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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. Philly’s housing inventory dipped to all-time low (again) at end of 2017 Fourth quarter numbers show that Philly’s real estate market experienced both a tight inventory and a fall in house prices. Is relief on the way? By Melissa Romero January 23 At the end of 2017, there were 3,329 single-family homes for sale in Philly, making it the lowest level of housing inventories in the city’s history. At the same time, house prices took a small dip from the last quarter, offering a bit of relief to homebuyers. That’s according to the latest numbers from Kevin Gillen, senior research fellow at the Lindy Institute for Urban Innovation, who just his released fourth quarter report on the state of Philly’s single-family housing market. This does not include condos. “The fact that house prices have decelerated while inventories continue to drop towards ever-lower levels would seem to be something of a contradiction,” Gillen writes. “Typically, low supply is both empirically and historically associated with significant upward pressure on house prices.” Q4 2017 by the numbers $150K median house price 12.7% annual average home price appreciation 49 homes sold for $1M+ 3,329 homes for sale 5,245 homes sold In the fourth quarter, the median house price fell slightly to $150,000 from $159,900. Gillen points out that it is not uncommon to see this dip at the end of the year, since the housing market tends to slow down in the winter months.
  2. Philly’s housing inventory dipped to all-time low (again) at end of 2017 Fourth quarter numbers show that Philly’s real estate market experienced both a tight inventory and a fall in house prices. Is relief on the way? By Melissa Romero January 23 At the end of 2017, there were 3,329 single-family homes for sale in Philly, making it the lowest level of housing inventories in the city’s history. At the same time, house prices took a small dip from the last quarter, offering a bit of relief to homebuyers. That’s according to the latest numbers from Kevin Gillen, senior research fellow at the Lindy Institute for Urban Innovation, who just his released fourth quarter report on the state of Philly’s single-family housing market. This does not include condos. “The fact that house prices have decelerated while inventories continue to drop towards ever-lower levels would seem to be something of a contradiction,” Gillen writes. “Typically, low supply is both empirically and historically associated with significant upward pressure on house prices.” Q4 2017 by the numbers $150K median house price 12.7% annual average home price appreciation 49 homes sold for $1M+ 3,329 homes for sale 5,245 homes sold In the fourth quarter, the median house price fell slightly to $150,000 from $159,900. Gillen points out that it is not uncommon to see this dip at the end of the year, since the housing market tends to slow down in the winter months.
  3. New apartment complex proposed on top of Garden Court Plaza parking garage; Community meeting next Thursday Posted on 12 January 2018 Garden Court Flats rendering image, view from Pine Street. Philadelphia-based developers the Post Brothers, the new owners of the Garden Court Plaza located at 47th and Pine, are proposing development of a new six-story 243-unit apartment complex, Garden Court Flats, which would be built on top of the existing one-story parking garage adjacent to the 14-story Garden Court Plaza building. The development plan was submitted to the city’s Department of Licences and Inspections, but was rejected for not conforming to the zoning code. Continue Reading / 2 / A crowd of about 70 people gathered to hear about a proposed 243-unit addition to the Garden Court Plaza complex on the 4700 block of Pine Street voted overwhelmingly against the plan. Proposed building rendering (view from Pine Street). Post Bros., the current owners of Garden Court Plaza, want to erect an adjacent building that would bring the total number of residential units of the complex at the corner of 47th and Pine to 389. The plan requires the city to issue variances for both building height and density. Current zoning for the site allows for a building with a maximum height of 38 feet. The proposal would double the density maximum for the site, currently set at 170 units. Continue Reading / 3 / Post Bros. place Garden Court Plaza plan on hold, hopes to address community concerns Posted on 23 January 2018 The Post Bros. have placed their zoning application for a 243-unit addition to Garden Court Plaza at 4701 Pine St. on hold following a public meeting last week, according to the Garden Court Community Association. A large majority of the approximately 70 people in attendance opposed the plan, which requires special zoning approval from the city. Public comment is factored into that decision. Much of the opposition focused on the availability of affordable housing and parking. “The Post Brothers have heard our voices loud and clear and want to work with the community to address the issues raised at the meeting,” reads a statement on the Garden Court Community Association website. “They do not intend to proceed with the project without community support. As a result, their zoning application has been put on hold. GCCA Zoning Committee will be working with the Post Brothers to meaningfully address our community’s concerns, especially with regards to housing affordability.” Continue Reading
