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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Gran Columbia Gold vs. Junior Gold Stock index GDXJ -vs: GCM.t ... 3-yrs : from 11/4/2015 : Last: GDXJ: $28.14 / GCM.t: $2.51 = 8.92% :: 10.5%= $2.95 @ hi.ratio Ratio: GCM -to-GDXJ - GCM has been "gaining on" GDXJ since Feb. 2017 . Ratio : GCM.t -to-MNT.t
  2. PSEI INDEX may be "Building Cause, to Go Lower" PSEI has broken the (330 wk) MA which is generally supportive, and now it is working off the Oversold position, staying near the bottom of the uptrend channel. Unless it can rally up to above 7,500 soon, it is likely to break the Upchannel near 6900 and slide lower. PSEI / Philippines Stock Index ... update : 7,140.29 + 124.23 The flock of bellwether stocks would also head lower, if the PSEI breaks down PSEI -vs-Bellwether stocks ... update : 10d : Two to especially watch: BPI: Last P82.15 +2.65 / SMPH: Last: P33.80 +0.05 ===
  3. OPTIONS Trading.... The PH govt has announced that it will allow Short Trading, and may soon allow trading in Derivative also. Maybe this is a good time to begin to study options trading. I have started a new thread about this in another section OPTIONS Q&A and Resources (For Beginners too) Please have a look, and comment if you like. (BTW, in trying to sign up here, my "fav0rite b1rd" is "Admiral Byrd" - you might need to use that to Register.)
  4. Finally, some decent moves up in Gold shares yesterday GCM was up 8% WM.t ... update :
  5. GCM ... 6mos - Last: C$ 2.40 / in edit: Closed at $2.51 +0.19, +8.2% CEO Iacono, a subject of bullboard commentary Credit rating upgrade/ Iacono Holdings insider report shows Iacono currently has 1.1M shares + 906k warrants which is 4% of 48M shares outstanding. and $7.7M in gold linked notes. his gold linked notes are being redeemed at a rapid rate of over $1M per year. his dollar amount invested is dropping, so he is allowed to buy back, and at some point soon he will run out of gold linked notes available to buy back at par, leaving buying shares as the only other option. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#sdfCeL9GvYOvjYL5.99 ROOM TO DOUBLE? Could hit $4.50-$5.00 > PRESENTATION : http://s21.q4cdn.com/834539576/files/doc_presentations/GCM-Silver-and-Gold-Summit-Corporate-Presentation-October-2018.pdf
  6. Weaker Oil prices have helped to stall the Uranium Rally U.t vs: URA, CCO.T & USO/Oil ... update ==
  7. Chasing Fusion Billionaires Chase ‘SpaceX Moment’ for the Holy Grail of Energy (Bloomberg) -- Not long before he died, tech visionary Paul Allen traveled to the south of France for a personal tour of a 35-country quest to replicate the workings of the Sun. The goal is to one day produce clean, almost limitless energy by fusing atoms together rather than splitting them apart. The Microsoft Corp. co-founder said he wanted to view the early stages of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor in Cadarache firsthand, to witness preparations “for the birth of a star on Earth.” Allen wasn’t just a bystander in the hunt for the holy grail of nuclear power. He was among a growing number of ultra-rich clean-energy advocates pouring money into startups that are rushing to produce the first commercially viable fusion reactor long before the $23 billion ITER program’s mid-century forecast. Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Peter Thiel are just three of the billionaires chasing what the late physicist Stephen Hawking called humankind’s most promising technology. Scientists have long known that fusion has the potential to revolutionize the energy industry, but development costs have been too high for all but a handful of governments and investors. Recent advances in exotic materials, 3D printing, machine learning and data processing are all changing that. “It’s the SpaceX moment for fusion,” said Christofer Mowry, who runs the Bezos-backed General Fusion Inc. near Vancouver, Canada. He was referring to Elon Musk’s reusable-rocket maker. “If you care about climate change you have to care about the timescale and not just the ultimate solution. Governments aren’t working with the urgency needed.” The company Allen supported, TAE Technologies, stood alone when it was incorporated as Tri-Alpha Energy two decades ago. Now it has at least two dozen rivals, many funded by investors with a track record of disruption. As a result, there’s been an explosion of discoveries that are driving the kind of competition needed for a transformational breakthrough, according to Mowry. One of the clearest measures of progress in the field was on display last week in Gandhinagar, India, where the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency held its biennial fusion forum. The conference highlighted a record 800 peer-reviewed research papers, 60 percent more than a decade ago. Fusion itself isn’t the problem. The tricky part is generating more energy than is used in the process. Such reactors have to mimic conditions found only in deep space, a much more complex and costly endeavor than fission. Heating plasma to temperatures higher than stars and then containing the ensuing reactions inside cryogenic cooling vessels can require a million parts or more. . . . And then there’s Musk, a serial innovator who thinks the whole fusion crowd is barking up the wrong tree. In a weed-and-whiskey podcast that went viral last month, the Tesla and Solar City co-founder said smart money like his is better spent on finding more efficient ways to capture the Sun’s energy than on trying to recreate it. “We’ve got a giant thermonuclear reactor in the sky,” Musk said. “It shows up every day very reliably. If you can generate solar panels and store it with batteries, you can have it 24-hours a day.” > MORE: https://www.bloombergquint.com/technology/nuclear-fusion-financed-by-billionaires-bill-gates-jeff-bezos#gs.kcXnPS4
