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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. You mean gold went down in GBP and EUR as well, showing that these was a move of gold and not of the USD.
  2. - How easy is it in the Uk to get of your debt anyway? Jingle mail is not as easy as in the US. - All banksters on very small public service salaries. - No bonus in state-owned/bailed out banks. - Who pays bonus must be allowed to go out of business. - Retrospective taxes ("financial recovery tax") on undeserved bonus of bankrupt/bailed out entitites (at 90%, up to 10 years back [there must be assets there to get certainly?]). - Claw-back of undeserved bankster pensions (pensions down to public salary levels in bailed out banks). - Print money (we do it anyway) to recapitalize banks somewhat. - Inflate a little (we do it anyway). - State emergency loans to businesses at reasonable interest rates (10%-15%?) The state-owned banks can manage these. A managed economic collapse is needed, with some kind of emergency banking carrying on. The banksters should be encouraged to "brain drain" so the next collapse is somewhere else (maybe another planet). Sound money is needed, so after the inflation some kind of serious backing or serious money competition should be considered (e.g. no CGT on precious metals).
  3. We are already 3 years in a crisis, and it is getting worse. People don't get it: there is no way out of this without pain. The only variable is where and when the pain appears. The inflation route brings less pain at the start but drags it out for a long time and may still end in total collapse in the end.
  4. This would be a nice start for a correction. Would, could, should. Let's see.
  5. Dan Norcini. Sounds to me as if we could see the G/S ratio go further down over the next few weeks.
  6. Say, the banks wanted all deposits 50% higher (relative to the house price) and would only be willing to provide 50% of the loan volume than in previous years. If so, then a 50% HPC would solve the problem: (i) Any cash deposit for a 100% house would be double the deposit for a 50% house. (ii) Since HPs would have crashed 50%, in fact LESS than 50% of the original mortgage would be needed (because the deposit has now double the relative size). But what are our politicians doing? They fudge it up and make one big cluster fudge out of it! EDIT: Here an example: House costs 200,000, person has 20,000 cash deposit. Needs a loan of 180,000 with a LTV of 90%. Now HPs crash 50%. House is worth 100,000, person still has 20,000 cash deposit. Needs a loan of 80,000 (less than half of 180,000) with a LTV of 80%. Conclusion: a HPC of 50% would make everyone happy!
  7. CONTINUED FROM ABOVE Uh, ah, a banking cartel? And that from a paper bug!? B/S. They want high rates so they become sound again so they can compete. Low rates will ruin them, stupid. To the banksters, to China, and in the commodities and gold market, stupid. Good! Imagine a place where house prices would be 70% off! Paradise! This is the real problem, stupid.
  8. Let's analyze this a little further. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/persona...-withdrawn.html Bring it on! A despicable attempt of market manipulation. If only 50% of lending was a available, then a drop of 50% in house prices would solve the problem. No manipulation needed. Stimulate? High house prices are bad for everyone, stupid! Look, like high food prices, why should high house prices be good? Exactly how it should be, my dear. Very good. If they haven't saved anything, they should be renting.
  9. Maybe we should merge these two threads? Uranium: Price is booming, the hot stocks in a hot area http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=16 Uranium and other Energy stock ideas, If you like Gold only, then please stay away http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=8315
  10. Maybe we should merge these two threads? Uranium: Price is booming, the hot stocks in a hot area http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=16 Uranium and other Energy stock ideas, If you like Gold only, then please stay away http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=8315
  11. Regarding public investment, QE might mean the opposite and we see more money pouring into infrastructure (in the US and China). Just a thought. Think Hoover Dam.
  12. He is always asking this question (what would have to happen so you change your mind), and I actually think it is a very good question. People on here always lament about "gold bugs" having no exit strategy etc. I think JP has one. I have one too. Prechter should have one too. In fact, he should have exited his strategy a long time ago.
  13. If the Dow goes down to 5,000, Prechter is not right, because he predicted <1,000. If gold falls from $15,000 to $5,000, Prechter is not right, because he predicted gold at $200.
  14. I have to admit that I bought Uranium One in Toronto, which is now causing headaches with a power of attourney that needs to go to the broker for tax reasons and whatever. Not to mention the higher fees. Next time I buy "at home".
  15. Ouch. My impression is that people in this industry for some reason can make whole careers out of one good call. Was Prechter's "good" call 1987? But then, a broken clock is right twice a day...
  16. How did Nadler's 2010 gold and silver forecast go? 50% off?
  17. Cheers. I am holding: -HATHOR EXPLORATION LTD. -STRATHMORE MINERALS CORP. -URANIUM ONE INC. I might add more through Pinetree's crap shot approach. http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index....st&p=195951
  18. RH, I am not disputing that philosophy has an important function in the world, only I think one can overdo it. John Maynard Keynes Hmm, I am not sure whether this is good or bad. However, mostly the world is ruled by the laws of nature.
  19. While my personal views are possibly not that different from FOFOA's, I think he, FOA, and A himself overcomplicate and overphilosophize things, with not all that much value added. Just like some other posters/bloggers out there. EDIT: That reminds me that Steve once wrote something on the topic: http://www.neuralnetwriter.cylo42.com/node/3335 Now, don't get me wrong, there is very good and useful philosophy, and I have spent a lot of time on philosophic questions in my life. But then there is also endless, mostly pointless waffle*. I don't say FOFOA's writings are pointless, but I am sure that his main thesis can be summarized on one A4 sheet. *Often people who lack a natural sciences background tend to such. It's understandable: if you don't understand the basic laws of the world and if you lack the ability to describe them in a concise manner (in particular: maths), you better write/talk a lot to hide this fact. Prime examples: lawyers, psychologists, "softer" MBA types, and, yes, also philosophers.
  20. Splitting the thread into monthly ones was originally Bubb's idea. This seems to be his method for his own trading diary, like a blog somehow. For this more general gold discussion thread it seems to be not the right format. Also, no one neatly collected the monthly threads etc., they where just sinking down to the floor of the ocean. That's what I did. Sylvester started the "2011" thread more accidentially. No harm done.
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