  4. THE WORLD IS STARVING for this... Or at least some of it is... JBP on the "inversion of reality" - and NOT Apologizing Christ vs the Crowd: Jordan Peterson, David Gornoski on 12 Rules for Life, Sacrifice, Rene Girard "Pathological things are happening" / 2 / An excellent and wise dissection of THE interview Channel 4 Jordan Peterson Interview, my thoughts "An astonishing lack of empathy" by Cathy Newman She shows: "just naked self-interest"
  5. Telling the Truth - about the plight of Young Men Alienating Young Men is Deeply Sad - Jordan Peterson - UK Interview 15 01 2018 JBP's passion here is magnificent ... Concerned, Noble & Touching He was also on Hannity's show last night Jordan Peterson on Tucker Carlson Tucker now knows why people binge-watch Peterson videos
  6. "Not the Real memo" - say the Hagmanns of what Infowars released yesterday But the Dems have out-done themselves protecting Criminals, once again ! So may of these scumbags need to be locked up, I want to cry ! LETTER FOR USEFUL IDIOTS - see below ! Missing Texts, Missing Memos: Tracy Beanz, Field McConnel, Peter Barry Chowka INTERESTING - "This letter can from Feinstein and Schiff... and it went to Mark Zuckerberg & Jack Dorsey - LISTEN to Tracy Benz at just over the 35 minute mark: "Seek your company's assistance... Accounts related to the Russians... Are trying to manipulate Public Opinion" Di-Fi requests : "FIND accounts... De-activate accounts" WHAT UTTER interfering-obstructing HORSESH/TE THIS IS! FEINSTEIN & SCHIFF ARE TRAITORS TO AMERICA IMPEACH FEINSTEIN!!! I am so tired of these Lies
  7. A WAR may be about to begin in "Tech Heaven" : FAANG giants may soon be in trouble (?) How much longer can the FAANG companies levitate as they become less & less popular with the public? Anti-trust / anti-competitive troubles ahead?? FAANG stocks ... update-since YrE-2015 : '16 : '17 / FB, AMZN, AAPL, NFLX, GOOG FAANG Stock statistics : Symbol Company : YrE.' 15 : YrE. '16 : +1yr.chg : YrE. '17 : +2yr.chg : $-Last- : +change : P/ER : earn.ps FB / Facebook : $104.66 : $115.05 : + 9.93% : $176.46 : +68.60% : $189.35 : +80.92% : 36.70 : $5.16 : AMZN / Amazon : $675.89 : $749.87 : +10.95% : 1169.47 : +73.03% : 1362.54 : +101.6% : 345.8 : $3.94 : AAPL / Apple----- : $105.26 : $115.82 : +10.03% : $169.23 : +60.77% : $177.04 : +68.19% : 19.24 : $9.20 : NFLX / Netflix--- : $114.38 : $123.80 : + 8.24% : $191.96 : +67.83% : $250.23 : +118.8% : 200.2 : $1.25 : GOOG / Alphabet : $758.88 : $771.82 : + 1.71% : 1046.40 : +37.89% : 1169.97 : +54.17% : 39.10 : 29.92 : ===== SPX- / S&P 500 : 2043.94 : 2238.83 : + 9.54% : 2673.61 : +30.81%: 2839.13 : +38.90% IWM- / Rus'l2000 : $112.62 : $134.85 : +19.74% : $152.46 : +35.38% : $159.96 : +42.04% DJIA/ DowJones : 17,425. : 19,763. : +13.42% : 24,719. : +41.86%: 26,210.8: +50.42% VIX-- / Volatility-- : 18.21% : 14.04% : - 22.90% : 11.04% : - 39.38% : 11.06% : TLT-- / T-Bonds--- : $120.58 : $119.13 : - 1.20% : $126.86 : + 5.21% : $123.17 : + 2.15% : GLD-- / Gold etf-- : $101.46 : $109.61 : + 8.03% : $123.65 : +21.87% : $127.28 : +25.45% : GDX- / GoldStocks $ 13.72 : $ 20.92 : +52.48% : $ 23.24 : +69.39% : $ 24.10 : +75.66% : DXY-- / US Dollar : $ 98.69 : $102.21 : + 3.57% : $ 92.12 : - 6.66% : $ 89.60 : - 9.21% : ==============
  8. Here's a Video interview with Peter Levenda, who always connects so many amazing dots Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure (Pt 1: Magic & Mechanics) - Peter Levenda Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure (Pt 1: Magic & Mechanics) - Peter Levenda - YouTube Starward: DeLonge, Mystic Machines, & Current Disclosure (Pt 1: Magic & ... So are we dealing with a true Disclosure attempt & genuine whistle-blowers or an Intel false flag op? Levenda actually had an essential role behind the scenes, & now clarify the rampant doubts, confusion, & suspicions. He elaborates on the 'To The Stars' project as well as the book 'Sekret Machines' (co-authored with Tom DeLonge), taking on all critical questions head on. In this first of a 3-part program he explains how it all begun, & we muse on U.F.O. from many angles, like: Is our approach like a cargo cult? Are we in denial? Are they dangerous? Are they material or metaphysical? Did the Nazis cause the first AG crafts? ...& what say the Ancients?
