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Everything posted by DoctorSolar

  1. An unexpected turn of events means I now have a significant sum of cash in GBP. I have a solid core position in Gold but this weakness just screams buy! None of this waiting for a further dip which might not materialise. Remember when gold was done at 950USD? I am starting to buy more here right now. Pyramid buying a la Stewart Thomson: Gold Battlefield: Think Less. Buy More Even our dear friend Bob Hoye seems to agree with me: Gold and the US Dollar Index
  2. err make that 10% allallan was right just in the wrong direction
  3. On friday our man allallan had the following to say: Well we got out press release and share dropped 7.5%! Ah well such is the way these tiny nano tech stocks on OTCBB
  4. AllAllan reckons there is at least 10% ready to be taken right now if you get in at the open assuming the share opens at 90cents. Still time to get on board I worked as a research scientist for big pharma and as an academic and let me tell you this is getting extremely exciting.
  5. Well it looks like someone at NNVC finally realised they need to revamp the site Well it looks like the press release due on Monday may well boost the price up over a dollar HSGI could be bougth for 0.45USD mid-march.. it is now comfortably over 20USD! If NNVC can get these results moving it could be quite a ride. Quotes taken from: http://allallan.blogspot.com/2009/11/nnvc.html
  6. Pix you are doing a fantastic job collating all this gold news on here. Really helping me keep focused and ignoring the gold bubble top callers. Keep up the good work! Much thanks.
  7. Well I certainly wouldn't go selling a core position or anything like that. A massive thanks to cgnao, G0ldfinger, frizzers, Dr Bubb et al who all got me on to the Gold rocket early. For any small retail investor who is trying maintain his/her standard of living I would say trying to time or trade this market is unwise. If the last 12 months have taught us anything it is that buy and hold is most certainly NOT dead where gold is concerned. Those who tried to get clever trading into USD waiting for "the dip" have just missed out on the last 15-20% move by being unimpressed. Psychologically its difficult but keep accumulating even at these all time highs!
  8. A couple of conference appearances seem to be keeping the stock price up for now: NanoViricides, Inc. to Present at the Nano and Green Tech 2009 http://www.tradingmarkets.com/.site/news/S...20News/2655206/ NanoViricides, Inc. to Present Anti-Influenza Drug Candidate FluCide Studies at the Influenza Congress 2009 http://finance.yahoo.com/news/NanoViricide...ml?x=0&.v=1 Why on earth these guys find it impossible to update their own website with these press releases is beyond me! If they don't produce any new info at these conferences I think we could see a sell off. Price will most likely remain firm until then.
  9. About time too!! I have been studying the Edinburgh market very closely as I did a STR here early 2008. Gold up houses down lovely stuff.
  10. Well I think a massive lesson has just been made here. IF you are looking at investing in gold as a means to preserve your wealth and do not have a sizable core position already DO NOT TRY TO TIME THIS MARKET! The price of gold back in May through August was a gift from god and perhaps one of the last great opportunities to load up at sub £600. All through that time we had various theories as to why gold was going to dip below £500 or even go to £400. We are now just 4% off the all time high in GBP!!!
  11. Care to hazard a guess at what that figure will be in GBP?
  12. Goodness me... the Euro is in trouble. The USD may be due a bounce but is in trouble too. The pound sterling? lets not even go there! Which currency out there is a true store of value then? Or do we have to all stay nibble and be part-time FX traders? Is it any wonder folks are buying gold?
  13. Sadly yes. Perhaps he should listen to what Stewart Thomson of Graceland Updates has to say:
  14. I think we are basically on the same page here RH. I can see the rationale behind your approach and fair play to you. The main difference between our two approaches I can see is I decided not to diversify in to other currencies and eventually be in 100% but only at the best price. I decided to build a position by buying each and every week with GBP regardless of price. Both valid approaches. Would be interesting to see which approach would have netted the most gold today starting from May.
