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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. cg, you're joining the temporary top-callers? Fair enough. Personally, I don't have the time to worry about temporary things.
  2. $29.918 earlier today. $30 coming, make no mistake. The JPMorgue is fcuk-ed.
  3. Yes, it's there. But I'll most likely first work down my uranium list.
  4. Walked into a coin/stamps shop today and asked fairly innocently about the fine content of their displayed local silver medals for EUR 19. Anyway, to cut it short, they made no effort whatsoever to make me wanna buy anything in there. I think they just open the shop's doors, but essentially want to keep all their inventory. Had she given me a little more information, I would have bought quite a few just as a souvenir of a nice daytrip.
  5. I don't see how QE(I/II/III/IV/...) would run out of steam really. It is just not politically feasible.
  6. Away for a few hours, and what happens? A new 30 year high in silver! Great Panther - also one on my shopping list. It's not exactly early for me to get in this game, but also not too late yet.
  7. Hoye: Well, I don't have the CRB and the S&P here, but the huge hole during the 70s in that chart below seems to clearly contradict Hoye. Given that Bernanke is targeting the Dow, it is possible not the Dow that will fall, but oil that will go up. http://gold.approximity.com/since1959/DJIA...-Ratio_LOG.html
  8. Last time I checked outside, everyone was still driving their cars. And now the Chinese start doing it too, and that on a still weak currency. I'll do the exact opposite of what this headline would indicate. So far, ignoring/not taking into account Hoye's advice was very profitable for me.
  9. Ja, poor banksters who shorted the stuff nakedly!
  10. Just replace ".png" by "_LOG.png" in any URL.
  11. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-02/c...urs-demand.html
  12. All charts I post are as correct as possible. Only perception may be distorted. As for the house price chart, I usually post the log version and have done so yesterday as can be seen here: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....st&p=194999
  13. There is always a chart for whatever message one wants to send out.
  14. People who sold their house in 2004 and bought silver from the proceeds can now buy 5.5 houses back! Anyone? And silver is NOT done here, that's for sure! http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/UK_H..._in_Silver.html
  15. It actually was back in 2004. http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/UK_H...es_in_Gold.html People who sold their house in 2004 and bought silver from the proceeds can now buy 5.5 houses back! Anyone? And silver is NOT done here, that's for sure! http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/UK_H..._in_Silver.html
  16. The difference being that the fundamentals are strong in gold, and they are still changing in favour of gold.
  17. This is what a currency in big doodoo looks like. A straight shot 'to da moon'. http://gold.approximity.com/since1959/Gold_GBP.html
  18. Beautiful CRIMEX dumping commencing at NY opening.
  19. 2.3% away from a new USD all-time high.
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