  9. OLD data > with a closer look at some ATM.v: 10yr : 2yr / Atacama Pac.--- : C$ 0.71 : 0.615 : $1.155 : 083.62 : cad$59.37M IDM.v : 10yr : 2yr / IDM Mining Ltd. : C$ 0.11 : 0.914 : $0.120 : 359.10 : cad$39.50M ATC.v: 10yr : 2yr / ATAC Resources C$ 0.48 : 0.629 : $0.763 : 139.63 : cad$67.02M RUP.v : 10yr : 2yr / Rupert Res.------ : C$ 0.85 : 7.309 : $0.116 : 101.11 : cad$85.95M INV.t- : 10yr : 2yr / INV Metals------- : C$ 0.81 : 0.977 : $0.829 : 092.59 : cad$75.00M NCA.t : 10yr : 2yr / NewCastleGold : C$ 0.80 : 5.717 : $0.140 : 203.43 : cad$162.7M FF.t- : 10yr : 2yr / First Mng. Fin.- : C$ 0.57 : 1.182 : $0.482 : 552.12 : cad$314.7M BSX.t : 10yr : 2yr / Belo Sun Mng.-- : C$ 0.45 : 2.842 : $0.158 : 465.59 : cad$209.5M CGT.t : 10yr : 2yr / Columbus Gold : C$ 0.75 : 2.628 : $0.285 : 152.80 : cad$114.6M MAX.t: 10yr : 2yr / Midas Gold Cp. : C$ 0.69 : 2.658 : $0.260 : 186.31 : cad$128.6M FPC.v: 10yr : 2yr / Falco Resources: C$ 0.97 : 2.135 : $0.454 : 180.15 : cad$174.7M LGD.t : 10yr : 2yr / Liberty Gold----- : C$ 0.41 : 2.259 : $0.181 : 150.78 : cad$61.82M ER.t-- : 10yr : 2yr / Eastmain Res. : C$ .325 : 0.842 : $0.385 : 193.01 : cad$62.73M ALG.v: 10yr : 2yr / Algold Resour.- : C$ .145 : 1.119 : $0.130 : 167.25 : cad$24.25M LYD.t : 10yr : 2yr / Lydian Int'l ------ : C$ .355 : 1.132 : $0.314 : 699.62 : cad$248.4M AMM.t 10yr : 2yr / Almaden Min'l- : C$ 1.15 : 1.815 : $0.634 : 100.44 : cad$115.5M ER.t-- / Eastmain Res. : C$ : update : 3yr : 12mo : old-$0.325 > $0.305 : 0.28-0.64 - at 1/22/17 presentation : http://www.eastmain.com/_resources/ER - Corporate Presentation - 180117.pdf AMM.t / Almaden Min'l : C$ : update : 3yr : 12mo : old-$1.15 > $1.12 : 0.92-2.33 - at 1/22/17 AMM.t vs. SLV (note AG content of the deposit) ... +MUX : + add MUX ... +MUX : Almaden Minerals Ltd. owns 100% of the Tuligtic project in Puebla State, Mexico, subject to a 2.0% NSR royalty held by Almadex Minerals Limited. Tuligtic covers the Ixtaca Gold-Silver Deposit, which was discovered by Almaden in 2010. The Ixtaca reserve and resource is roughly half gold and half silver by value Total silver equivalent reserve of 167.9 million ozs. In gold equivalent terms, total reserve of 2.43 million ozs > more at http://www.stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2017/12/20/almaden-hits-16-40-m-of-2-25-g-t-gold-and-25-3-g-t-silver-and-10-50-m-of-2-45-g#JS1ViYkc68Pr64sK.99 ==
  10. Breakout above downtrend is possible soon GZZ-etc ... update : GZZ ($0.28), LRA ($0.75), RRI ($0.32), CKG ($3.30) CKG : Chesapeake Gd: old-$1.540 > $3.30: 2.91-4.45 : all-data : 3yrs : 2yrs : 6mos : GZZ : Golden Valley : old-$0.100 > $0.28: 0.24-0.495 : all-data : 3yr : 2yr : 6mo / RZZ : $9.48 all : 3yr : 2yr : 6mo : LRA : Lara Exploration : old-$0.305 > $0.75: 0.50-1.20 : all-data : 3yrs : 2yrs : 6mos : RRI- : Riverside Res. - : old-$ 0.155 > $0.32: 0.255-0.60 : all-data : 3yrs : 2yrs : 6mos : ===
  11. DING DONG ! (after weeks of Tick Tock) "A COVER-UP WORSE THAN WATERGATE !" "They knew ahead of time, that Hillary would go free" Sean Hannity 1/22/18 - Hannity Fox News Today January 22, 2018 Ding-Dong the wicked witch ... is caught!
