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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. This would be a gold butt then (see file name). http://mediaoutrage.files.wordpress.com/20...m-gold3butt.jpg
  2. Don't you have to love the spin Nationwide is allowed to spout out? http://www.nationwide.co.uk/hpi/historical/Jan_2009.pdf
  3. On a greater scale irrelevant. This doesn't mean that we don't want to hear about the volumes if someone knows.
  4. As my post above shows, this is totally irrelevant.
  5. Let's analyze this. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...ticle661055.ece 5% of this is $6.25 trillion. At $900/oz this could buy 6.9 billion ounces or 216,000 tonnes. BUT: http://www.galmarley.com/framesets/fs_comm...ntials_faqs.htm In other words, a very modest 5% of the world's wealth back in 2000 would buy almost double the amount of all gold that has ever been mined at today's prices. This clearly means that essentially NO ONE is interested in gold at the moment (volume-wise). Or, expressed differently, a very small percentage of the worlds wealth moving into gold would propel the price to incredible levels. We might live to see it.
  6. Wait for the 60 pages gold supplements in your local newspaper first.
  7. Yes. Prices would be in the 5 figures if this was the case.
  8. It felt like it back then, didn't it?
  9. I would prefer Roulette. But generally I do not gamble anyway.
  10. http://news.silverseek.com/SilverInvestor/1232693400.php
  11. I agree that the gold price spike in Sterling can't go on forever (it would be unnatural). One should not buy in such a period really. Much better to buy on dips or in sideway periods (which we had over many many months). However, this is psychologically difficult for some people. Regarding the deflation bit, I disagree. I fear a supply shock and price shock at the same time. So, inflation might come back big time. If not, take it as an opportunity and buy gold on the cheap should the price dip substantially, because the fundamentals are in place and it's only a matter of time for them to rule.
  12. I would be looking into buying at a discount then.
  13. Talking of TA, had Ker 'predicted' the recent move? Or rather just the opposite, down to $500 etc.? Might still come, of course.
  14. Silver Sammy had no showing recently as far as I know. http://gold.approximity.com/gold-silver_watch.html
  15. Interesting pattern in the ratio: http://gold.approximity.com/since2006/Gold-Silver-Ratio.html See also:
  16. You gotta be in it to win it. Buy on dips and when gold ranges sideways. Then relax. http://gold.approximity.com/since2006/Gold_GBP.html
  17. How safe will anything be (especially in your house)?
  18. It is physical when stored with GoldMoney. Also, they have a payment system. So, if I want to buy a house or car in the future and no one trusts paper currencies anymore, I will tell them to open an account with GoldMoney too, and I will transfer physical metal to their account.
  19. I buy cheap physical through GoldMoney at crooked COMEX prices. Retail silver is too expensive for now (given that I have loaded up on coins before the schisma happened).
  20. Yes. NO one will be thinking of buying houses when they will have reached 50 oz. They will be known as the greatest possible dog of an investment. The 'property precipice' will be on people's mind, not the ridiculous 'ladder'.
  21. The old low in house prices from the 1980s was around 80 oz. This bubble that is popping right now is way more massive. We could easily see 50 oz. But that's just my opinion. I think 100 oz is a given.
  22. As long as the ratio is this high, I will mostly buy silver, or palladium.
  23. The average UK house price is now 234 oz of gold, down from almost 700 oz in 2004.
  24. Yes, it's very sad. How many employees of Inside Track have been sent to prison so far?
  25. There is no doubt in my mind that gold will go much, much higher. The nominal price of gold will possibly go beyond our wildest imaginations anyway. From that perspective, this is a sad day because I can afford less gold at these prices with my present income. FFS, only two years ago I could save double the amount of gold every month.
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