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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. I cannot quite confirm this, but I don't have intraday data. According to the Approximity database, the London Fixing silver high in Sep. 1980 was $23.54/oz. See also the zoom-in chart below. http://gold.approximity.com/1979-1980/Silver_USD.html
  2. Tell RB my regards, and I hope he will be as lucky as in January 1980 when he (allegedly, according to himself) sold all his gold on the single(!) day it hit $850.
  3. Just outright stupid. No understanding whatsoever of the monetary role of gold. Ridiculous.
  4. Inflation-adjusted we're not there yet. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Silv...SD_CPI-adj.html
  5. KABOOOM. (Another physical buyer coming in ...)
  6. The latest decline looks very controlled, maybe too controlled? http://gold.approximity.com/since2008/Gold-Silver-Ratio.html
  7. A few notes from Richard Russell in the FSN interview: - Dow theory is still relevant as ever. - Stocks are overvalued (Dow and S&P). Dow wrote when the average dividend yield is less than 3.5% stocks are overvalued. - Bonds are in a bubble, and the Dollar is in a bear market. Why are people piling into treasuries in a Dollar bear market?? - Astonished to hear Fed say "we don't have enough inflation". - Very close to QEII to push away from deflation. - During the Great Depression there was no question about the Dollar. The Dollar was as good as gold, only no one had any. Main difference to today is questions about the Dollar, that's why money goes into gold. You can't sit confidently on cash as in the Great Depression. - Always had real doubts about fiat currency. Fiat is a fraud, gold is constitutional money, maybe silver. Money by fiat is immoral, no one sweat for it. - There are two parties: one who never bought gold and wants it to correct, and another one who has gold and is afraid it might correct. Too many people are calling for a correction. In a real bull market you don't usually get a good chance to come in on it. I don't think we get anything like a real good correction. Game changers: CBs are now buying gold, gold ATMs/easy access. Will alert people to that gold is a real currency. - The third speculative phase of the gold bull market is coming, where the public comes in with both feet, where it blows of with a huge move. - Cats and dogs of the gold shares will blow off on the upside as the big companies (Newmont etc.) will buy the little ones for their reserves. - A "hard rain" is coming. Kids won't be better off than their parents. Income will be hard to come by. China will be world leader. Collapse of fiat currencies, dollar will lose reserve status. - Gold is still a great value today. Lesson for life: find great values. - With a great item, don't trade too much. Sometimes you make the most money just sitting. - Best piece of advice he has to offer: Load up with gold, and be patient. We're seeing the beginning of the end with fiat.
  8. Exactly right. I think the were forecasting $1.00 when the Euro was bottoming My guess is that they have similar thoughts as Jim Sinclair: http://jsmineset.com/2010/10/08/in-the-news-today-672/ That alone would (guesstimate) need gold at $4,000-$5,000 just to make the Fed's balance sheet whole for all the worthless MBSs they have there. Hence the USD weakness some people see coming. It's all politcal now, i.e. will the banks somehow get their way without Obama vetoing it?
  9. Not sure anyone formulated it exactly that way, but the UK house price in oz gold has been around for around 3 years or so, and the minima of the past are easy to spot.
  10. IIRC. Now, as an almost monopolist in Pd bars, maybe it will be difficult to sell that stuff to anyone but Bairds when it's time to sell? I bought a very small amount back then for that reason, I somewhat rue it now. But the unrealized profits are large enough to make me feel good.
  11. Jim Sinclair's call could turn out to become the call of the century.
  12. Yeah, I also think it will benefit from the China rare earths scare, and so might do silver. Who owns all the silver anyway?? Not quite, but my timing was impeccable.
  13. Going back to "normal" here? I don't really think so, but the trend could continue. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  14. Silver trying to get back under that line. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  15. I do not really predict USDX 66.66 here. But, quite frankly, I would not hold any currencies here.
  16. DOUBLE POST A nice one by Jim Sinclair's buddy Dan Norcini ("Trader Dan"). http://jsmineset.com/2010/10/05/hourly-act...trader-dan-347/
  17. http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN...the_System.html Call me Silverfinger.
  18. The recent ascent has been slower than in 2006 and 2008 before the big downturns. We'll see. I'd appreciate lower prices a lot since I haven't yet finalized my SIPP which will go into the precious. http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Gold_USD_LOG.html
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