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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. It's a bunny, not an elephant! At the moment they do. This stuff is beautiful. Even my wife thinks so. At these ridiculous prices I simply have to get more of them.
  2. The Easter Bunny must be Australian. This is what it had in store for GoldSilverfinger.
  3. Why don't wait for £1? That would be even lower!
  4. Oh dear! http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/UK_H...ces_in_EUR.html
  5. Overall, gold at $800-$1,000 just seems to be a massive base for the next move up. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Gold_USD_LOG.html
  6. Coiling pattern developing. (Again!) http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html Magnified: http://gold.approximity.com/since2006/Gold-Silver-Ratio.html
  7. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/persona...-recession.html Number of grown-up children returning to live with parents triples amid recession Oopsy. --->> OVERSUPPLY!
  8. http://jsmineset.com/index.php/2009/04/08/...-trader-dan-99/ Call me Silverfinger!
  9. ? On CID they were the cheapest option when I bought recently (cheaper than any other 1oz coin or a 1kg bar).
  10. Yes, I would wait for Prechter's $200/oz.
  11. Quite the other way round: a huge premium of complacency is priced into gold, making up the 90%-95% that is missing in the price to bring it to a level that would be appropriate given the state of finances in the world ($10,000/oz to $20,000/oz).
  12. No, but here are some considerations going back to 1912 (in the US). http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...mp;postcount=69
  13. There is not one "level". There are many indicators that have to be watched. The more indicators will get ticked off, the more I will start to average out. But we are far from that. Indicators are e.g. house-gold ratio, DJIA-gold ratio, real rates of interest, M3-gold ratio, etc. Nominal price is irrelevant (especially in Zimbabwe). http://goldismoney.info/forums/showthread.php?t=195370
  14. Never understood why we needed a new thread when the old one was so good. Bless it! This thread would be the longest ever, and I was the father of it. Darn it! I missed my chance/ticket to celebrity.
  15. The BTL margin call bell is ringing loud. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/cdc24a48-2078-11...144feabdc0.html EDIT: This is it for BTL IMO. This is the death knell. The end is now approaching rapidly.
  16. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/UK_H...es_in_Gold.html
  17. I'll use these "green shots" to buy more gold and silver at the present rock bottom prices.
  18. I think if most people had done their necessary buying, there would be not gold at all available, or only at a price of +$20,000/oz.
  19. No, not, because when the IMF sells the price will spike up (as has happened before). This gold will never see the market anyway and will go straight into China's coffers.
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