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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. LMAO! EDIT: He might be right in the end (against my own expectations). Give it some time, maybe you abandoned him too early. EDIT2: This is critical. 23 years might not be enough to draw such a conclusion. All these years, gold has been suppressed by the 'Cartel'. Maybe it is breaking free now.
  2. :lol: But seriously, keep us posted how Hoye's advice is working out. The problem all these guys have is that you can't write a newsletter every week/month that just says "buy gold and silver and hold". So they encourage you to trade. So, naturally, sooner or later, you'll lose your shirt.
  3. You might have missed the train now. You got to be in it to win. Short term trading is for Google and Enron.
  4. I still wonder if anyone has made some effort to identify what these charts actually show. Application of some TA could be quite interesting.
  5. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold...catter_LOG.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/DJIA...catter_LOG.html
  6. The Grumpy-Old-Bird ("StoneTheCrows") is also still around, I see. Regarding RK, he is not wrong in mentioning that interest or dividend matters. However, the downturns for instance in the Dow:Gold ratio are usually so strong that dividend does not matter so much, i.e. the buy/sell signals would be essentially the same even if one used a total return index instead.
  7. Very good news for house prices. They're going to go lower. Great for anyone who wants to own a house (i.e. 100% of the population). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/persona...king-Group.html
  8. Only much more delusion, because the government spouts nonsense along the line that they will try and sustain the bubble! They even took some half-hearted action pointing into this direction. You could not make this stuff up!
  9. I remember that name. What is his point of view?
  10. John Reade, who else could be behind it? If I worked at UBS and was up to the eyes in gold shorts*, what would I tell Ambrose to write? *This is only an assumption, in all fairness. But isn't he kind of a perma-bear? Can we find out what UBS has in gold shorts?
  11. http://jsmineset.com/2009/09/13/in-the-news-today-310/
  12. Much less in the general stock market (consumer stocks).
  13. That's why there is a central bank first place. Anyway, the money will find it's way into something, e.g precious metals.
  14. Someone's stash. This guy is ready for the hyperinflation, I would say. http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=29413
  15. Prices in Las Vegas. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2009/sep/1...s-condo-prices/
  16. Here is a close-up: http://gold.approximity.com/1979-1980/DJIA-Silver-Ratio.html Let's assume history repeats with the Dow dangling at 5,000-10,000. That would mean $250/oz-$500/oz silver for a few weeks.
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