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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. Actually, I was just wondering about this today driving back from work since I'm going to buy more silver soon.
  2. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  3. Nice one, thank you. And, yes, I like those Aussie nuggets too. I think I will buy a few more Aussie SILVER coins soon.
  4. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html David Morgan said on FSN last weekend that there is something like 100 times more paper silver than real physical silver. Buy physical.
  5. FTSE 100 -- not really all that good over the past 10 years. http://gold.approximity.com/since1999/FTSE...Gold-Ratio.html
  6. The Cartel wants you to believe that this is a quintuple top and the price will only go down from here. :lol: http://gold.approximity.com/since2007/Gold_USD.html To me, that looks like something that is ready to pop. And I don't think the direction will be downwards.
  7. GOP, this site is sometimes useful, but GEI has much better quality posts/posters. Good luck with your decision. I am in the middle of making one too.
  8. Bubb, I think you are spot on. People who are flexible enough are possibly going to leave the UK altogether (I don't exclude myself here). If the rumors are true that Lloyds will shed 40,000 jobs (Lloyds/HBoS have 140,000 altogether, I think, so this is less than 1/3), if you think that RBS will have to do something very similar sometime soon, you can only imagine what this will do for house prices in London, Edinburgh and the surroundings. And most of these people won't find new jobs IMO. Add rising interest rates to that mix, and voila.
  9. I heard that too and was amazed. It's pretty bullish. Some of the equilibrium prices floating out there could be much higher.
  10. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Silv...BP_RPI-adj.html
  11. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=a2CB8KFfL3tw
  12. Not so sure. Here the same chart logarithmic: http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/UK_H...n_Gold_LOG.html
  13. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-calj...0,6076386.story
  14. http://www.summit.co.za/video/face2face/20090710 In this recent interview Sinclair says that it is historically firm that the price of gold will maximize between Jan. and June 2011, referring to Armstrong. Does anyone believe so as well? It seems pretty early to me. I would say 2012 earliest to 2015.
  15. If this happened, I'd prefer to watch it from outside the country.
  16. Sounds like a realistic guess of where the price will go in the very near future.
  17. How can everyone tell it's gold? What if it is some kind of brass, just like the EUR 50/20/10-cents coins?
  18. Jim Willie seems a little hysteric in times, seems to get factual things sometimes wrong, and spreads funny rumours (the embassy thing, which I do not believe). In terms of used cars, I would treat him in the same league as Bob Chapman: don't buy.
  19. Here some information on why gold coins around 7g-8g (1/4 oz) are so popular (they're just the ancient Roman standard size). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aureus This is in line with: http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/archive/e...coins/index.htm Which implies 7.27g for one aureus. This was standard size of a Roman gold coin in the early years (before their great inflation), which is why the British Sovereign weighs 8g or 7.32g/0.2354oz gold content and similarly the German 20 Mark (Goldmark) weighs 7.965g or 7.17g/0.2305oz gold content. So, in a way, we are still on the Roman gold standard (a very sensible thing to do). An aureus would be a soldier's monthly salary. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denarius So, 1/40 to 1/45 Roman pounds of gold (an aureus) where worth 25/72 to 25/87 Roman pounds of silver (a denarius). The Roman gold:silver ratio was therefore between 13.9:1 and 12.9:1, which is also very sensible. http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk/archive/e...coins/index.htm
  20. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2009/jul/1...e-loans-dropped Great! 125% for everyone!! 100% guaranteed. I suggest 200% IR only mortgages to anyone who wants it in order to get this market moving. Seriously, how idiotic are these people?
  21. 50%? Bring it on! Why not 70% sometime soon? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/persona...pc-not-9pc.html No kidding! Why would anyone want this? Houses, just like electronic gadgets, should be as cheap as possible such that everyone can afford them and live happily thereafter.
  22. The Scottish property market, especially in Edinburgh, must be imploding - despite reports claiming the opposite. In the good old bubble days, there would only be one thing on ESPC: "Offers Over". Then everything went into gridlock: "Fixed Price". Now, on their webpage, they have introduced $h1te like "Offers Around" and "In The Region Of". Are you kidding me? The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire. Burn, MOFO, burn (is what I tell the Scottish property market)! From:
  23. I don't think he would sell at any price below $100.
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