  8. B Rating at last! Should get better as debt levels keep coming down. I have been disappointed by the performance of Gold & Silver miners. But the set-up now looks like early 2016 to me
  9. The correction in WM may be ending WM.t ... update : Last: 0.235 + 0.005
  10. Bank Update: Bad Loans Up, with Rising Rates... but banks still strong MBT -vs. BDO, BPI ... update : about 1 year : RATES, secondary market 3 mos.: 4.643% 6 mos.: 6.139% 12 mos.: 6.295% "investors expect inflation to ease by next year... 4.3% vs. 5.2% this year" Bad debts grew in August, but at a slower rate. Up 8.4% from Aug,2017 to 112.9 billion in Aug,2018 NPL (non-performing loans) grew slower than the 17.9% increase in Loans from Big banks. Sore loans fell in one year from 1.46% to 1.34%. But past due loans grew a rapid 29.8% to P 159.7 B in August Reserves for bad loans were up 13.1% to P161.3 Billion
  11. I added "PHM/Builders" to the Title of this thread because I want to track that relationship / over time, I expect PHM & SIL/Silver shares to move in OPPOSITE directions, but it is not always so / PHM/builders vs SIL/silver shares ...since 2016 : Ratio: PHM -to-SIL xx
  12. Maybe It’s Time To Stop Trying To Get Along With the Left Which Knows No Rules or Moral Standards When the dud-bombs started showing up this week, President Trump unequivocally condemned the act and called for unity against all political violence. It was the right thing to do and he did it without any qualifications. Democrats rejected the sentiment, choosing to try to score political points ahead of the midterms. The media rejected it too, blaming the President for the actions of a madman. It was the exact opposite of everything these very same people did last year when a liberal activist tried to murder as many Republicans as he could on a baseball field in Virginia. Nancy Pelosi bristled at the suggestion of Democrats saying the GOP health care proposal would kill tens of thousands of people every year might lead someone to think they had a moral obligation to act to prevent it. “How dare they?” she squawked at the suggestion. But Republicans didn’t dare, for the most part. They quickly moved on, though not as fast as the media did, which forgot the story after three days – before Congressman Steve Scalise was off life support. Now it’s like it never happened. How do you unite with people like that? . . . Democrats aren’t going to change unless voters reject them again, and then only maybe. And personalities employed by alleged news organizations to play the roles of journalists aren’t going to take off their blue uniforms and attempt objectivity anytime soon either. So what’s the point? These leftists have refused to denounce the liberal mob’s tactics for years, as Republicans and average citizens are harassed from coast to coast. Now they demand the President, Republicans, and Fox News admit complicity in the actions of a madman? To Hell with that. Just last week, Hillary Clinton said Democrats don’t need to engage in civility unless they regain power. Maybe the time has come to stop trying to get along and just focus on making sure they never do. To defeat the liberal mob you first have to understand how it was created and how it is manipulated and controlled. Order a copy of Derek’s book, “Outrage, INC.: How the Liberal Mob Ruined Science, Journalism, and Hollywood,” to understand how the political left manipulates unsuspecting Americans to the point that they’d believe their lies and act on them. And subscribe to Derek’s daily podcast, it’s free! Together they’ll help stay sane and just might help you deprogram friends and family who’ve fallen prey to the mob mentality. https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2018/10/28/maybe-its-time-to-stop-trying-to-get-along-n2532660 Here's how to fight back: Make an example of how JUSTICE is (at last) being re-introduced HELLARY: investigate, Arrest, Indict, Try, Convict... then Execute, if the Crimes justify The image of her swinging on the gallows might signify the beginning of a great cleansing
  13. GOP: NAILS IT: GOP Senate Contender John James: ‘Godless Democrat Party Wants ‘Black Folks Dependent on the Government’
