to feed from the begging bowl as well... http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home
  2. In a few months anyone who bought below $1,000 (or $20 for silver) will look like a genius.
  3. Sorry to hear this. Just try and stay away from margin in anything gold. Think of people (like cgnao or DrBubb) who got into gold very early and have seen movements like this many times over. Even I, who started buying gold much later, can't be @rsed to feel anything stronger than "darn it, should have bought my silver at $16.60 rather than at $17.40." But at the end of the day, will it matter once it has reached +$100?
  4. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home I am sooo happy to see that Heli-Ben has to only SOUND tougher to make everything better. This is the Age of Sond. No actions required. So happy to see this. Dude.
  5. That's exactly what I did. All coins today. 50% silver. Looking forward to holding them in my hands. If the price stays like this or goes lower, I'll buy more coins next month. I don't have enough smaller coins yet. When the SHTF, I don't want to be in the situation that I always have to buy the WHOLE supermarket.
  6. Because I think long term it was clever anyway.
  7. Just clicked the 'buy' button for some gold and silver in the middle of this jump downwards. We'll see whether it was so clever (short term). EDIT: I'd say, I make the utmost use of them.
  8. Excellent article by Adrian Ash of BullionVault. For the people interested in real interest rates. http://www.financialsense.com/fsu/editoria.../2008/0801.html
  9. Maybe it's the latter one. What are the best dealers in the UK to get those? Is coindirect (or how they'e called) any good?
  10. Good stuff: http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=15515
  11. Not sure. As a recent case reported in the media has shown, even the people where you would expect it the least seem to be slowly waking up to the fact that gold is not just a commodity, but most importantly of all it is real, indestructible money.
  12. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=15414
  13. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=15351
  14. HPC = bunch of muppets. Remember all the talk of Fed loans being short term only, and how awful a (price) deflation we would get? WAIT and see, good advice, even for muppets.
  15. I am very happy to be able to buy silver at any price below $20. James Dines: silver to $100/oz MINIMUM.
  16. Yes. Another quote that says it all:
  17. On that note: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home They will pay it all back, right? Right?? :lol:
  18. The credit crunch is over. There will be no Greater Depression, not even a recession. Sell all your gold and silver. :lol:
  19. Yesterday I bought one hell of a Sterling silver knuckle buster for 50 bucks (underneath the palm tree...). I think it´s almost 0.5 ounces. When I see silver, I just wanna buy it. OK, gotta get another Pina Colada. I burnt the lower side of my arms despite 2 layers of shirts and factor 45. And no one uses solar power here.
  20. My timing couldn't have been worse. But then, what do I worry. Many greetings from below the palm trees on the tropical beaches of Yucatan. Dollars still buy a lot here... OK, gotta get another piña colada.
  21. Usually UK-based, but in the US at the moment.
  22. I've added some silver today. Could not earlier because of cash flow constraints. But happy to buy below $20 anyway. Slightly over 50% in physical silver now.
  23. Hurray! Wells Fargo income plunged only to 53 cent per share, and not to 50 cent per share. The financial crisis is officially over. Sell ALL your gold. :lol:
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