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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. I just wanted to point out that the move was mostly in USD-gold, AFAICS.
  2. I see a long term pattern here. 20:1 simply happens every now and then. Yes, in 1980 we had the Hunts, but there are new Hunts out there. If I was hedge fund, I'd certainly have a look at the silver market.
  3. $1,337. Dollar event approaching? See you up there.
  4. At the PM fixing g:s was below 60:1.
  5. DER SPIEGEL reports that FT writes that JPMorgan has now re-opened/re-utilized their gold vault in NYC due to strongly increasing request for storage. http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehm...,721235,00.html (in German)
  6. Yes, holding silver or gold has been pretty good so far. I just think it's going to get even better from here. This crisis is so much worse than what led up to 1980, I just can't see how it couldn't. However, all levers are pulled, and repeatedly. This seems to slow down the whole process, which is good for the investors.
  7. The extreme low was 1,000 oz silver for an average house in 1980. http://gold.approximity.com/since1930/UK_H...Silver_LOG.html
  8. So, e.g. we're going to see $2,500 for real physical gold at the same time as a similar amount of gold 6 months out on the COMEX will fetch only $250 due to doubts about it being delivered?
  9. Gold is central bank money. Even (or in particular?) in the UK.
  10. Here a more frequently updated version:
  11. Fair enough. But this alone is very bullish for silver. What today could you buy for 1 consecutive year at its 1980 price?
  12. Oh-oh, another top caller. It somehow does not look like a top to me. http://gold.approximity.com/since1930/Gold-GDP-Ratio.html
  13. I have been browsing through potential candidates for this, but it's somewhat tedious work and I am pretty busy with other things right now. I might start with silver and oil calls.
  14. There is no chapter on VAT worries in my silver book. http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Silver_GBP.html That's a 401% return from Min to Max. Not that anyone could time this perfectly, but the silver bull is only getting started. $100 minimum, as James Dines likes to say.
  15. Fair enough, and I do think one should hold back with suspicions in individual cases. What I found interesting is that this seems to be some kind of trend (see article). So is this because the youth is more and more bored, or is there another reason?
  16. Silver is desperate to get back under this read line. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  17. Not related to HPC, as I said. So, the council built this? Maybe the builders are happy about the extra work that they have now. Nothing to do with HPC of course.
  18. German house prices. There is not much data and no sophisticated absolute indices. Interesting is that new builts have gone up in nominal price, while existing houses have gone down (not visible from the charts below).
  19. The platform is Maxblue by Deutsche Bank. Many of the (IMO) "sucker" options have been signed by good old RBS. Dt. Bank itself is selling too of course, but I have not yet started looking into the details. For now it seems that the bailouts are limitless, but I prefer to write off the money at the outset and be positively surprised if I make some money. As I said, this will be a very small amount, but the idea is to drain some money out of the banking system since I expect much higher prices than any of their models can anticipate. If I buy 10,000 options at $ 0.001 and a strike of $60 for silver, I spend 10 bucks but the return if silver goes to $100 is $400,000. As I said, this will not divert any of my physical investments, but seems a better bet to me than the state lottery. (This was just for illustration, I will have to look more specifically into what I can realistically get.)
  20. Disclosure: I will start gambling in the derivatives market soon. I will do this in a IMO safe and ethical way: - I will buy far (and I mean really far) out of the money options with maturities between 2011 and 2013. - I will buy calls only. - I will invest very small sums only which because of far-out-of-the-money should still buy a substantial amount of options. - I will immediately write off the premiums that I paid and just hope for a nice surprise. Safe because I hardly invest anything, ethical because I don't divert money from the physical market. (... and possibly profitable, because what other people think of as far out of the money could be reality in a few years' time.)
  21. Does anyone know how Hugh Hendry is gonna find someone selling him $600 gold?
  22. See you up theeeeeeeeeere! FFS, my bl00dy SIPP is not yet in place.
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