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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Haha, Things get really risky when everyone starts thinking like that. But THIS might help to maintain Metro Manila property prices, and especially in Quezon City: First Philippine subway seen pushing up property prices in Metro Manila. https://garyhablero.realtor/news/f/first-philippine-subway-seen-pushing-up-property-prices-in-metro
  2. To be fair, they must have been shocked by the market's reaction. And they were quick in re-thinking. I expect the price to stabilize, and head higher if more good news comes out. Some nervous investors have exited & been replaced GCM ... 10d : C$3.89 +0.32, +8.96% vol. 632,307 (after about 1 million shs. yesterday) GCM.wt.B ... 10d : w/GCM : C$2.02 +0.28, +16.09% vol. 57,800
  3. Gran Colombia Gold Announces C$20,000,000 Convertible Debenture Bought Deal - and Termination of Previously Announced Equity Offering Globe Newswire12:39 PM Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX: GCM, OTCQX: TPRFF) (the “Company” or “Gran Colombia”) announced today it has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters co-led by GMP Securities L.P. and Scotiabank (collectively the “Underwriters”) pursuant to which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase on a bought deal, private placement basis (the “Private Placement”) C$20,000,000 aggregate principal amount of convertible unsecured subordinated debentures at a price of C$1,000 per C$1,000 principal amount of debentures (the “Convertible Debentures”). Gran Colombia also announced the termination of its C$25,000,000 best efforts offering of units, previously announced on March 1, 2019. Serafino Iacono, Executive Co-Chairman of Gran Colombia, commented: “We are very pleased to be replacing the previously announced equity offering with the Private Placement. Given the decline in our share price on Friday, we determined that it would not be in the best interests of Gran Colombia to proceed with the equity offering. Over the last couple years, we have significantly improved the Company, reaching mid-tier status by bringing our annual gold production to 218,000 ounces last year and, as previously disclosed, we expect to produce between 210,000 and 225,000 ounces this year. We have also strengthened our balance sheet and our operating cash flow, providing us with the capacity to continue to internally fund our ongoing exploration, development and capital expenditure programs. In 2018, we were pleased to be able to report our maiden mineral reserve for our Segovia gold project. We believe the Private Placement affords us the opportunity to move ahead with our objective of accelerating the drilling program to significantly add reserves, production and mine life at our high-grade Segovia Operations to strengthen our enterprise value. February has proved to be another solid production month for Gran Colombia, and later this week we expect to finalize and release mineral reserve and resource updates for Segovia. Management continues to believe in the opportunities that lie ahead to grow this Company and intends to subscribe for up to 10% of the Private Placement.” The Convertible Debentures will mature five years and one day after the issuance date (the “Maturity Date”) and will accrue interest at the rate of 8.00% per annum, payable monthly. At the holders’ option, the Convertible Debentures may be converted into common shares of Gran Colombia at any time and from time to time, up to the Maturity Date, at a conversion rate of approximately 210.53 common shares per C$1,000 principal amount, subject to adjustment in certain circumstances, which equates to an initial conversion price of C$4.75, representing a 33% premium to the closing price on the Toronto Stock Exchange on March 1, 2019, for each common share of the Company. The Convertible Debentures will not be listed and will be convertible unsecured obligations of Gran Colombia, subordinated to senior indebtedness of the Company and ranking equally with all present and future unsecured subordinated indebtedness of the Company...
  4. US oriented Conv. Debenture fund BCV / Bancroft Fund Ltd. (NYSE American) ... update : 21.27 Change: +0.05
  5. TURNING Up (like Sh.Composite), or Rolling Down, like SLV might be doing now Three Different Prices ... update : 10d : Cycles - between Silver & Shanghai stocks NOT SURE how useful this indicator will be, but I may follow it for a while. They should both respond to monetary inflation, and China has been showing a dramatic loosening : 10d :
  6. I sold about half my shares on the way up, and kept most of the warrants. May soon replace the shares I sold with warrants, provide the price gets cheap enough