  14. A VISIT TO THE RISE - Revelation of "Lower-than-expected" Prices for (Local) Cash Buyers I was Inside The Rise (at last) East Tower, 8th floor. Where the show units are located I visited The Rise this week with an Agent friend. We saw the new showroom with the model etc which had previously been in BGC. And we were also able to visit actual units on the 8th floor. Some Photos follow. One Bedroom unit. Note ceiling height Kitchenette area The Comfort Room's shower area. The Agent, J., gave me an update on pricing. To be honest, the prices were lower than I had expected, especially for the prices for Cash Buyers, paying 95% within 30 days, and 5% on completion. The Rise still has over 100 units available, but only for Local buyers (just now.) In one way of reckoning, there was even a recent small PRICE CUT for cash buyers. Previously, the cash discount was 10%, but recently the discount has been boosted to 12% discount for those who transact prior to the of the year. I suppose Shang Properties would like to reduce the number of units left to Sell to a tiny number before 2019 begins. That 2% difference is like a P100k price cut on middle floors - but only for cash buyers who are Locals buying from the developer. Following are some sample prices. I chose the same unit (E) and different floors so you can easily see the premium paid for a higher floor. In general prices go up by something like P7,000 per floor. Rise & Air, taken from inside Coffee Bean with City Gates (future) Garden platform in the Left foreground. Recent Pricing - for Local Buyers only. Foreigner units (temporarily?) Sold out. Fl-Unit: Full Price: PerSqm : Disc12%: Cash Price: /SQM: Per Sqm vs.18Fl 53 -E : P 5,884.5K: P210.1K: (706.1K): P 5,178.4K: 28.01: P184.9k + 4.11% 43 -E : P 5,801.6K: P207.1K: (696.2K): P 5,105.4K: 28.01: P182.3k + 2.65% 37 -E : P 5,753.4K: P205.4K: (690.4K): P 5,063.0K: 28.01: P180.8k + 1.80% 28 -E : P 5,728.8K: P204.5K: (687.5K): P 5,041.3K: 28.01: P180.0k + 1.35% 18 -E : P 5,651.5K: P201.8K: (678.2K): P 4,973.3K: 28.01: P177.6k ====== (note: Prices rounded to nearest P 100.) Can Foreigners Buy at these prices? I asked that question. The answer was: "Maybe, but you will need to wait". If a Foreign buyer wants to purchase at the above prices, they can file the paperwork, and wait for a Foreign Buyers' Slot to open up. This may or may not happen. And Shang will not guarantee it, so a prospective buyer may get stuck on the Waiting List and find they never get the chance to buy... A better alternative may be to buy from a Foreign seller who has decided to sell his/her unit. I know owners of 4-5 flats, who are Foreigners looking to resell, and can help to make some matches. This may be at the same Cash price as above, or perhaps a premium, depending on the Seller's Target price. FOR MORE INFO If you want more information on units and pricing, + You may send an SMS message to : +63 (0) 99 5298 5718 + Or contact a friendly agent friend : Jocelyn's email is: therisemakati88@gmail.com
  15. Browse through. and look at the charts, and you will see that HK10 correlates better with SLV/ Silver than it does with HSI - bizarrely ... 10-yrs : w/HSI : 12-yrs : w/GLD :
  16. Yup. I have been thinking exactly that way for most of the year. That's why I loaded up on GCM's 8.25%+ Gold linked Bonds (with wts attached) - my largest position! and then I also loaded up on GCM stock when the price fell. Recently, I have been aggressively buying shares in HK10 (Hang Lung Group) at 4% yield, which (bizarrely!) have been historically correlated to Silver & Gold property, without any obvious relationship (I have my theories)
  17. The Gap up in Gold & Gold stocks, was matched by a gap down in stocks. It took the energy out of the moves, and is being retraced
  18. I'm not so sure. I like the fact that teh price action remains above the long term MA's GCM-t chart
  19. Keeping "the China Invasion" in perspective China has more billionaires than the U.S. According to Knight Frank, mainland China plus Hong Kong SAR is home to nearly 14,000 individuals worth more than $50 million. High net worth mainland Chinese real estate investors now control an estimated $5.8 trillion of personal wealth, according to CapGemini. Much of it is easily invest-able, and almost half is already offshore. For these buyers, real estate overseas in 2017 was an appealing investment in an uncertain global environment. As with those of lesser means, it also served as an essential underpinning to the creation of an international lifestyle for buyers and their children, whether that lifestyle manifests as a second home, overseas education, or cross border investment portfolio. > Juwai.com > CHINESE GLOBAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT REPORT The money has been pouring out of China for years, but only recently in the last 2-3 years has found a strong focus in the Philippines
  20. BONDS testing bottom of the Long Term Upchannel TLT / etf for TBonds ... update / TLT: 113.70, TNX:3.20-% TLT-etc -vs- Gold & Silver etf ... update -on 530wk support / GLD: $116.01, SLV: $13.74 Investments shifting out of Bonds... and into Gold : 1.02 TYX - 30yr+ Rates ... update : 3.40%
  21. Financial Adviser: 5 Underrated Dividend-Paying Stocks that you Can ... https://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/.../financial-adviser-5-underrated-dividend-paying-s...
