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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. 40 years of post USD-gold standard indoctrination pay off. The sheeple want more paper (for now).
  2. New all time highs in currencies important to many/most of us, but still a lot of bearishness around, in particular the Dr. I'd say gold is still climbing the wall of worry here, as it has for a very long time.
  3. A very uneducated opinion. Disregard.
  4. I think there are people on here who know more about it than me. Generally, you can hold gold in a SIPP through e.g. BullionVault or GoldMoney. I don't think they let you store it at home! You need a SIPP administrator. You can find some through GM's and BV's pages AFAIK: http://goldmoney.com/de/gold-sipp.html http://www.goldsipp.com/bullionvault_sipps.do
  5. Another thought: - The US tried to de-monetize gold in 1971 and did so to some extent. - Oil took over from gold over the next decade or so. - In the 90s, gold was dead, oil was the game. - In the commodities rise so far, oil has seen the devastating sell-off (in 2008), not so much gold. => Thesis: the 1974 gold crash has been repeated in oil in 2008. It therefore won't happen in gold.
  6. It's that time of the year... Thanksgiving is behind us. GOM is not here anymore, but he was looking forward to it. EDIT: Ho, ho, ho!
  7. This is disputable. With QE to infinity declared and practiced openly by the two major global central banks, the fundamentals have seen a seismographic shift since the last gold corrections.
  8. 200 oz has now been broken very decisively to the downside. (I can't believe how precisely this chart is following my years old arrow. )
  9. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/UK_H...PI-adj_LOG.html
  10. Gold has been flatlining over the past 1.5 days. Is something brewing? EDIT: Thanksgiving, of course!
  11. Wait! If it disappears into nothing here, won't it then appear out of nothing somewhere else?
  12. It's pretty significant, and that in the face of a strong gold price given the pseudo-good news of the Irish bailout. The shorts are done, we will reap the profits soon IMHO. I would not attempt swapping before 40:1, but then my very old prediction of 35:1 might come true. If JPMoron really throws in the towel and goes TU on silver, then "all bets are off".
  13. Listening now. Playing with a Libertad and an Eagle.
  14. Breakout!? Top callers and Pied Paper Pipers, what now? Jim Sinclair
  15. http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2010/11/22...dard-is-flawed/ ... What’s more, since the flaw has now been declared, Duncan believes the world should expect the Fed or the US to do something about it relatively soon. ...
  16. The idiots who come up with these kind of headlines would not even notice a real bubble until the exact moment that they lost their dot.com portfolio or got their BTL empire repossessed.
  17. IIRC, Volcker himself said that he would not be able to raise rates now as he had back then. It is obvious.
  18. Even if so, the effect on gold could/would be delayed, and the rise would have to be so substantial that the Western world would pretty much collapse instantly.
  19. Trader Dan Norcini: http://jsmineset.com/2010/11/19/hourly-act...trader-dan-377/
  20. I think Sinclair is talking his own $1,650 book here. This is no way like late 1979. It's not even like 1974 yet (see charts below). http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN..._Violently.html
  21. For me it was enough to just walk down a normal shopping street when I moved to the UK earlier this decade. Every n-th (n<10?) shop was a mortgage broker of some kind. I had never seen anything like it: the whole economy was circling around ever increasing house prices. I then understood that it was doomed.
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