  7. Did Martian Refugees Settle in Antarctica One Million Yrs Ago?
  8. Gold Royalty Co's / RZZ-1 : vs. US Roy'l Co's (rgld, wpm, fnv.t) ... update : 5yr-wGDXJ / 1yr : 10d :
  9. Ely Gold's New Option/Royalty Model Provides Opportunities Ely Gold Royalties Inc. (ELY:TSX.V; ELYGF:OTCQB) has turned the parameters and expectations of a typical project generator around by substituting the traditional joint venture business model with its Option/Royalty Model. ELY ... all-data : Last: $0.17 Trey Wasser, Ely Gold's President and CEO, told Streetwise Reports, "In just three years, Ely Gold, armed with a large database of Western U.S. properties and a growing reputation for generating new underexplored projects, has built a top-quality portfolio of royalties and option properties." The company's partners include majors, mid-tier producers and junior exploration companies. Under Ely Gold's Option/Royalty Model, the company sells 100% of its projects in an outright sale or a four-year option contract. On every property, Ely Gold retains a royalty on future production. . . . Ely Gold's Option/Royalty Model is such a success," Wasser explained, "because in a traditional joint venture model (JV), the 'earn-in' partner will have significant work and financial commitments while on its way to earning only a percentage of the project. The minority partner receives little or no revenue from the transaction yet will still have significant management responsibilities within the JV. In the current market environment where larger companies are cutting budgets and juniors are having difficulty raising capital, the large work commitments for the JV earn-ins are problematic. When the 'earn-in' partner walks away due to participation expenses or lack of market support, the minority partner is returned a partial minority ownership or a perceived 'difficult' project. Even in a successful JV, after earn-in, the junior partner is required to start contributing their share of costs in the JV or be reduced to a net smelter royalty." With Ely Gold's Option/Royalty Model, the option payments are escalating annual payments with a final balloon payment. Should the project partner make the last payment, it earns 100% of the property, and Ely Gold retains a royalty on any future production. If the partner doesn't make the last payment, Wasser explained, "The property is returned to us 100%, thereby allowing us to evaluate the work completed and return the project to our property portfolio." Wasser went on to say, "There are no work commitments. This allows our partners to control their exploration expense according to budget requirements and market conditions. They can maintain the project by simply making the option payments. Our model is much more scalable than the traditional JV model, as we have no property/exploration management responsibilities. This allows us to build a much larger portfolio that is constantly generating new royalties. It also allows us to keep our overhead very low and operate just like a royalty company. This keeps the company's cash flow positive. We, in turn, then can actively seek and purchase additional existing third-party royalties. This is how Ely Gold is transitioning into North America's newest gold royalty company." . . . Wasser also discussed another aspect of Ely Gold's projects. "Besides the favorable structure and data, another important reason for the rapid success of our Option/Royalty Model is the quality of our projects. Our core strength lies in being able to consolidate underexplored land packages for our partners. Some of the best undeveloped properties in Nevada and the Western U.S. have 'conflicting' claims problems that may have existed for years or even decades. We have the ability and patience to get the claim issues resolved and fully consolidate a property package." Wasser went on to explain, "Majors and mid-tier producers won't tackle these title issues. It's simply a level of risk they are not willing to accept these days. We have a distinct advantage because our database includes all the title and ownership history of the properties. In addition, Jerry and Bill have a deep knowledge of the surrounding claim packages and have relationships with the Nevada landowners. Jerry and Bill are two of the most well-known Nevada prospectors and have each been operating in Nevada for over 30 years." "The success of Ely Gold's Option/Royalty Model is evidenced by not only the quality of our partners but by the fact that several partners have purchased multiple projects," Wasser told Streetwise Reports. Using cash flow from its Option/Royalty portfolio, in October 2018, Ely Gold purchased a third-party royalty on Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd.'s (WM:TSX; WC7:FSE) Fenelon Project, located in northern Quebec. Wallbridge is currently conducting a large bulk sample program. "Wallbridge is producing excellent exploration results and has produced over 13,000 ounces of gold from a bulk sample program," Wasser noted. Read more at https://stockhouse.com/opinion/independent-reports/2019/03/01/ely-gold-s-new-option-royalty-model-provides-opportunities#KSzYHfeHAvA5BAV2.99