  15. Thanks for posting and before I give my response yes i do think it is important to hear range of opinions and no i do not necessarily think you hold the same opinion as the writer in the article... So lets dissect the writers thinking a little. He thinks gold is overdue a correction. At some point in the future he will most likely be a buyer of gold when he reckons it is the best store of value. So we have yet another gold bottom picker who will wait and wait till we get a correction before buying. But what if we shoot off to 1350 USD from here. A healthy 10% pull back brings us to 1215 USD a clear 10% + higher than where we are today! As our dear Hugh Hendry said "monkeys pick bottoms" I don't think it is too much of a stretch to say he thinks ultimately gold will go higher in nominal terms than it is today. Is it really malinvestment to buy gold today then? I dont think so certainly if you have no gold exposure yet. As i keep saying ad nauseam average small investors should really start building a core position NOW if they haven't done so already. Once a core position is built and someone feels they want to play the market fine by me. I just think it is way too risky to try and time this thing thinking you can get your core at rock bottom prices. Average in and then you might be able to take advantage of such an opportunity.
  16. Correct No mostly keeping some as the rest of my family don't feel comfortable with an all in position and I have to respect that Yes this would be diversifying. No. I think it is quite possible for a calm rational person to come to the same conclusion as Bill Bonner and think anything other than gold seems risky including other currencies due to government policy risk. Fair play to them. I know some who were "waiting for the dip" that was "just around the corner" when gold was at 565 GBP a few months back. At some point you have to acknowledge the dip and get in otherwise you are a "perma gold dip waiter" A lot of people will be 100% in GBP right now. Does that make them perma GBP bulls?
  17. Just to be absolutely clear on this I do not consider myself a "die-hard gold bug". I hold gold through the ups and downs for the same reason many of us small retail investors do namely we don't have enough time on our hands to monitor the markets and are perhaps therefore not nimble enough to benefit from trading swings. We want something that on the balance of probabilities looks like a low risk way of preserving what we have. Can anyone suggest anything else other than gold that on the balance of probabilities will perform this role for the time strapped investor? Swings back and forth will always shake out the weak hands many of whom may be "newbies" but thats always been the case.
  18. Yeah I thought about that one long and hard and from an investors point of view I came to the same conclusion Bill Bonner did, namely that anything other than gold just seems too risky. Sure there will be ups and downs and gold may not do terrifically well in certain currencies for the time being but ultimately in the longer run I believe gold will appreciate in all currencies. The reason being the visible rush to the bottom, and the feeling that if we do get another stock market crash the governments of the world will start employing even more crazy fiscal policy.
  19. Yes i seem to recall this type of statement from Roubini being posted elsewhere here recently. Will try and find them.
  20. Thanks for posting. Anyone know what Roubini's track record on gold has been like? Pretty bold statement from Roubini as he doesn't grapple with: i) the idea that gold is being monetized. Other things will deflate against gold including other currencies ii) the race to the bottom between currencies iii) quantitative easing iv) why precisely are central banks diversifying their foreign reserves? if adding gold adds stability its a sign of monetization why not discuss that? and so on.
  21. Yep I got the wrong end of the stick with this guy at first too. But I spent time and actually read his stuff fully now I get it and really like what he is doing. His hyperbole is clearly just that and it should be obvious to most readers that he knows he is using hyperbole. He obviously has a great way with words and if he can make me laugh and have fun while i am investing then that approach works for me just great. As I said at least if he is wrong i got some comedy genius entertainment out of it
  22. With this guy you just have to understand his verbal style. He is prone to hyperbole but once you know that and understand that he uses that to comic effect you get the picture. He most certainly does not think gold will go up in a straight line and says as much. If you had actually read the whole article you would have noticed he went on to say:
  23. Aw come on RH I think this guy is rather good. The first stuff I read by him turned me off but now I understand his approach better. He is very clear to people that they need to decide if they are a trader or an investor. And in any case if he is wrong at least you will have had a good old laugh reading his material. This guy is comedy genius.
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