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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Maybe some of you guys will find this here as useful as I: (1) Copy the code/text below into an empty "notepad" file. (2) Save it e.g. to your desktop as "gold_silver.html" under type "All Files". (3) Double-click it and enjoy. Just hit reload for updates. <html><head> <title>Gold:Silver</title> </head><body text="#000000" bgcolor="#ffffff" link="#0000ef" vlink="#51188e" alink="#ff0000"> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUXAG-24HR-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUXAG-5Dy-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUXAG-1Y-LG.png" nosave=""> <br> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/AG-24HR-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/AG-5Dy-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/AG-1Y-LG.png" nosave=""> <br> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/AU-24HR-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/AU-5Dy-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/AU-1Y-LG.png" nosave=""> <br> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAGGBPOZ-24HR-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAGGBPOZ-5Dy-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAGGBPOZ-1Y-LG.png" nosave=""> <br> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUGBPOZ-24HR-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUGBPOZ-5Dy-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUGBPOZ-1Y-LG.png" nosave=""> <br> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAGEUROZ-24HR-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAGEUROZ-5Dy-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAGEUROZ-1Y-LG.png" nosave=""> <br> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUEUROZ-24HR-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUEUROZ-5Dy-LG.png" nosave=""> <img src="http://www.chartseeker.com/images/XAUEUROZ-1Y-LG.png" nosave=""> <br> </body></html>
  2. http://jsmineset.com/2011/05/04/silver-being-silver/
  3. I can tell you one thing: all the trading boys are whacking the $h1t out of silver and short it, but it is holding up amazingly for this. It's almost eerie how strong it is.
  4. ECU - how about feasibility? Can they mine that stuff economically?
  5. http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/5/3_Eric_Sprott_-_Sprott_Has_More_Physical_Silver_Now_Than_Ever!.html
  6. While RPI is what, 5%? (Real) CRASH!!! As expected.
  7. I think silver might have its moment now, like gold back when it first broke $1,000. Silver back to $25 is a possibility, before shooting back through $50 and beyond to da moon. If silver goes to $25 with the ratio to 60:1, or generally just the latter, I will truly turn into Silverfinger again. This PMs bull market will see the ratio at below 20:1. To the doubting folks, silver has just shown what it is capable of, at $50 and 30:1. This is a precursor only. As Pixel has pointed out, this correction is a good time to get some silver mining shares for cheaper. This is what I will focus on for the time being, as well as some uranium miners. Then, when the ratio goes back high enough, I will swap gold bullion back for silver again, to get the next ride up. I will not overtrade this though.
  8. 2008 reloaded (nowhere near spot for retail bullion...)? The ratio almost at 37 now. At 60:1 I would convert back to Silverfinger.
  9. I am pondering here too. But if you want really cheap, look at uranium mines.
  10. Spiritual levels of volatility, were Sinclair's words. That's what we'll get.
  11. Today is a paper charade only. Tomorrow the LBM will have to confirm this. I don't say it won't happen. IMO, silver will become a super-strong buy should the ratio fall back to 60:1 levels.
  12. This is it, we've entered the period of high volatility, as Sinclair has predicted a long time ago. And, as usual, posting a rocket has stopped the ascent.
  13. I start to think that silver breaking $50 could lead to a real short squeeze. I mean the kind of $100/oz up in a week's time.
  14. That's the shorts' perspective, BTW. They get burned.
  15. Silver's making a comeback right now.
  16. Yes, and the biggest cash market (LBM) is closed today.
  17. The CoNmex must be cr@pping their pants for such a huge margin increase. Some hedgies must smell the bl00d now, I would think.
  18. Oh, uh, Osama has been killed, no wonder silver had to drop. The margin increase is an embarrassment to CONmex IMHO. They should just shut shop and let the spot markets take over.
  19. A fund possibly sold proportionally both metals. The funny thing is that gold first went up, only to lose again immediately. It seems almost as if silver is leading here. Very interesting. Need to go to bed, but this is gonna stay interesting tomorrow.
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