  10. Assessing the Damage - as we head into PDAC week in Toronto (as I posted in my diary): "I will wait and see how the placement goes. PDAC is coming next week, so it will be a good time for GCM to "show its wares", explain the drill results, and reveal its plans more fully. Probably they rushed this announcement out, because their investment bankers told them, there were some critical meetings set up" (And there was this post on the GCM bullboard - where this site is getting some notice.): RE...: To do what ? Today's knee jerk reaction to the news certainly appears to be "shoot first, ask questions (and maybe even read the prospectus) later." Gold down (a mere 20 bucks) threw a bit of crazy into the mix... but give that another week or so, and it's likely going to be nothing more than a blip on the radar ('cause gold is going higher.) Perhaps there was some institutionally interest that wanted in (finally.) Quite frankly, the stock was so thinly traded prior to the last couple of weeks, they'd have a heck of time getting any size position without really driving the price much higher. So, this might simply be a means to "let them in" at a more reasonable starting price. (I'm thinking 4 or a little more would be fair.) And who here read the darn perspectus? Because if (i.e, when) the stock trades over $7 for 10 (average weighting) days, the company has the option to accelerate the experation of those (half) warrants... which could rather quickly and easily add another 20 million to their coffers. And you're right about needing more extensive drilling at Segovia. It is a HIGH GRADE area that has been producing gold for something like... what is it... 150 years? Simply put, GCM has a lot of blue sky in the land there that has never been drilled, and that is the most likely to add far greater value to the company than any other single thing they have or could possibly do. PDAC starts next week. Maybe after having the weekend to think about a few of these things and realizing how utterly foolish some were today to trash this stock the way they did, a little sanity will take hold and there'll be far less stock for sale under 4 than anyone might normally guess after a day like today. But, what do I know... Read more at https://stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?symbol=t.gcm&postid=29432469#5ijm0rBSFXcRw5jK.99
  11. SEEK NQ stocks CNQ-etc: BTE, USO, VII.t, & SGY.t, ... update : 10d : : 10d : From these charts - Is VII / Seven Generations, getting cheap? VII.t vs USO ... update : A DROP on Big Volume.... must be some news, since oil stayed up
  12. Support Level - and a "Likely Reason" Likely to be some strong support around C$3.50. If the price falls below there, Management should PULL the issue, and run the mine expansion at a slower rate/ My guess is that GCM's management was persuaded to do this deal by (greedy?) investment bankers in order to bring in new analyst coverage. It is not uncommon for firms to want to start coverage along with handling a new stock issue. If my guess is right, then I do hope they bring in at least 2-3 high quality firms to cover the stock If this was NOT the real reason, then it was ham-fisted. To raise $25K, they made this surprise announcement, and the stock tanked by -$0.83 (x 48.1 M = $40m) That is not a clever move. Could have been handled better
  13. WTF? Why? This news KILLED the stock: -18%!!. Why raise equity? (This unexpected move kills confidence) GCM.t ... update : Last: $3.57 -0.83 -18.85% Gran Colombia Gold Files Preliminary Short Form Prospectus for Equity Offering GlobeNewswire 8 hours ago + “Best efforts” offering of approximately $25,000,000 of units (the “Units”) of Gran Colombia (the “Offering”) at a price per Unit to be determined in the context of the market. + Each Unit will consist of one common share in the capital of the Company (each, a “Common Share”) and one-half of one common share purchase warrant ... at an exercise price of $5.75 per Common Share for a period of five years + The Agents will also have the option to offer for sale additional Units up to a number equal to 15% of the Units issued under the Offering exercisable until the date that is 30 days immediately following the Closing Date. + The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the Offering to accelerate its ongoing exploration programs at its high-grade Segovia gold project, including technical and other studies to be carried out over the next approximately six months to identify and prioritize drilling targets followed by a drilling campaign, over and above what is already planned by the Company in 2019. The objective of the drilling program is to increase mineral resources for future production growth and to extend the mine life of the Segovia Operations. If the over-allotment option is exercised by the Agents, the additional net proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes. Read more at https://stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2019/03/01/gran-colombia-gold-files-preliminary-short-form-prospectus-for-equity-offering#pR4aJQbFRyiMFtdw.99
  14. THE BIG BOYS in PH Property SMPH ... update / Last: P 38.35 Trouble if Rates Rise - Note DLBR - inverse of Libor ... MEG-etc / update : DLBR at $19.365 Rates are near their lows, but could rise soon From a Viber chat, comments from a poster there... I met management from SM, ALI and MEG: - none sees any significant slowdown. Rather a moderation in pricing. ALI says they mainly passing inflation on construction costs 6-7% and BGC / Makati they were able to price a bit higher. - MEG clearly upbeat, exceeded target for pre-sale last year and had a strong start to the year. Most of the pre-sale increase is pricing however. Their Bay towers went up massively in value for example. One thing they said is that there is a 40% ownership limit for foreigners but they have sometimes the same license for 4 towers so the 40% must be respected on average for the towers but they may exceed it on a single tower.. seems to be a loophole. - SM and MEG concerned of having too much POGOs as tenant, they re afraid of a shift in politics after duterte time in office. So continue to prefer BPOs. - SM reclamation project will go through. Very confident.. what we read in the newspaper lately seems more noise. - nobody is really keen on Sponsoring REITS.. don’t really need the funding and no clear proposal on paper. Especially that not subject to transfer tax etc. issue also about who will monitor how the proceeds will be invested.
