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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. That's how it is over here too. Although, I had control over taking my UK pension claims (when I abandoned ship) and putting them into a SIPP with GoldMoney, so I turned that into bullion too. By doing this, I have essentially already added another 50% of my contribution time in service in comparison to just leaving the claims dormant. Gold is literally "working" for me... EDIT: WAIT, I don't own property, I rent.
  2. How would you do that without them noticing?
  3. I sort of can't see how gold wouldn't blast through $2,000 like a hot knife through butter anytime soon. But then, I can't see how gold can be sub-$5,000 right now anyway.
  4. Maybe the lows have been in now, and we go towards $50 here? I wouldn't bet against it.
  5. Hmmm, the "resolution" of the Euro crisis should actually make gold jump again, because how couldn't it be (hyper-)inflationary? There is no solution except for crash & burn or extend & pretend (= PRINT). So, it is clear what your local politico will prefer. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-25/gold-may-gain-for-a-third-day-as-europe-debt-woes-spur-demand.html
  6. I have only just listened to a FSN interview with Axel Merk (Merk hard currencies funds) from Sep. 16 or so. Anyway, it seemed so desperate to try and jump from one swirling turd onto the one next to it while they're all going down the toilet at the same time. Maybe he should just convert it all to a Merk Gold Fund -- problem solved.
  7. The question is how big "big" has to be. The big buying opp. was gold sub-$600 (or, say, sub-$1000). The big selling opp. will be, who knows, 5-digits or something. So, all the noise inbetween you could comfortably ignore (miss) and go swimming instead.
  8. Many fail to grasp the dynamic aspect of this whole downfall. All figures I have ever put out as possible targets for the gold price have been status quo figures. They could easily double, triple, etc. depending on the prevailing insanity of the politicos in power.
  9. http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/10/19_KWN_Special__Dollar_Devaluation_Coming,_Gold_to_be_Revalued.html
  10. Yes, weather extremes or always the same weather is IMHO worse than a good mix. Rain is what makes the fields and forests so green once the sun is out and the sky is blue again. There are many nice places in this world, and in the past I have lived long enough in the UK to know that there are places of insane beauty. Now I live back in my home country in a place where almost any evening I just have to think to myself how fudging idyllic it is. But still I miss the UK and other places that I have been to every now and then. It always depends on your circumstances: job, family, age, ...
  11. So, I conclude, a Volkswagen Passat is a symbol of a vehicle?
  12. Gold is not a symbol of money: gold is money.
  13. All this BoE QE just to keep house prices from falling off the cliff. Meanwhile, house prices in gold are in a free fall. Houses will stay a sucker investment for years to come when compared with gold.
  14. Look, if you were the Chinese government and you were sitting on $3 Trillions of useless crappola, you'd have an unlimited buy order at $1,600 too.
  15. "Better late than never" applies to some on here too. 6 months late isn't all that much on an over 10-year time span.
  16. Isn't it lovely that they leave such a nice trace for everyone to see?
  17. 100% my sentiment. We are in the biggest financial crisis, the biggest paper money crisis ever, and people throw away their gold and silver, and they say "only for a short time", but during this time they completely rely on and trust in Ben, Jean-Claude, the JPMorgue, and similar. Only a complete nutbag* would do such a thing. (* paper bug)
  18. The sheeple and the manic traders had a few scary moments over the past few days. Only financial ignoramuses are getting out of physical positions in the midst of the biggest paper money crisis ever. Don't be such a fool. Don't be a headless manic chicken. Now is the time to buy more. Now is the time to maybe swap some gold for silver. Now is the time to buy mining shares. The short of PMs are trying to paint a certain picture in the weekly closing price. Don't fall for it. Just have a look at the usual suspects. Who is short of silver? Who sold you those $30 silver calls 2 years back? Oh yes, these guys have been burning in financial hell and they desperately try to get out. If you're a manic headless chicken, they'll do it on your back. Don't be a manic headless chicken.
  19. U.S. money velocity is at a historic low (for data since 1959). So, all the naysayers and fiat money bugs that think gold can only do well under inflation: at least from a velocity point of view inflationary pressure is at historic lows. Now, the problem is of course that MZM money supply itself is meanwhile going ballistic. So, when money velocity will get back to normal, and then beyond, you will see inflation that will scare the **** out of you. And I think this is when we will get to know the real nature of this gold bull market. http://gold.approximity.com/since1959/US_Money_Velocity_LOG.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1959/US_MZM.html See also http://gold.approximity.com/The_Mother_Of_All_Velocity_Explosions.html
  20. Oops. http://gold.approximity.com/gold_charts.html http://gold.approximity.com/since2001/UK_House_Prices_in_Gold.html
  21. So, essentially good old Georgieboy is doing what I do with my monthly new investments.
  22. Ben Davies on King World News said that the one steep drop in gold happened five minutes before the Swiss announcement, which of course was extremely bullish for gold because all those holders of Swiss Fraenkli have to panic-buy gold now as they realize that the Franc is just another fiat turd. Manipulation?
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