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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Dude, impeccable timing. "More luck than brains", as we would say down here. Is it all about this here?? House Republicans Unveil Budget With $6 Trillion Cuts http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-05/house-republicans-unveil-budget-plan-with-6-trillion-of-cuts-over-decade.html
  2. Sorry for the little price spike: I just went 100% in with my SIPP. (No joke with the SIPP, but I doubt anyone took notice...)
  3. Cheers for the replies on SilverWheaton. I am considering swapping some of the silver bullion for SWL instead of gold bullion should the ratio go lower.
  4. Muhahaha, you couldn't make this stuff up, could you?
  5. Just a little reminder of how bombed out the Scottish market is underneath the surface. It went all tango uniform: Former deaf school back up for sale http://news.scotsman.com/edinburgh/Former-deaf-school-back-up.6745625.jp
  6. A new 30-year high in silver, I see.
  7. That must sound like music in some peoples' ears!
  8. Beautiful. 20-30 years ago, you would only know that kind of stuff from Italy or maybe Spain, but this is much worse and taken to an entirely new level. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=wgTt4wqwbPw
  9. The Pavlov crowd pretty much shot themselves in the foot today.
  10. US economy so fantastic, almost no jobless people, quick, sell all gold! No pressure on inflation to see either!
  11. I know some of you are invested in Silver Wheaton, which, to my great displeasure, I haven't come around yet to do. Now, silver is NOT finished here, I see $100 minimum. I.e., Silver Wheaton also has a long ways to go, even if we see a lot of volatility on the way ahead. What's the breakdown of the important facts? Here is what I think I remember: (1) For every share, 5 ounces silver in the ground ("silver streaming"). (2) Cost per ounce silver streaming: $4. (3) Cost per share: $43.36 (at time of posting) (4) Potential profit per share as is (with silver at $37.65/oz): 5*($37.65-$4) - $43.36 = $124.89 (5) Potential profit per share as is (with silver at $100.00/oz): 5*($100-$4) - $43.36 = $436.64 (6) Growth story not even taken into account yet. Do I get the basic simplified facts right here, or am I missing something crucial? Cheers!
  12. Well, yes, you don't want to buy a house there, but regarding Australia, I see energy independence (coal) and just a lot of natural resources for not all that many people. And a buyer is also around the corner (China). Before it is clear how the global warming/cooling thing is playing out, I also wouldn't want to buy anything on a flat island, but renting, why not? I think another important aspect is convenient. When all your friends and family are in the UK, how convenient is it to live somewhere half way around the globe? Even if you can afford frequent flights in peak oil times to come, the jet lag would just put me off.
  13. At least he is not getting paid for doing this. A cartel-paid troll would be much more subtle...
  14. AAK thinks that only because my investments (like everyone's) depend on the stability of law (stealing must be illegal), I'd be exposed to default risk. There is some confusion it seems. Furthermore, he (like everyone on here) does not know in what exact quantities and how (by what means) I am invested.
  15. Approaching GBP 900, at which level I will commit the rest of my SIPP funds.
  16. Oh, okay, that is interesting to know. So, you and your family really wouldn't (easily?) be able to go back. Hmm, that much for "nanny state".
  17. BTW, I would see a problem with a country being mostly muslim (Malaysia) to be a safe haven for an obvious Gringo (in the wider sense). Similar South America, but for other reasons. I think as a Gringo, your political/economic safe havens are pretty much (in no particular order): Canada, Norway, Switzerland, NZ, Aussieland, but none of them might be practical for different reasons. Hence, keeping a low profile somewhere in Europe (+UK) or the US might not be so bad in the end. A good network of friends/family is helpful too. The Colonel wouldn't live in Thailand if he could not fall back on the labour market and the social security of the UK, is my guess. So, spending some time in some cheap paradise is not the worst thing to do, but where's your real base if things go bad (economically, or say, health-wise)?
  18. So, does Faber rent too? And, BTW, I agree that he is embarrassing himself quite a bit, as you have mentioned.
  19. Yes, as Einstein said, he is not so sure whether the universe is infinite...
  20. Complain, and you might get what you're wishing for.
  21. It could be a good time to get in now at the end of the quarter, when hedgies are selling to square books etc. Come April, everyone might be piling back in. (Inspired by a Dan Norcini comment...) I still have another 20% of my SIPP to commit. The naysayers' "correction" never really came ("duh...winning!").
  22. This applies to a vast majority of people IMHO. Measuring value in terms of the local fiat currency is so engrained in people, they will not understand what is happening until it will be way too late. This even applies to some people who I know who are or have been invested in PMs. They still don't get it.
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