  15. BASED and "ready to Roll" - that might be "the BEAR etf's", TZA & FAZ I Added these Links to Header: : tza vF 2 : Chart of # 2 : FAZ & TZA tend to have similar movements, sometimes one leads the other What are these? FAZ = Direxion Daily Financial Bear 3x Shares (ETF) - if you think Bank stocks will drop TZA = Direxion Daily Small Cap Bear 3x Shares (ETF) - if you think stock, esp. the Russell 2000 will drop The Russell has a higher beta than does the SPY, so a 3X Bear like TZA moves up fast when stocks drop. I sometimes buy Calls on the TZA when I think stocks might drop Like the past 2-3 days
  16. UPDATED - AUG. 23rd 2019 ! BOUGHT Puts again on Wed. & Thursday - Here is why... (this investment in SPY puts, TZA & FAZ Calls got me on the right side of the Market BEFORE Friday's big drop) The recent rally was reflected in a pullback in TZA & FAZ to support levels, ie 21d MA on wed/thi BEAR Side: TZA & FAZ ... Jul.2017-toDate : fr.May2018 : Apr'19 / wed cl. xx / thu cl. xx Above was Wed./Thu when I put on my hedges. Below is what happened next / in shorter time horizon... fr.May2018 : Apr'19 / wed cl. xx / thu cl. xx Stock rally ran out of gas - Low volume prior to the high vol. drop ... 3 mos So what happened Friday? ... update chart - Note heavy Volume Sym. : Close : change, Pct. : Day-Low -High : YrHigh: Fr.Yr.H(L) SOXX 196.81: - 9.08, - 4.41%: 196.25-204.65 : 220.82 : - 10.9 % : SPY -: 284.85: - 7.51, - 2.57%: 283.46-292.76 : 302.23 : - 5.75 % : IWM : 145.43: - 4.80, - 3.07%: 144.93-150.11 : 173.39 : - 20.4 % : TNA-: $49.55: - 4.95, - 9.08%: $49.03-$54.63 : $97.12 : - 49.0 % : TZA-: $54.44: +4.55, +9.12%: $49.78-$54.94 : $39.02 : +39.5 % : FAZ-: $40.56: +2.59, +6.82%: $37.77-$41.16 : $34.29 : +18.3 % : VIX-: %19.87: +3.19, +19.1%: 16.04 -21.07% : %11.03 : +80.1 % : OPTions: s294p 10.59: +4.52, +74.5%: F36C: $4.50: +1.72, +61.9%: T47C: $8.00: +3.95, +97.5%: T48C: $6.30: +2.30, +57.5%: (Spy294p-9/20/19, Faz36C-9/20/19, Tza47C-9/20/19, Tza48C-9/27/19) ==== TZA. FAZ, VIX ... update / Individually: TZA:$54.44, FAZ:$40.56, VIX:$19.87 IWM vs. SOXX, SPY ... fr. May-2018 : / $ === original post follows: ( Anyone else paying attention to these potentially helpful indicators? ) I was POSTING about a possible Turn, a day before Wed's Drop HERE is my Tuesday posting ======================== STOCK INDICES may be Rolling over. IWM may soon follow SOXX (Semi-conductor Index) Lower ... update : SOXX vs SPY : SOXX: 185.86 - 1.17 One way to bet on a drop, would be to buy this etf: TZA / 3X BEAR etf on Russell 2000 (IWM) ... update : Last: $9.31 + 0.21, +2.31% // Compare : UKX I have some TZA March $9 calls - and a loss on them at this stage... I bought them a little to early, but still have profit potential
