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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Schaeuble, the finance minister, recently argued that the EU trade with the US is essentially balanced, so criticizing Germany would be like criticizing one of the 50 states of the US.
  2. Sure. How far back do you want it? It wouldn't change the lower of the two charts by much, BTW.
  3. This is for gold only, but it has been pretty calm recently. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_USD_AMAM.html
  4. Everything is selling right now versus USD. I don't think this is just a margin raise. Looks more like USD intervention to me.
  5. Beautiful! 20 more of these, and I'll be buying some really cheap gold!
  6. Here is in comparison the Volkswagen short squeeze of '08. The intraday high was over 1000. It took only 1-2 days to get there up from 200 IIRC. So, for instance, silver could easily go to 100 if that happened.
  7. Ben's printing press is actually improving the US' rating since it makes sure everyone owed some paper will get the paper. So, not sure what the Chinese are trying to say here. To me it's nonsense. That the paid USD won't buy much should have nothing to do with the credit rating - that is the beauty of just printing it.
  8. Is that margin for the LONGS only? What about the shorts?
  9. I can't help it, but this looks like the textbook beginning of a commercial signal failure to me. http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Silver_USD_LOG.html
  10. Pixel looks like a bl00dy genius right now.
  11. Let's see what the smackdown will do to this old prediction:
  12. GBP 129 now. If there is only some silver in it, someone's gonna make a lot of money. If it's lead, oh well... EDIT: 131 - it's picking up. Hmmm, I am really tempted...
  13. From the image you can't tell too much. Some silver bars look very white on photos. I am not sure what (silver plated?) lead would look like. If they're fakes, they have to be older fakes. It could be worth the gamble. 45 min to go, but not exactly close to spot yet!
  14. Someone has been capping the price at $1,424 over the past 3 hours.
  15. Prediction: he'll fetch close to spot. EDIT: Too bad I'm not living in the UK anymore. But then, could I ask the seller to send it to a UK-based friend?
  16. Three naked silver shorts that were recently spotted in the neighbourhood.
  17. Yes, don't touch SLV. Get the real stuff.
  18. This is an intermediate run. I don't think we will see the maximum in gold or silver within the next year or so. As for silver, if we see a commercial signal failure and the ratio goes below 30:1, it might be time to start swapping it for gold for while. At the moment there is no point yet in doing it if you don't trade the ratio on a more regularly basis. But we're below 50:1 now, so let's watch this closely.
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