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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. China raising reserve ratio. Quick, sell everything! (Because it changes sooooo much!) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-19/c...om-economy.html
  2. Yes. Since 2002, gold has essentially only kept up with US External Debt inflation. So, in that sense, there have been no real gains in gold whatsoever. But they will come at some stage.
  3. I've just bought more coins. It is SHTF money, and the S has HTF in 2007 as we all know. And it is still hitting and spreading, since there is a lot of it.
  4. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Silv...SD_CPI-adj.html
  5. Upside correction. It had been too cheap recently.
  6. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-18/p...t-pressure.html
  7. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-16/c...erald-says.html
  8. Even more over here. The people who have advised to buy PMs a long time ago have been proven 100% right so far. And the system is further coming apart at the seems (see EUR-zone). There are a lot of top-callers coming out of the woods now. It seems somewhat mainstream to advise to take (paper) profits in gold. That advise is very dangerous IMHO, given that the US and Europe continue to fall apart from a financial point of view and given that the only answer seems to bve money printing. Parting with any gold or silver bullion right now would be pure madness. EDIT: Over the shorter term, the paper price of bullion is somewhat irrelevant. I would continue to add to existing positions. As I said, we are right in a system/systemic meltdown. It has never been more obvious than now. That paper cash has any in fact value right now is somewhat surreal.
  9. Dude! Gold has dropped, and silver(!) not (dramatically)! The naked silver shorts are ripe.
  10. Some good thoughts, but also a lot of hearsay...
  11. That's why I have a mix of Philharmonikers, Maples and Eagles.
  12. Article on silver in DER SPIEGEL, featuring James Turk comments. Mentions the gold:silver ratio. In German: http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehm...,725898,00.html
  13. EUR is rolling over again. Gold is outperforming all currency turds that swirl in the bowl.
  14. If you know someone in mainland Europe to get delivered to, the big 1kg Koalas etc. are cheaper than the ugly bars IIRC. After a little recount yesterday, I've decided I also will get more silver coins (1 oz) as SHTF money on Monday. I have quite a bit, but seeing how the sovereign debt crisis is playing out textbook-like, HI will come in afew years time. Most people who predicted this crisis have predicted HI too, while people like Bernanke have proven to be absolutely clueless.
  15. The central banks in the US, Europe and the UK are bumf**king everyone: (1) They don't give you interest on your cash. (2) They don't let house prices go down (far/fast enough) so that you as a reasonable and cautious cash buyer can buy them at a discount to liquidate the overhang and bad credit. The central banks are immoral.
  16. I see that one of the top callers is now a permanent feature of the site (top left). The other one, Prechter/ElliottWave, is also there, but at least no portrait of him. Let's hope this site won't turn in a tomb of premature top-callerism. EDIT: To be fair, one of the greatest gold bulls is represented too: J. Turk. But with our own Bubb on top of it, the top-callers are 3:1 outnumbering the gold bull. That shows you that we're far from the mania/bubble stage with gold. And this here is "global edge", and not mainstream.
  17. Finally there is a more vital sign of what could become a correction. $950 please! Thank you.
  18. Communication is a problem. The fault line of short and long term thinkers is aggravating it. It is always the same, both parties think they can do better than the other. Both parties think that their time horizon is the more important one. EDIT: I am focusing on the mid to long term as everyone knows. The problem is, short term, you always have a correction soon. Essentially, you have one every second tick.
  19. Oil seems very inexpensive here and could easily double. On average, it has been 30% more expensive than now, and that was without peak oil around the corner.
  20. Essentially, when taking the London AM Fixing as a measure, there has been no correction in gold whatsoever. We are just stagnating here, possibly moving much higher soon. As for silver, the Fixing shows a 3% "correction". For silver, that's a joke. I fear we will move much higher very soon. http://gold.approximity.com/since2010/Gold_USD.html
  21. Pixel got a 2-day break for foul language. Please everyone, watch your language. I know that these abbreviations come in handy, and I like to use "FFS" every now and then, but language directed at other posters should meet a minimum of politeness no matter how heated the factual discussion.
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