  17. SOXX / Semi-Conductor index, Can be a Great Bellwether SOXX often Peaks first, BEFORE other indices ... fr. 2/28/18 : 3/2017 : 1/2016 / 10d: iwm: spy : tza vF 2 : watching these Highs from last week, SOXX gave a 1-day Early warning SPY vs-Soxx, Iwm... update / SPY: 321.08 -0.55%, SOXX: 250.42 -0.75%, IWM: 165.44 -0.25% SOXX vs-IWM, SPY ... update: From Aug23rd Updated - see Post#2 TZA. FAZ, VIX ... update / Individually: TZA:$54.44, FAZ:$40.56, VIX:$19.87 ======= UPDATE: KILLER CHARTS ? - late Nov. 2019 This one, SOXX vs SPY, and IWM ... update: ... makes my Point mostly clearly - about this being a good time to BUY PUTS We are now at point C - a point which I think is very similar to points A & B, new high on SPY, but NOT SOXX. / 2 / The chart shows Fed interest rates and the NASDAQ for roughly the past 25 years - three huge rate cutting cycles, three massive bubbles; two of which have already popped. Think the third won't pop? > https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/the-chart-shows-fed-interest-rates-and-the-nasdaq-for-roughly-the-past-25-years-three-huge-rate-cutting-cycles-three-massive-bubbles-two-of-which-have-already-popped-think-the-third-wont-pop/ ===== SOXX Shock! : -1.20%. Has the stock market turned? $183.63 - 2.23, -1.20%, O: 185.11, H:185.11, L:181.63 / vol. 980k SOXX led the stock market up. Will it now lead it down? SPY fell just -0.04%. IWM rose +0.14% SOXX - +etc ... 10d : +etc/10d : Top Holdings, as SOXX closed at $183.63 - 2.230, -1.20% SOXX led the stock market up. Will it now lead it down? Name Symbol % Assets Broadcom Inc : AVGO 8.94% $271.49 - 3.51, -1.28% Texas Instruments : TXN 7.98% $105.71 - 1.56, -1.45% Intel Corp : INTC 7.56%. $53.24 +0.01, +0.02% NVIDIA Corp : NVDA 6.96% $155.25 - 1.69, -1.08% Qualcomm Inc : QCOM 6.73% $53.04 +0.01, +0.02% Xilinx Inc. : XLNX 4.79% $123.27 +0.49, +0.40% Adv. Micro Devices : AMD 4.54% $23.48 - 0.73, -3.02% Lam Research : LRCX 4.28% $177.20 - 1.36, -0.76% Analog Devices : ADI 4.26%. $105.24 - 1.24, -1.17% Applied Materials. : AMAT 4.15%. $38.78 - 0.80, -2.02% SOXX is looking toppy And AMD, Advanced Micro Devices, too. AMD was down over 3% yesterday, the biggest drop among the Top10 components of the SOXX A NEWS-driven drop? Or are we seeing pure exhaustion in The Rally in Semis? I could not find specific news items to explain the 3% drop in AMD, and the 1% or greater drop in several other components. This may signify that Rally targets have been reached and the Rally in Semis is exhausted. As a matter of fact, one of the main news mentions, by Jim Cramer was bullish: The Return of the Semis What's the biggest surprise rally of 2019? It's the semiconductors, Cramer told viewers. After being left for dead in last year's decline, investors simply got too negative, Cramer said, and that's led to an incredible rally this year. The semiconductors were hit with a one-two punch of declining end markets, falling prices and an overall market decline. Shares of Texas Instruments (TXN - Get Report) , Micron Technologies (MU - Get Report) , Advanced Micro Devices (AMD - Get Report) and Nvidia (NVDA - Get Report) all seemed to be in free fall. But there's more to semiconductors than just the price of DRAM and flash memory, Cramer said, there's also 5G wireless. 5G is what's going to power the cell phones of the future, and that's why shares of Xilinx (XLNX - Get Report) are up 45% for the year. Cramer said he's bullish on Skyworks Solutions (SWKS - Get Report) and Lam Research (LRCX - Get Report) , an Action Alerts PLUS holding.
