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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. For me barter simply is the market. Nowadays, there is a lot of barter which includes currencies/money. I agree that it is more efficient to have a particularly marketable commodity (value/dense/rare, durable, divisible), i.e. money, for barter/trade. It will evolve automatically, since it is efficient. Government better don't mess around with that process of free determination of efficient methods and allocations.
  2. A fixed currency is not the same as a stable currency. See Sterling 1992 as a recent example. Trade is always barter. Only, for some reason, when one of the bartered goods is currency, people tend to not call it barter.
  3. My point of view is that during times of economic trouble the last thing one should do is hindering trade. That applies to currency trade as well. Market-inconsistent prices simply lead to lack or oversupply.
  4. During the collapse, price fixing will only exacerbate the problems.
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/03/business...p;partner=MYWAY
  6. The FSN page seems to have been messed up. If you still want to download this week's broadcasts go to http://feeds.feedburner.com/fsn and download using the headline links.
  7. Also I don't think Bubb is doing Jim Sinclair justice. I think Sinclair went public and recommended buying gold back in 2002. Just look at the chart to see what fantastic return people had while holding the safest and most liquid asset in the world (EDIT: and no trading hassle!). Sinclair has called it a second time already (the top, and then the bottom). And he might call it a third time too. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  8. Bubb's belief in paper and a working banking sector seems fairly strong. That's why he doesn't seem to want to hold actual bullion. For me, selling physical gold at this stage would be like shredding your fire insurance policy while standing in front of your burning house. And we ARE standing in front of this bonfire, is what I am telling you.
  9. That was exactly what I was hoping for! I hope it goes on for a few days. I need to get that SIPP sorted. (Sorry, don't want to annoy anyone. But this plunge makes me extremely happy!!! )
  10. I'll be so p1$$ed off if gold goes over $1,650 before I get my gold SIPP.
  11. Now that everything is global, including the collusion of the central banks, it all takes muuuch longer. This is the main thing that I have learned during this crisis. Except for that, it unravels essentially in Austrian textbook style.
  12. CAD. EDIT: BTW, it looks massive, but it is only 3 cm thick.
  13. Must have been cg, because I wasn't there. Seriously, I wonder who bought it. Because it is somewhat awkward to transport, and the design is maybe not worth having it in that large. EDIT: Oh, there we go: EDIT2: BTW, the weight of that coin is not some rubbish like 16 stone or 220lbs as indicated in the article. It is beautiful 100,000.00 Gramm, or 100.00000 kg. Metric system. What else? Here is how it's been made: From:
  14. Bubb, how can you speak of gold volume when all you are looking at is an ETF (GLD)? I've always thought that this approach must be deeply flawed. GLD doesn't show how much China/India/Russia have bought last week. GLD doesn't show the turnover on BV, GM or more importantly, on the LBMA or on COMEX. GLD doesn't show us how many coin dealers are out of stock and how much they have turned over.
  15. Oops. Gold is leaving the chart, while silver lacks behind. Buy silver! http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  16. Oops. Gold is leaving the chart, while silver lacks behind. Buy silver! http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  17. I don't think so. We have enough Rothschild threads in the fringe/conspiracy section. And we also have BV/GM threads.
  18. That would assume that there is no bankster on the island. So, what if fractional reserve banking enters the equation? I'd say, the upper limit is plus infinity.
  19. That's possibly what it is: just a name.
  20. I think in 1974 gold reached 50 pounds the first time. Had it developed like your house example, it would be 5,000 pounds right now. A realistic price target, I suppose. EDITed to change into GBP.
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