  22. McEwen Mining pushes higher, ahead of Gold, Gold shares GLD/Gold -vs- MUX etc.: GDXJ, SLV ... update / Last: $2.31 / GLD-$115.92 : r-1.99% Ratio: MUX -to-GLD : near 2% (a resistance level?) ==
  23. === : PRODUCTION Mo. : Prod'17: Prod'18: Q1- : 39,008 : 52,672 /3= 17,557 ave. Q2- : 46,075 : 52,906 : + 14.8% H1 : 85,084 : 105,578 : + 24.1% July : 00,000 : 19,296 : Aug.: 00,000 : 18,747 : Sep : 00,000 : 19,120 : Q3- : 37.1 K : 57,163 > +54% 9mos: 122. K : 162.7k > +33% 12mo: 174. K : 214.4k > +23% vs 2017 Total Target: Now 210-220k oz in 2018 > https://www.stockwatch.com/News/Item.aspx?bid=Z-C%3aGCM-2669834&symbol=GCM&region=C
  24. GCM's DEBT OUTSTANDING IS FALLING TORONTO, Oct. 16, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gran Colombia Gold Corp. (TSX: GCM, OTCQX: TPRFF) announced today the details for the forthcoming quarterly repayment of its 8.25% Senior Secured Gold-Linked Notes due 2024 (the “Gold Notes”) (TSX: GCM.NT.U) as follows: Payment date: October 31, 2018 Record date: October 24, 2018 Cash payment amount: Approximately US$0.052349 per US$1.00 principal amount of Gold Notes representing only an amortization payment of the principal amount issued and outstanding. No gold premium is applicable for this quarterly payment as the London P.M. Fix on October 15, 2018 was below US$1,250 per ounce, the floor price applicable to the quarterly repayments. The aggregate principal amount of the cash payments on the Payment Date will be US$4,875,000. The Company sold the 3,900 ounces accumulated in the gold trust account during the past quarter against a put option contract at US$1,250 per ounce to realize the proceeds required for this cash payment. Principal amount issued and outstanding: As of today’s date, there is a total of US$93,125,000 principal amount of Gold Notes issued and outstanding. After this quarterly repayment, the aggregate principal amount of the Gold Notes will be reduced to US$88,250,000. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#hM43aOY2DVJ4LPuL.99 / 2 / Mode of payment «The Company sold the 3,900 ounces accumulated in the gold trust account during the past quarter against a put option contract at US$1,250 per ounce to realize the proceeds required for this cash payment.» The company has ''just'' to sell 3900 ounces/quarter due 2024 out of 57 000 ounces production /quarter . Just to say a small obligation for a company having just 48 000 000 shares issued. A real bargain price at today's $ 2,65 /share. / 3 / the 2018 holders were paid in shares. those extra shares caused share selling as we saw recently.the 2024 holders will be paid in cash which makes a big difference.with the volume of gcm shares so low, any non zero amount of that freed up cash going toward buying shares will make a big difference.to any 2024 gold link holders on this board: what will you do with the cash you get from the repayment?will you use any of that cash to buy some gcm shares? / 4 / It would be nice to do both, but at this point I think it is important to lower debt level. It is literally the only reason I see for us trading this low. People can't still think Columbia is an issue, so it has to be debt level. Few quarters from now we could have a perfect storm with lower debt, less interest payments, more production and higher POG. At that point if we still are down here I would say buy, buy, buy to the company. In the meantime I am telling friends and family buy, buy, buy. Read more at http://www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard#vTgveohPlxfQtXZb.99
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