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Everything posted by G0ldfinger

  1. (1) I usually try not to insult anyone. (2) I am no real believer in TA, especially not if it isn't paired with a very healthy dose of fundamental analysis. (3) People on this board know exactly where I stand. I provide the charts as an alternative view to the 'standard' charts. They also provide a good big picture overview IMO. (4) Yes, only bullish TA is acceptable! :lol:
  2. Absolutely. We're in the right one. I don't think it will last longer than 1-2 years. Could be much shorter indeed.
  3. These charts actually belong together, and make the picture slightly clearer.
  4. And I thought the CRIMEX worked fine and the price of gold is cheap and no one wants to have it.
  5. They've run out of gold too. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Bullio...how/3674557.cms
  6. Does anyone know what the realistic fees are for larger volume trading in the LBM? E.g. goldinvestdirect offers fees down to 0.4%, BV goes even lower for larger quantities I think. But what would be the costs for a larger transaction (say north of 10,000oz) in the market directly, e.g. if a private person wanted to store the stuff with Viamat or Brinks?
  7. Tztz, no conspiracy theories please. That's just natural off-selling of gold that occurs every time interest rates get panic-cut by 33%.
  8. No one said that. Sash666 and you made this up.
  9. I did not say government. You should read up on how banks/funds try to influence investors in chat rooms/forums etc. Even Jim Cramer admitted publicly to this. I am really worried that you don't know anything about this. EDIT: Governments influence more directly, e.g. like the prime minister issues cr'p like "the banks are safe" etc.via the BBC. Even more worrying IMHO!
  10. I think it was mentioned by Eric King on FSN. However, it seems indeed as if Venezuela is getting more desperate.
  11. I think they're oil production cost is north of $80 if I heard that right. Then this would makes sense. However, $80 seems high.
  12. I would love to know how Paulson will restructure his private portfolio now that it soon won't underly any scrutiny anymore. 100% gold?
  13. Azazel, your inbox is full. Anyway, 2011-12 was always like a minimum investment horizon for me. It could take longer. But the picture will be much clearer by then, while at the moment the deflation/inflation confusion is blocking the views.
  14. It looked as if it was going to explode. Then something weird happend, and the physical retail market totally disconnected from the CRIMEX. Similar with gold. If I was a bullion bank and millions/billions short gold, what would I do? I would create a massive paper sell-off, and then I would send some of the crooks who work for me into forums and let them pretend to have superior TA knowledge so that all the insecure suckers would follow them... It's all about expectation management. The crooks want to destroy proper expectations. Like, another bank goes bust, and gold sells off etc. People always need others to follow. It's so easy. The fundamentals will rule. Maybe sooner, maybe later. The important thing is to be patient. EDIT: Should this post be in the conspiracy thread? I don't want people to think I'm a nutter.
  15. rich The US has something close to $100tn in unfunded liabilities. Furthermore, the longterm DJIA:gold cycle seems to hint to a bottom below 2:1, maybe even below 1:1. No need to be confused. Forget short term trading, though. It might wipe you out.
  16. I'd say gold deserves one today (Guy Fawkes day anyway tomorrow):
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