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Everything posted by id5

  1. It is not a problem going through Customs in the UK and most airports as long as you are below the limits. They got changed in December though Euro stays at €15k and GBP increased to £9K because of the parlous state of the GBP, unless you ask Gordon of course and he will say that the UK economy is sound and it individuals honest so we have shown our trust in the people and upped the limit.
  2. It was me and yes I will crunch the results tomorrow and ask for next months predictions
  3. As I posted here some time ago be careful with collodial
  4. Don't worry GOM, it threw me as well... I thought that it was the Baroness's Green Shoots
  5. Lovely aren’t they! Wouldn’t that be a fantastic find in your back garden. They would be made from electrum at an average 18ct and just under 100toz of gold but as TheSnake said the numismatic value will be massive if any are rare.
  6. Stand outside the shop and do it but make sure that there is a big gap behind you to give you space move into when they all start pushing forward to be first to buy
  7. Yes they are restrikes, produced by the offical Mint of the country. Each time the dies are recreated there are very slight differences, finding one that is actually produced in 1915 is nearly impossible. There are collectors that specifically deal in just a single countries ducat, you may find that this one could be one of the more hard to get versions.
  8. There is no longer any extra charge on imports from the US, this was suspended in 2005 but you still cannot import it from Myanmar. You have to pay VAT and unless you get a certificate from HMRC to say that the VAT has been pre-paid or deferred then the courier will charge you the VAT plus a collection fee. see link and link The reality is that if you import coin bring in Eagles or Libertads otherwise bring in bar. Basic silver rounds seem like a good idea but the only place to sell them and get good value are places like eBay. If you buy them for investment, then when you try to sell them on you will get 70% - 80% of the value as they will have to be assayed, bar for assay is better and cheaper to process.
  9. They will be out in late July or August, you can pre-book them with most dealers.
  10. As Yoda says "Hard to see the dark side is"
  11. It depends on where they are in their 'VAT Year' they can only reduce at the start of their 'VAT Year' which may not be aligned with the calendar year.
  12. Thanks for the compliment on the chart The best result on average seems to be buy in the dip that seems to occur about the second week in September and hold until mid May as the lines effectively wrap due to the percentage being reset in Jan, you can see the price wrapping in the earlier charts that I posted. The earlier ones also shown that in some years the increase doesn't occur
  13. The LBMA have the data in GBP here I dump it and other data feeds into an SQL database which allows me to play with analysis cubes and pivots. EDIT: I am glad you liked the graph
  14. You will be able to see it better in the one below, it is another that I also create.
  15. As part of my own end of year research I create a few graphs. These two are specific to gold so I thought that I would post them here for you all to enjoy
  16. GBP had a good day today, first one in a long while and up against all including Gold, Euro and USD. Lets see if it can keep any moment up past next Monday. EDIT: GBP going up made Gold look like it was taking a pounding but it only moved a few USD
  17. The estimates on the number of fake platinum Sovereigns coins that are still in circulation are pretty low, in the thousands rather than the tens of thousands. The coins were a fair replica of the originals. Many of them were spotted because they were a thin layer of plated gold that would wear off on the high points of the coin showing the metal underneath. They do have a numismatic value and a collector of fakes would want one. If you do have one but don’t know that it is a fake then I would not worry too much about it as it is at the moment worth about the same as the real one. Future price depends on the price of platinum and if it drops I would become more concerned about platinum being hidden in the centre of bars of gold rather than coin as they are much easier to produce and harder to spot which is why all gold is melted when it comes back into the chain of integrity that the LBMA uses.
  18. I am thinking back to the seasonality of gold graphs that I produced a while back that showed that POG fell on average in Feb. Does anybody know if you can get this Comex information for spring of the last few years, does the data previous years correlate with Comex figures?
  19. For gold coins and short term storage of silver coins buy yourself zip lock plastic baggies from eBay, the thicker the better. For medium term storage of silver use thick paper envelopes, the small wage slip type is ideal. For long term storage you have to use airtight containers as the salts and oils in the air will in the end send them black.
  20. Libertads are not a very common coin in Europe, if you want a pic of a one take a look here
  21. I just had a response from their Support department and they confirmed that companies need $500,000 as a minimum deposit. That's 600 ounces and would make it beneficial for a company of that size to buy direct from ViaMat and have it stored there as well. Either someone in GoldMoney is being silly and forgetting about all of the small and medium companies that would use their product and do not have savings of $500,000 or the number of companies looking for a gold account has flooded their buying power in the market place as comapnies would generally have greater savings than the average person.
  22. Found it. It doesn't tally up with the statement on the CAP for Companies Form which states a max balance of $250K before extra checking is required. Looks like GoldMoney has made a mistake.
  23. Ziknik, can you send a link to the $500,000 minimum as I cannot see it on the form or web site only maximum thresholds for US/Canadian companies where the directors do not have a passport "These thresholds are currently the equivalent of a USD250,000 balance and USD50,000 turnover per annum respectively" Something is wrong somewhere as there are stating a max balance of $250K and a min balance of $500K
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