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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. One has to love it. But, you would think, someone who takes delivery from the Morgue for certain reasons will certainly not accept storage with/at the Morgue!?
  2. Maybe 35:1 will look ridiculously high (as g:s ratio) when silver is done here. Who knows. Anyway, I am prepared to swap, and I will do so when I feel the time is right. I am not entirely orthodox on the ratio, but 35:1 will possibly trigger a small swap. Regarding Fukushima and tsunamis, I will use these swaps to further geographically diversify. Just to mention one example, with GoldMoney one can store gold and silver in Zurich, London, and Hong Kong. My investments so far are more Europe centered, so I'll possibly buy gold in Hong Kong soon. (Just to hedge that dirty bomb terrorists might set off in London or Zurich...)
  3. Someone losing their faith in silver? I might consider selling 1/3, but I really need to see 35:1 for that.
  4. Just buy physical and take delivery. Don't touch the JPMorgue.
  5. http://seekingalpha.com/article/259549-will-jpmorgan-now-make-and-take-delivery-of-its-own-silver-shorts
  6. A new 31-year high at over $37. Phew, I could actually log in!!
  7. This one here? http://gold.approximity.com/since1959/Gold_Price_to_MZM_Equilibrium_Price.html Here is an explanation of what it shows: http://gold.approximity.com/gold_price_model.html
  8. The JPMorgue will be doing their best to use this catastrophe to scare the sheeple out of silver. This will be the last major buying opportunity sub-$50 IMHO.
  9. It seems an opportunity for some cheaper gold is coming up.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0NIMTPYYcU&feature=fvst
  11. I have moved several posts into this new topic on QE: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=14503
  12. Hmmm, is it? Hmmm, trading in and out, getting sandpapered?
  13. NO! Instead it would work as it does for instance in Germany: you aim to buy a place ONCE in your life, when you think you're settled. That way you avoid the BS property market of the UK with "ladders" (that are in fact cliffs) and "flipping" all the time.
  14. http://af.reuters.com/article/metalsNews/idAFTOE72802F20110309
  15. Yes, and the obvious problem is mobility. Who nowadays can afford to lock themselves into one place forever? A lifetime tenured state employee, fine. For the rest, it can become very necessary to move every now and then. Now you want to move, but you're going to lose two times your annual income because of negative equity. Will you still move? If not, staying might actually make things worse later.
  16. Nice piece in MoneyWeek: Property investors are in for a rude awakening http://www.moneyweek.com/investments/prope...awakening-10904
  17. They never said it would run out in June. They only announced what they would do up until June.
  18. Mwuahahah. Apparently, they can't see the trees for the forrest.
  19. If the Fed raises by 0.25%, something will sell off by means of stupid hedge fund trading. A Pavlov thing. A few days later it will be back up.
  20. The Chinese have encouraged people to buy gold before. The rationale is simple: they need an inflation outlet. Better gold at $100,000/oz than 1-bed flats in Shanghai at $1,000,000 a piece. Now think of the Yellow Sea of Chinese savings trying to go through the tiny hose of the international gold market. The resulting prices will be spectacular.
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