  18. SOXX Shock! : -1.20%. Has the stock market turned? 183.63 Change: -2.23 Open: 185.11 High: 185.11 Low: 181.6301 Volume: 980,095 Percent Change: -1.20% SOXX led the stock market up. Will it now lead it down? SPY fell just -0.04%. IWM rose +0.14% SOXX - etc ... 10d Top Holdings, as SOXX closed at $183.63 - 2.230, -1.20% SOXX led the stock market up. Will it now lead it down? Name Symbol % Assets Broadcom Inc : AVGO 8.94% $271.49 - 3.51, -1.28% Texas Instruments : TXN 7.98% $105.71 - 1.56, -1.45% Intel Corp : INTC 7.56%. $53.24 +0.01, +0.02% NVIDIA Corp : NVDA 6.96% $155.25 - 1.69, -1.08% Qualcomm Inc : QCOM 6.73% $53.04 +0.01, +0.02% Xilinx Inc. : XLNX 4.79% $123.27 +0.49, +0.40% Adv. Micro Devices : AMD 4.54% $23.48 - 0.73, -3.02% Lam Research : LRCX 4.28% $177.20 - 1.36, -0.76% Analog Devices : ADI 4.26%. $105.24 - 1.24, -1.17% Applied Materials. : AMAT 4.15%. $38.78 - 0.80, -2.02% SOXX is looking toppy And AMD, Advanced Micro Devices, too. AMD was down over 3% yesterday, the biggest drop among the Top10 components of the SOXX
  19. RALLY back to resistance - at $0.935- 0.94. What next? After the big drop on the poor earnings result, NGD has bounced off the recent Low near $0.8-- NGD / Newgold ... 12-mos : 3-mos : fr. 12/01/18 / 10d - Last: $0.928 There is important resistance at about $0.94 from three MA's (8, 76, 144). If NGD can punch through this level, the rally may have a lot more life in it. NGD to JAN.2020 ... update : 10d - Last: $0.928 Some option prices: Strike: Mar.15,1019: May 17,2019: Aug.16,2019: Jan.17,2020: Jan.15,2021: $2.00: $ 0.00- 0.05 : $0.?? - 0.?? : $ 0.05- 0.10 : $0.05- 0.15 : $ 0.05- 0.40 : $1.50: $ 0.05- 0.05 : $0.05- 0.10 : $ 0.05- 0.10 : $0.10- 0.15 : $ 0.10- 0.45 : $1.00: $ 0.05- 0.05 : $0.?? - 0.?? : $ 0.15- 0.20 : $0.15- 0.30 : $ 0.25- 0.55 : $0.50: $ 0.40- 0.50 : $0.40- 0.50 : $ 0.40- 0.55 : $0.40- 0.55 : $ 0.40- 0.60 :
  20. US Housing Inventory Is Growing: Prices (may) Have to Come Down... After NAHB’s optimism rebounded sharply earlier this week, all eyes are on this morning’s existing home sales data for any signs of optimism. Alas, with consensus expecting a tiny rebounding in January following December’s sharp drop, the deterioration in the US home market continued continued, and January existing home unexpectedly dropped 1.2% (exp. +0.2%), to 4.94 million, missing expectations of a rebound to 5.00 million. After December’s revision higher to 5.00 million, the January SAAR of 4.94 million was the first sub-5MM print since 2015, while the parallel pending home sales series confirms even more weakness is in store. Needless to say, it is very troubling that Americans are unable to afford home purchases with the 30% mortgage at just 4.5%, and suggests that even if inflation picks up, the Fed may have no choice but to keep rates flat to avoid a housing market crash. As usual, NAR chief economist Larry Yun was optimistic, saying that he does not expect the numbers to decline further going forward. “Existing home sales in January were weak compared to historical norms; however, they are likely to have reached a cyclical low. Moderating home prices combined with gains in household income will boost housing affordability, bringing more buyers to the market in the coming months.” One wonders what “gains in household income” he is talking about. (DrB: the gain showing in the stats, perhaps?) Meanwhile, properties are failing to sell as the slowdown spreads: Properties remained on the market for an average of 49 days in January, up from 46 days in December and 42 days a year ago. Thirty-eight percent of homes sold in January were on the market for less than a month. Still, despite the ongoing slowdown, or perhaps adding to it, the median existing-home price rose once again, hitting $247,500, up 2.8% from January 2018 ($240,800). January’s price increase marks the 83rd straight month of year-over-year gains. Even so, Yun noted that this median home price growth was the slowest since February 2012, and is cautions that the figures do not yet tell the full story for the month of January. “Lower mortgage rates from December 2018 had little impact on January sales, however, the lower rates will inevitably lead to more home sales.”
