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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Beautifully orchestrated, also in silver and oil. But it already looks like a fail, because you can't print oil.
  2. Regarding state pensions, social security, it's a big pot of debt, and many would like to get rid of it.
  3. I don't see the problem: force everyone to pay into a pension scheme, force all pension schemes to buy government bonds, give all these bonds a healthy haircut (or, the same, super-duper low interest, i.e. charge more than is fair) --> money has been robbed from the people, and that is all what it should do. So, it will work. This raid of the sheeple must be administered*: the financial services industry will be happy to help and will pay themselves large bonuses. Mission accomplished. *Imagine all the work it would cause the financial services industry to funnel all SIPPs back into government bonds. I see huge bonuses coming!
  4. It could happen, say, a crash from $400/oz all the way down to $100/oz. Will it happen anytime soon? Well, let's first get to $400, then we'll reassess.
  5. That's bad for the heirs, but good for treasure hunters.
  6. Yes, people simply don't get it: In 1933, the perceived(!) (Keynesian!) problem was to be able to create price inflation. This was only possible by expanding the monetary base, which was tied to gold. Hence, gold had to be revalued, and for that, gold and gold certificates had to be called in. Today, this is not necessary. Everyone is happily printing, and inflation is coming back big time, as we can see already. Furthermore, as currency is not tied to gold anymore, the only thing central banks have to do to make the price go up is -- nothing! Watch it, it is happening right in front of you. No confiscation necessary. If they wanted the price to go even higher, then they would simply print some money to buy some. As for confiscation, the one thing that will be confiscated to prop up state deficits is your pension. You'll get less, e.g. by direct cuts or by inflation, and if it is private, the assets might be seized (oh yes, that nice little SIPP or ISA or IRA) and turned into a public pension, devaluing whatever you will get in the end. This is also happening already in several countries, as has been pointed out before. As for SIPPs etc., it is still worth to manage them as well as possible before they get seized. If you double the money before it gets seized, you will still get e.g. 40% in the end when everyone else will only getting 20% of the original value! (Oh, and just to add, any bonds or savings accounts you have are getting permanently raided by inflation. There is another confiscation right in front of your eyes!)
  7. The chick with the sun glasses: "38 cents"!!! Mwuahahahahah. These are the kind of people who will pay north of $10,000 for the ounces that I will sell to them in a few years time. Because they are clueless. (Yeah, I do think gold will become expensive at some stage. Bubble, so to speak. But we are FAR away from that.)
  8. You might like this then: FSN In Depth: George Magnus Uprising: Will Emerging Markets Shape or Shake the World Economy http://www.financialsense.com/financial-se...e-world-economy
  9. BTW, let's not get too excited: CRIMEX was closed today because of President's Day. I am sure they will have a lot of paper promises waiting for us tomorrow.
  10. http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN...d_73_Cents.html
  11. Would have, should have, could have ... Gotta be in it to win it.
  12. Squeeeeze. One fresh 30-year high after another. At some stage some hedge fund might want to make a quick buck on this...
  13. The JPMorgue is now turning into exactly that. Someone has to be behind those shorts, and it ain't looking good for them.
  14. Very true. This is what the central bankster have done to us. They are messing with our minds. It is immoral. Look at Cuthie. He sees prices go up, and is tempted to jump back in, which could prove very bad. That he is in this state is Mervyn King's and Ben Bernanke's fault. They mess with the market, delay the inevitable, and instead sacrifice the currency. They turn it all into one big casino in which everyone has to gamble who wants to stay ahead of inflation.
  15. G:S = 43.65, is the squeeze on? Is the JPMorgue starting to get out?
  16. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/16/...E71F1MO20110216 http://gold.approximity.com/since1981/Gold_CNY.html
  17. Just to put expectations of a lower ratio in a more historic context:
  18. I agree essentially 100% with Gonzalo's newest post. In Weimar, however, some people made a lot of money taking out loans and buying hard assets (not necessarily residential real estate though). Obviously, collapse here always means collapse in real prices. http://gonzalolira.blogspot.com/2011/02/in...n-and-real.html
  19. If this leads to a proper short-squeeze, we could finally see some real action in the PM stock. http://jsmineset.com/2011/02/15/dont-help-your-enemies/ EDIT: Anyone know what stock this is?
  20. Your frustration is reminding me of a the-last-bear-throwing-in-the-towel scenario. I don't think house prices will continue to do well for long in the areas you have described. IMO, they will do sooner or later do what the rest of the country does.
  21. Hey, that's what I say all the time too (here, and on the hyper-inflation thread)!
  22. Let's put it differently: Do you think Bill Clinton spilled his coffee when he first heard it?
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