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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=aE3XgycC1fhk Well, I guess 1-2 years ago would have been better.
  2. Some pics of the treasure (5 kg gold, 1.3 kg silver): http://www.spiegel.de/fotostrecke/fotostrecke-47046.html
  3. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=aXe9QqyAM40s U.S. Existing Home Sales Unexpectedly Fell in August to 5.1 Million Rate Ah. Totally unexpected. That's a nice euphemism.
  4. I think we'll go back to the October 2008 situation pretty soon (see Merv's and Ali D.'s comments recently). They'll print like crazy to paper over this.
  5. I'd agree. Classical bullion bank rascality and hedgies/blackbox retardedness.
  6. I might do that on a very limited scale below 35:1. +1.
  7. Don't count your chickens yet. Especially if you have deflationist tendencies, you might end up with less chickens than expected anyway (chicken deflation). Hmmm, $993, is this ALL they have??
  8. $993. I guess the "green $h1tes" are flying high, or the deflationists have entered naked gold shorts.
  9. Gold at $998, from $1,018 a couple of hours ago. Beautifully plotted plunge. Gold bugs, don't worry. China is on your side. Keep the (long term) perspective. Keep in mind that the people who are selling are either short term traders or people who fundamentally don't understand the financial mess we're in. Traders, good luck!
  10. The shield design is somewhat rare, I think. The standard is that Georgie-boy massacres the poor animal.
  11. GOM, I guess I don't quite understand what you mean by "nothing else just St George". I think the backs of my Sovs all look like this. I have no shield designs. Victorias, yes, there is the older queen and the younger one. Just like the Elizabethians. If I'm not wrong there might be more than two different ages, but I don't care too much anyway about how old that gold is.
  12. GOM is clearly new to Sovs. After all, they have been like this since 1817! http://www.goldsovereigns.co.uk/modernsovereign.html
  13. The London AM Gold Fixing was at $1,014, i.e. no one is willing to separate from gold for less than $1,014/oz this morning.
  14. What we see is blackbox/technical nonsense struggling with fundamentals. Volatility for now, but fundamentals will rule in the end. The last 4 hours have been purely Dollar driven. The Chinese will sooo sell into this Dollar rally.
  15. The chart below is detailed enough to see that breaching $100 was a picnic in the park when compared with the dance around $1,000. After $100 had been taken, it became ultimate support. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_USD_LOG.html
  16. That's correct. Sorry, should have paid more attention. No backwardation yet.
  17. Maybe cg has called a major turn in the gold situation here? We'll see. You got to be in it to win it.
  18. If you're a forced seller then there is nothing to regret.
  19. Yes, interesting. In the past, he says, such readings were quite negative. But he also thinks that some kind of black swan could mean the exact opposite. Well, well, we've been there before. All I'll do is that if silver goes down to $10 I'll back up the truck with 1kg Koalas.
  20. So, you think places like e.g. Argentina didn't first have asset deflation and some even CPI-deflation(!) , and only then went hyper? Think twice! Similar thing in Weimar Germany, by the way. Don't get confused by flawed Keynesian demand thinking. Supply matters just as much, as Steve Netwriter pointed out. On top of that, the plunging demand for the currency might matter more than the demand for goods at the time. Argentinian CPI: Argentinian stocks:
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