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Everything posted by warpig

  1. Happy New Year all! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbzgaQmn4Go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8MLqYNGKdI
  2. It is a buying opportunity, but I try and pick the lowest price if possible. What's been happening to gold and silver for the last 3 months is unprecedented, so you should proceed with caution. Assuming you believe in higher prices for gold, then it doesn't really matter what point of the dip you buy, but if we do get a deflationary scare before the big money supply push, gold prices may dip. If it does happen, don't let it shake you out of your position, i.e. don't become weak hands. Having said that, I firmly believe it's now more about the number of ounces you own rather than the price of each unit. If Gerald Celente says it's going down in Q1 2012, I'm inclined to believe him.
  3. Gold coin prices track the spot price, but the dealers use the AM fix. My advice is to ring around and play them off against each other, additionally you can haggle if you're buying in volume. Good luck with timing the bottom!
  4. http://www.cmegroup.com/tools-information/lookups/advisories/clearing/files/Chadv11-474.pdf
  5. Gold and silver haven't performed under normal market conditions for the last quarter, this is clearly a rigged market. Is this the start of the physical/paper divergence or is this the smack down before the lift off, I'm not sure, but I suspect we are within 10% of the bottom, so I'd have no problems buying physical here.
  6. I guess this is the bottom of the correction then...
  7. You're quite right, I shouldn't have risen to it. "Keep your friends close, but your enemy closer..."
  8. I fully appreciate bullion dealers buy and sell at any price and their business model is based on volume, but suggesting taking profits at 100% is speculating, is it not? Either way, we are teetering on the edge of a financial abyss, do the charts express this in any meaningful way...? No.
  9. The point is you will make more money trading, no one disputes this, the point everyone has tried to make is, you won't get out of your trades until it's too late and then you will lose your profits, because you think this endless carousel of money will go around forever, it won't. Hedging wont save you if your brokerage is vaporised like MF Global. When will this get accepted as reality?
  10. There is nothing magical about 100% when you can sell at [2|3|4|X]00% in the short to medium term. There is a shortage, just look at the COMEX silver inventory, it's in massive decline. I'm not suggesting it's people with allocated accounts that are being conned. I'm suggesting investors who bought paper equivalent silver contracts are distorting the market price, as there isn't a 1:1 ratio of paper to physical. IMO once the COMEX shelves are bare, the price for physical silver will soar. Silver is so critical to sustaining our way of life, I believe Western governments take an active interest in manipulating the price. Given they suppress the price and given the Western financial system is a house of cards, demand for physical is set to soar as there is a scramble for physical assets. I am now more concerned about the number of ounces I have than the price. COMEX SILVER WAREHOUSE
  11. Another way to do it is just to surround the youtube link with the media tags like the example below. This is all the media button does anyway. I've cheated so I could show you how to do it, without it actually showing you just the video, but when you do it, it will show you the video as in underling's post above. Give it another go. [media]http://youtube.com?v=rhv37tOoumI[/media]
  12. I don't understand your way of thinking... The production cost is literally just that, it says nothing about the spot price. There's clearly more of an incentive to sell at higher prices and it's no secret that commodities will go higher with each iteration of QE, which everyone agrees has to happen, why not wait? They've been painting the charts for 4 years, it's as clear as day to me. They don't do it all the time, but they have a tight grasp on the price of silver at the moment with the lead up to 'The European Solution.' When Europe either goes bang or whoosh silver will fly... There already isn't enough physical silver to satisfy production and investment demand, which is why the COMEX operates under a fractional reserve basis.
  13. Here's an old one, not sure if anyone will remember it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x0ClxfAQPg
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAYJE3zVnrE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhaoStDCAZs
  15. Let's be honest, silver should be trading much higher than it is today. Anyone that can't see the manipulation in the markets isn't looking hard enough. The price could go to $15, but you won't be able to buy physical at these prices.
  16. It's possible, but as Britannias and Sovereigns are legal tender, I doubt it's that easy. I'm not sure I follow you Jake, buyers aren't able to charge you capital gains tax.
  17. As I'm sure you know it's only the Britannias and Sovereigns that are CGT exempt, which is why they're recommended. If you don't mind paying CGT on your gold coins when you sell them, then Chinese pandas and US buffalos are nice.
  18. Does anyone know who this is? It sounds like DJ Shadow... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgextQPvF_A&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL Longer version of the song here. http://www.isitetv.c...40169ea-p10.htm
  19. No worries, I can see you fully understand the rules of engagement...
  20. Hmmm... the short term woman, not so easy to deal with.... Then my advice is go along with it, but I suspect you won't be able to find a house with that perfect balance of finish, space, location and community feel... All you've got to do is keep looking for something that doesn't exist... Good luck!
  21. If I was going to drag my heals I would just set my sights too high or if you have children, you could suggest the money saved by not buying now would go towards a deposit for our child when they're older, you'll be the perfect father! I could reel these off all day, if you need anymore let me know!
  22. They can be quite persuasive can't they! Anyway, it sounds like you have a plan, but if you need any help coming up with an excuse let me know...
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