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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. When it comes to silver, the media is as quiet and silent as a morgue. A JPMorgue.
  2. Just in case we don't reach $1,650 by Jan 14th. http://jsmineset.com/2010/12/29/jims-mailbox-611/
  3. Crud. I guess this is all on small volume? I have to buy gold for my SIPP (finally!!) and have bought some already and wanted to average in over the next month or so. But seeing this now... I am used to buying smaller chunks more regularly (often silver anyway), but now that I have slightly more to buy and all at once ...
  4. I don't think I will buy any of this "artwork".
  5. Too true - I'll have to buy my SIPP gold soon.
  6. Confirmation of the continuing bull market.
  7. See my gambling thread - full of levered ETCs.
  8. A little disappointing so far. I mean, seriously, even if you're a trader like Bubb, you can't tell me you can make money out of this micro moves. Some serious (Chinese? Indian? The Fed already?) buyers seem to completely back-stop gold nowadays.
  9. Oh, oh, we're right there now at $1,371.
  10. Support level at $1,375 approaching. Dude, I so hope that I get some cheaper gold as a Christmas pressie. $950, here we come!!
  11. Unfortunately, it is most likely pre-holiday selling (to straighten books), and nothing else.
  12. Hey guys, are we finally ( ) getting the BIG one? Please, $950. I hear I will soon be able to buy gold for my SIPP. Cheaper, please.
  13. How have different investments fared since 2004? http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Infl...on_GBP_LOG.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Infl...on_GBP_LOG.html SILVER - a success story!
  14. Neel His chart is a monthly one. The spike down and bounce up again was so quick, it can easily be ironed out on a monthly (month end) chart. http://gold.approximity.com/2006/Gold_USD_LOG.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/Gold_USD_LOG.html
  15. There is some background to it here: http://www.neuralnetwriter.cylo42.com/node/3721 It really makes you wonder what is the truth.
  16. http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/ind...howtopic=156023 From the same thread:
  17. Sure. Only, if people generally took delivery, we wouldn't have this discussion anyway. Don't get me wrong, I don't own any silver futures, only the physical commodity. But if you play the paper-shufflers' games, they might just screw you.
  18. They have unlimited credit at the Fed, so why would they ever have to cover? It would just be another black hole on a beyond repair balance sheet.
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