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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Storing wealth is a very good purpose. As for other purposes, that they can't apply the metal to its uses personally does not mean that they don't make use of it in general. Do you use electronics, by any chance?
  2. Yeah, this looks pretty good. I may buy some today too.
  3. It looks almost a little like the bottom is in, and we're ready for an upward correction. But then, what do I know. Worst short term timer ever.
  4. I am watching carefully too. I still have over 50% of my SIPP to invest.
  5. When the truth comes out, or that project even goes tango-uniform, it could be quite detrimental to the average British BTLer's psyche. Also, whatever happened to the Wilsons? Has the Russian knight in white armor ever shown up? One Hyde Park:
  6. It's not too dramatic yet, but last time this happened was the latter part of 2008. EDIT: Anyway, I rode it then, I will ride it this time.
  7. It is possibly expectation of further falls so someone has dumped some. It looks almost like a short attack to me.
  8. Just bought some. But I still have committed less than 50% of my SIPP. So, any plunge is welcome.
  9. Yeah, I think this is a good point to purchase some on my averaging strategy for the SIPP. GBP 846 looks cheap in comparison to recent prices. Doesn't mean it couldn't be even cheaper soon.
  10. http://jsmineset.com/2011/01/20/hourly-act...trader-dan-392/
  11. Gold in pounds now as cheap as back in May. I think I will have to take the plunge soon.
  12. Just as it was with UK house prices fro 1991 to 2007.
  13. It's because gold is money - good money. No Tunisian bank can declare that money bad, no US bank can either. Nor can it go up in flames, or not be moved. BTW, who did he steal this gold from?
  14. So, they want them to take their loans to other lenders (after they have given them the 25% bonus)? Where are these lenders? Are these the guys Bubb suspects to be living on Mars?
  15. WTF??? What kind of retardedness is this? Is it like: "Please, please, go away, otherwise we feel forced to shove another ultra-low interest loan down your throat! Oh, and maybe we will even offer you another 25% discount on the outstanding, so please, go! Otherwise we'll just have to treat you so well as if we were utterly insane morons!"
  16. Last crash? Do you mean 1990? In my book, we are still in the midst of global meltdown. It has never stopped since it started in 2007.
  17. Yes, it's a German language warning, but relates to the vault in London (despite not mentioning it).
  18. Something must be wrong here. As far as I know, BV only sells silver in London: https://www.bullionvault.com/gold_market.do
  19. Shanghai Gold Premium Hits $23/Oz, China Opens 1 Million Gold-Savings Accounts http://www.24hgold.com/english/news-gold-s...d+Market+Report
  20. Let's just all get back on topic, shall we?
  21. Bob Hoye - wrong on silver http://howestreet.com/2011/01/momentum-1-frenzy-0/ I have actually never really heard him bullish on the metals. Always a "correction" around the corner - and he never means "upward".
  22. There are many SIPP administrators obviously, but let's say you wanted to buy gold through GoldMoney. They work with BerkeleyBurke. Here is more information: http://goldmoney.com/gold-sipp.html For a SIPP they want to see 50,000 (the reason mostly being the high fees, is my guess). But they also have something called GoldPension, which is like a SIPP, only you can buy bullion only, but there is almost no lower limit: http://goldmoney.com/bbsipp/bb-brochure.pdf So, even if you only go for the "GoldPension" scheme, you can put all your pension money in gold bullion via GoldMoney.
  23. That'd be great. I have not purchased any further gold for my SIPP yet, so any sales prices would be more than welcome. I am still waiting for the paper bugs' big one. So far, pretty disappointing.
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