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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. I don't think this is an issue. But I'd prefer 1kg Kookaburras.
  2. Wow. Let's watch this closely. ("Read my lips" kind a thingy here.) http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=aLGYMr_g7PSg And I thought they were already doing it...
  3. Japan II?? If the Fed throws in the towel, and politicians don't override it, then it won't be Japan II. It will simply be GAME OVER! IMO FreeTrader is now buying gold with both hands. :lol: Bernanke will have to announce more Weimar action soon. The market will duly react Weimaresk. It's going to be an event.
  4. Exactly! Oh dear. So much ignorance: Then why do central banks hold massive amounts of it? Then why is almost all ever mined gold still around (a property only a monetary asset would show)? Oh dear, even more ignorance. Better do some reading on silver and its present applications. Better do more reading on its physical properties, like being the most reflective of all metals etc.
  5. These bounces off $1,000 get more and more ridiculous by the day. Everyone knows this. Once gold will have crossed $1,000, there will be a lot of catching up to do with the price. People like - what's his face, the Scottish dude - will come out of the woods and will want to buy the stuff. I won't sell to them.
  6. TA is for losers in this greatest financial disaster of all times. In the coming hyperinflation, gold will be THE most overbought thing this planetary system has ever seen.
  7. See also the hyperinflation thread where I posted it last night.
  8. Silver's had enough (and has left this chart for good).
  9. Thanks for this comparison. We should keep in mind that this bust/collapse is much worse than anything (financial) that happened in the 70s or 20s.
  10. For comparison: http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/UK_H...es_in_Gold.html http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/GBPUSD.html According to these charts, gold was worth $200 in 1970, and $1,000 today, i.e. today it is 5 times more expensive. But for some reason, it won't buy me 5 times more house. Given that the pound back then was $2.50, we should in fact get 8 times more house! Indeed, I seem to get approx. the same amount of house. How can this be???????????? Conclusion: flush the inflation adjusted chart down the toilet. The numbers are rigged. Gold is still massively undervalued.
  11. I promise that I will buy the entire world gold stock at $0.00/oz. I will define the price at $100,000/oz the day after. This should create some sort of equilibrium with the $100 trillion US Gov black hole.
  12. The little detour seems to be over. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  13. Buckle up! The artificial sell-off looks as if it was over. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  14. This is some posters' problem on here: they want to hear and spread the gold negative. Some on here talk constantly about it going down soon (so they can buy more ). Apparently they'll never buy more because it always will go down soon. I advise these people to buy US treasuries. You got to be in it to win it!
  15. Good luck with Dollars! I just don't get all this nickel picking in front of steam rollers that is going on on this forum.
  16. I will possibly buy more palladium next week.
  17. No. Slow buying and taking delivery will kill the shorts. No meltdown of any dramatic and fast kind is needed for this.
  18. This is and will be 100% irrelevant. Why are people always so keen on finding reasons why gold could/would/should fall? IMHO, the above is total nonsense. Everyone who read this forum here for more than a month and who will still miss the gold & silver train has to be pitied.
  19. What will happen IMO is that at a later stage EUR and GBP will fall massively against USD, but XAU and XAG will stay up in USD terms, i.e. massive appreciation in EUR and GBP terms.
  20. Gold now over $970. Gold will be 'done' once it is north of $6,000/oz, but only if no hyperinflation occurs. And this is a big IF.
  21. Looks as if we are on the way to $1,200-$1,300 now. As for Turdling, it should go back on its way to under $1.00 now that it has briefly sniffed air in the $1.60 region. Silver could go to 40:1 or 35:1 with gold if this is the next major leg up. Don't sell any, don't trade any. You got to be in it to win it.
  22. There is no bullion production from the official side in Germany, neither in gold, nor in silver. The commemorative coins are for losers (investment-wise).
  23. Have all shorters and traders uploaded this tune onto their iPods by now? They'll need it. They're done. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
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