  21. Lithium stocks are all much cheaper now - Some could be interesting NLC / Neo Lithium ... update : 10d / Last $0.58 The arrival of a pilot plant adds to the already brisk pace of what a Canaccord Genuity report described as "the best undeveloped lithium brine project globally." Neo Lithium Corp. (NLC:TSX.V) successfully brought to Catamarca, Argentina, the pilot plant for its Tres Quebradas (3Q) lithium brine, adding a new milestone to a project characterized by its brisk pace, according to a February 14 research report by Canaccord Genuity analyst Eric Zaunscherb. Zaunscherb reiterated his speculative buy rating for Neo Lithium and also a target price of CA$2 per share. Neo Lithium's pilot plant arrived at the Argentinian province of Catamarca without delays or issues at customs. Engineers are currently reassembling the plant. The management intends to have it fully operational by the end of this month, Zaunscherb explained. The aim of Neo Lithium's 3Q project is to produce high-grade lithium carbonate from its brine reservoir complex in Catamarca. "The 3Q project, in our view, is the best undeveloped lithium brine project globally based on grade, chemistry and scale," Zaunscherb highlighted. The arrival of the pilot plant is the most recent of the project's "brisk pace" development, according to Zaunscherb's report. Before the arrival of the plant, Neo Lithium completed the first environmental license renewal of the project. The provincial government of Catamarca issued the environmental license, a requirement for the exploration and the development of the 3Q's lithium brine. The license must be renewed every two years. Neo Lithium plans to complete the prefeasibility study of the project during the first quarter of 2019, explained Zaunscherb. Read more at https://stockhouse.com/opinion/independent-reports/2019/02/22/argentina-lithium-project-reaches-new-milestones#6AVOvE2MrUquiPDT.99
  22. Wallbridge Mining talks Fenelon mill run results 2019-02-25 10:32 ET - News Release Mr. Marz Kord reports WALLBRIDGE REPAYS DEBT WITH AURAMET AND PROVIDES UPDATED PRODUCTION RESULTS FROM LAST MILL RUN Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd. has continued positive results from ongoing development and production as part of the 35,000-tonne bulk sample at its 100-per-cent-owned Fenelon gold property. Highlights: To date approximately 25,000 tonnes of ore with a reconciled average grade of 18.19 g/t gold containing close to 14,700 ounces of gold has been processed at the Camflo Mill in four separate mill runs. More than 14,000 ounces of gold have been recovered and sold Stope grades are meeting expectations, ranging from 11 to 38 g/t gold (See Table 1). The loan with Auramet has now been completely re-paid. "The last press release of February 7, 2019 reported the estimated gold ounces for the 4th mill run. We are pleased to have received the final reconciliation of mill run #4 and as a result, approximately 700 more ounces than previously estimated were produced. We are currently working on the delivery of the last 10,000 tonnes to the mill for processing which should be completed in the first quarter of 2019,"
  23. GROWING ORE BODY Described Gran Colombia drills 0.38 m of 105.93 g/t Au at Segovia GRAN COLOMBIA GOLD IDENTIFIES NEW ZONES IN ITS FINAL 2018 DRILLING RESULTS FOR ITS SEGOVIA OPERATIONS; GOLD PRODUCTION IN JANUARY 2019 REMAINS STEADY Gran Colombia Gold Corp. has provided the final assay results from 83 additional diamond drill holes (8,043 metres) included in its 2018 underground drilling program at its high-grade Segovia operations. In 2018, the company completed a total of 209 holes at Segovia representing approximately 26,800 metres. Serafino Iacono, executive co-chairman of Gran Colombia, commented: "We got off to a good start in 2019 with almost 18,000 ounces of gold production in January, in line with our expectations. Our drilling programs at Segovia continue to yield encouraging results, with the identification of two new zones at Providencia and the down-plunge extension of the main oreshoots at Sandra K, both of which have the potential for additional resource growth. Our 2019 drilling campaign at Segovia will focus more on stepout drilling at Providencia and Sandra K, deep zone drilling to extend El Silencio another 200 metres below its currently delineated mineral resource, and brownfield drilling on the Cogote vein system as we increasingly shift our attention toward the blue-sky potential within our Segovia mining title to add production and mine life." Segovia drilling update The key highlights and intercepts at Segovia since the company's Oct. 3, 2018, press release are as follows. Infill drilling at Providencia continued to test the Providencia vein system to the west of the current mine development. Multiple high gold grades were intersected from 30 drill holes (3,100 metres) drilled from underground on the main vein system with maximum grades of 84.10 grams per tonne gold and 97.7 g/t silver over 0.71 metre on the Providencia vein (PV-IU-164), and 105.93 g/t Au and 65.2 g/t Ag over 0.38 metre on a new, narrow and steeply dipping structure in the hangingwall of the Providencia vein (PV-IU-151). Drilling was successful in delineating a new high-grade zone to the west of and near the high-grade orebody that is currently in production, with maximum grades of 15.49 g/t Au and 22.7 g/t Ag over 2.65 metres (PV-IU-145-A) on the Providencia vein. In addition, another potential high-grade zone was outlined farther to west, with maximum grades of 65.83 g/t Au and 36.7 g/t Ag over 0.30 metre (PV-IU-055) still on the Providencia vein.
