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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. This figure ^^ most definitely has a bottom.
  2. It will be over because when the gold pattern fails, then all will be good again and the central banks will stop printing money immediately! :lol:
  3. Bloomberg: Silver Beats Gold for First Time Since 2006 on Refuge (already removed from the front page) http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...&refer=home Call me Silverfinger. http://gold.approximity.com/since1968/Silv...BP_RPI-adj.html
  4. I thought money arrives same day now? I have ordered some bars from them recently and they kept to the weekend price. In general price must be confirmed, the web page is only an indicator when you put in an order.
  5. This it what houses did in 1980 (in gold terms). 60 oz was the absolute (daily) bottom. http://gold.approximity.com/1979-1980/UK_H...es_in_Gold.html And this here is what they did in silver (1,000 oz). http://gold.approximity.com/1979-1980/UK_H..._in_Silver.html
  6. It's very important to let HBoS go bust. As I said in the post above, the system otherwise becomes defunct. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/pro...icle5818185.ece
  7. I feel sympathy and I think it is sad, but it's more the kind of sadness a professor feels when failing a student. It's sad, but necessary, otherwise the whole system becomes defunct.
  8. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/money/pro...icle5818185.ece We own this cr@p. I don't want to!
  9. Incredibly sad story. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/200...ng-repossession
  10. Which is funny since the London AM Fixing is where one would think the bullion music really plays. Sinclair is right in saying that the most leveraged market rules (the COMEX). Stop the COMEX from price manipulation. Take delivery and remove the bullion from COMEX warehouses.
  11. Just for info. Posted by "MAGNUM P.M.'s twin bro" on GIM http://goldismoney.info/forums/showpost.ph...postcount=25897
  12. I seriously think we have the best priced flat in town anyway, even now with the rent increase. I think I got lucky becaused the flat came unfurnished, and most people only would have furniture when they owned a flat, i.e. there was NO demand for this type of flat. If I moved out, in order to really improve, I would almost have to pay double.
  13. My rent went up this month. But for the last 4.5 years I have paid so little, I felt ashamed anyway.
  14. Yes. If the currency is sort of stable at the time, this might be the time to start averaging out.
  15. Yes, some still feel very smug. I wonder what they will choose to sacrifice: Sterling or the homeowners? So far it seems to be Sterling, but let's wait and see.
  16. You would just make a GoldMoney payment i.e. an instantaneous transfer of physical gold or silver.
  17. Hey cg, I agree on that one. I also think that the idea that gold MUST sell of every time it reaches $1,000 will go horribly, horribly wrong one nice & sunshiny day. Some people who gambled and got out will then be waiting for a re-entry point forever, and they will possible get Weimarized shortly afterwards with all their STR funds. Trading this market is too risky IMHO. Steamroller, nickels, etc.
  18. Nice headline. Why is the Government using our money to bribe a bank to puff up a new house price bubble? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-...ice-bubble.html
  19. http://jsmineset.com/index.php/2009/02/24/...-trader-dan-72/
  20. http://jsmineset.com/index.php/2009/02/24/...-trader-dan-72/ Indian demand won't matter at all when the West will finally wake up.
  21. The idiots are back in town. This dance around the round number is so ridiculous. If the price goes down substantially, I'll possibly add to my position some more gold rather than silver or palladium. You have to love the blackboxes, sheeple sellers, and the Cartel. EDIT: Anyone who tries to trade this should read up on nickels and steamrollers.
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