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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. I guess it shows that people care about the topic.
  2. Last title of this thread: Watch Silver - #2: Dec. 2008
  3. Last title of the old Nov/Dec thread: GOLD Thread 2010 Daily news, comment and analysis on the gold market
  4. I guess a discussion about the title could engulf in due course. Maybe it should just be called: GOLD
  5. Housekeeping: LAST TITLE of this thread: GOLD investment discussion / March 2008 Kick-off Gold, Silver, Property:Gold, Dow:Gold, Gold:Silver, and more
  6. I merged the old gold threads together so they don't always get lost. I am not sure whether I found all of them, but quite a few I think. Let's hope this thread won't cause a black hole with so much gold in one place!
  7. If the pattern repeats, yes, or maybe a slightly higher region would be retested. Will the pattern repeat? Not so sure. The pattern can't go on forever.
  8. Updated. We're now even below the first target circle (London AM Fixings). I guess we can expect a bounce now, and then continuation down to 35:1?
  9. Perfect bounce exactly back from the line.
  10. Nohooo! Please! What is this "correction" b0110cks?! Where are the good old 30% hammer days? I hear my SIPP will be through this week or next week. I need cheaper gold soon.
  11. Please, can I have it already at 100 oz?
  12. So, cg comes out of the (South American?) woodworks and predicts a correction. Gold sells off 2%. Yes, 2%, not 5%, 10%, or 15%, as we have seen it selling off in one single day before. A meaning ful correction of any kind is not yet to be seen. Then he gets a movie star like admiration for this fantastic "call". Guys, are you all brainwashed? My guess is cg would say "yes"! :lol:
  13. Nice floor at $1400 in gold and $28.5 in silver for now. Let's see what the JPMorgue can achieve tomorrow. My Gold SIPP isn't through yet, so $950 gold would be getting a warm welcome over here.
  14. I am sorry to hear this. Why don't you invest in something that you believe will go up in value mid/long term, so that you don't have to trade so often?
  15. Sort of obvious, isn't it? It might just not happen, and MAs won't matter much anymore. Take the silver issue with the JPMorgue alone. What's an MA compared to this fundamental problem?
  16. Beautiful action in silver right now. The JPMorgue possibly has a go at it. This time it is really PM action as the EUR seems to be not moving much, while earlier the moves seemed more currency related. JPMoron, please give us a window of cheap silver. Thank you.
  17. $30.445. I am starting to get concerned about the JPMorgue. (Soon they'll gonna ask the COMEX to turn themselves into a cash exchange for silver. All futures will have to paid for upfront. Only silver delivery will be in the future then ... guaranteed by the JPMorgue ... )
  18. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/0...-crisis-bailout
  19. Ho-ho-ho -- happy St. Nicholas everyone!!
  20. He showed up today: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....st&p=195703
  21. Short term I might trade some. What I suggested was g:s = 10:1 - more than a good reason to trade some silver for gold, even if the nominal price was somewhat disappointingly at $140/oz.
  22. Yes. That means the JPMoron can buy their doodoo naked silver shorts back at ANY paper price. Personally, ATM, I would be more than happy to sell them mine at $140/oz (only to buy gold bullion from the proceeds, of course).
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