  24. Mandatorily Convertible Preferred Equity Summary Terms Mandatorily Convertible Preferred Equity (Private Placement) Issuer•Peabody Energy CorporationThe Preferred Equity•Mandatorily convertible preferred equity Amount•$750 million Maturity•None Private Placement Premiums•An initial commitment premium equal to 8.0% of the $750mm committed amount •2.5% monthly ticking fee beginning on 03-April-2017 until the Effective DateDividendRate•8.5% PIK per annum, payable semi-annually —Dividends shall accumulate to the extent not paidDividendPreference•Preferred as to the payment of dividends or distributions, upon liquidation or otherwise, over any junior class of capital stock issued by the Issuer and its subsidiariesConversion at the Optionof the Holder•Convertible into Common Stock at any time, at the option of the holder, at a conversion price based on a discount of 35% to plan equity value, subject to anti-dilution protection Mandatory Conversion•Automatically converts into shares of Common Stock at the conversion price if the volume weighted average price of the Common Stock exceeds 130% of the plan common equity value for a least 45 trading days in a 60 consecutive trading day period, including each of the last 20 days in such 60 consecutive trading day period—If Mandatory Conversion occurs within the first 36 months after the Effective Date, the applicable conversion price will be adjusted to reflect the amount of dividends that would otherwise have been payable within the first 36 months•During the first 45 trading days post Effective Date, a Mandatory Conversion will be deemed to have occurred if the volume weighted average price of Common Stock exceeds 150% of the plan common equity value for at least 10 trading days, including each of the last 5 of the 10 trading days when the threshold is achieved •If holders of at least 66 2/3% of all outstanding Preferred Equity (the “Electing Holders”) elect to convert, then all Preferred Equity outstanding not held by the Electing Holders shall automatically convert simultaneo > presentation - pg.30 : https://www.peabodyenergy.com/Peabody/media/MediaLibrary/Investor Info/June-Conference-FINAL.pdf
  25. Australian high CV thermal coal prices at 19-month low, but not for long 21/02/2019 The benchmark Newcastle high energy thermal coal price has fallen from US$100/tonne at the turn of the new year to US$88/tonne. Thermal coal has been hit in early February due to seasonality of purchasing in the lead up to Chinese New Year and customs delays impacting Australian vessels into China. Will this move be another short-term blip and mirror the volatility seen last year, or is a broader correction at play? Australian high CV thermal coal supply to remain tight In 2019, demand growth in the Asia-Pacific market will require an extra 3 million tonnes of bituminous thermal coal. By 2023, we anticipate a further 34 Mtpa of bituminous coal demand in the region, led by India, Vietnam, South Korea, Pakistan and Malaysia. While demand is increasing, Australian high CV thermal coal supply fell last year and will only partially recover this year. The recovery might be further constrained should producers target more semi-soft sales. The ramp up of MACH Energy’s Mt Pleasant coal mine in New South Wales caters for nearly all the change, with high CV supply (ex. Mt Pleasant) essentially flat over 2019-21. High CV supply could retreat again in 2022 due to lower output at Glencore’s Mt Owen mine and a possible closure at Liddell. Coal quality at BHP’s Mt Arthur mine is also expected to gradually decline. By 2023, we see a growing likelihood of a return to 2018 production levels. Australian high CV thermal coal supply 2018-2023 Mine performance and quality issues limit supply response The fall in Australian high CV thermal coal supply helped prices move nearly US$20/tonne higher in 2018. Widening price spreads between high CV and high ash thermal coal begged questions as to why we weren’t seeing a supply response? Part of that answer rests on specific constraints at a few large thermal coal mines in Australia, which contrary to expectations of growth, actually recorded declines in output. Some mines had short-term sequencing changes, while others battled with falling product quality. Pricing differentials between high CV thermal and semi-soft also played a part, with lower semi-soft supply offsetting the fall in high CV supply. Two of the largest mines in New South Wales, BHP’s Mt Arthur and Yancoal/Glencore’s HVO, reported declines in output in 2018 of 4% and 11% respectively. In Mt Arthur’s case, saleable output was constrained by a lower washing yield, declining coal quality and adverse weather. At HVO, mine plans had been remodelled following a strategic review of operations following the takeover from Rio Tinto. Meanwhile, output at Whitehaven’s underground Narrabri mine fell nearly 30% as it worked around a geological fault. We also understand a number of Glencore’s mines were technically constrained in their ability to increase higher CV volumes by washing capacity.
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