  12. "She was Talking against Who-she-thought-I-was" JP talks about HIS experience of the epic interview - fascinating Full video: Jordan Peterson on the Channel 4 Controversy and Philosophy of "How to be in the World" "She was fabricating-on-the-fly the Villain she hoped I would be." "She wanted me to be the proper foil... and was insistent of that." "I was watching her like a clinician after the first minute or so."
  13. THE FIXERS - must pay http://investmentwatchblog.com/donald-trump-won-a-rigged-election/ EXCERPT: There is a four-page memo just made available to the entire House of Representatives. Congressmen who have seen the memo call it “shocking” “explosive” “alarming” “mind-blowing.” They say it shows conspiracy and collusion between the Obama administration, the FBI, the DOJ, and the Clinton campaign, to stop Trump from reaching the White House. Rep. Scott Perry said, “Is this happening in America, or is this the KGB? That’s how alarming it is.” North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said, “Part of me wishes I didn’t read it, because I don’t want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country…” Rep. Matt Gatetz said, “Not only will the release of this memo result in DOJ firing, but people will go to jail.” Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino said, “Take it to the bank, the FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems…the real Obama, the vengeful narcissist, is going to be exposed for all to see.” Rep Steve King said, “I have read the memo. The sickening reality has set in…it is worse than Watergate.” This is a political earthquake. Before this is over, the Democrat Party will be in shambles. The legacies of Hillary and Obama will be in ashes. The FBI may never recover. And dare I say it, Hillary herself could wind up in prison- along with many of her closest friends and confidants Joe diGenova – Brazen Plot to Frame Trump, 1990 An excellent and clear summary "This is corrupt as it gets!" "They turned to a Series of Narratives, to replace the Truth" "There was a scheme... to help Hillary, by exonerating her in the email scandal. The problem is, she lost."
  14. VIEWS from the Rise, with exceptional amenities inside Extensive Amenities at The Rise 7,647 sqm of amenities space 1,620 sqm worth of green spaces, 380m distance of jogging path, 280 sqm of children’s playzone Spaces at The Rise – a new amenities concept the HANGOUT, the WORKSHOP. the NEST 2 Story Gym: cardio room, weight room. pilates / yoga rooms, boxing ring Party / Function Rooms, Billiards Room, Karaoke Room / Home Cinema Children’s Play Areas: ‘crawl space’ infants play area, ‘kid’s zone’ toddlers play area Park Area: Jogging trail, children’s play area, The Lawn, Promenade, BBQ area Pool Area: Main pool, Kids pool, Sun Deck, Floating Loungers & sauna / changing
  15. Condo Investment: Is it Better To Buy On A Higher Floor or Lower Floor? - True Condos Condo Investment: Is it better to buy on a lower floor for less money or a higher floor for more money? Andrew la Fleur answers with help from Urbanation. Insight #1: Higher Floors DO get Higher Rents The numbers for Burano shows that as you go up in the building and pay more for the privilege, you will get higher rents. This is very important because some investors still believe that they will not get higher rents if they buy on a higher floor and they will use this as a reason to only ‘buy low’. So don’t buy low just because you think you will not get higher rents if you go higher. Insight #2: Higher Is Better The big question this answers is that when you are investing in a pre-construction condo, it is better to go higher. Think of it like this: for a median floor premium of $8.33/floor/month that works out to $100/year. An extra $100/year on a $1000 initial investment means you are getting a 10% cap rate which is very good. If you can get a 10% cap rate on a condo investment, you should take that all day long! Higher is better. Insight #3: 3 Bedrooms get the Highest Floor Premium This was really interesting to see that the largest floor premiums by far were for the 3 bedroom units. Landlords of 3 bedroom units saw an average increase of $54/month or $648/year for every floor up they went. If buyers paid only a $1000 per floor, than that works out to an astonishing 64.8% cap rate! I don’t think this is a universal rule but investors who bought the 3-bedroom units on high floors in this building are doing very well at Burano. Why are renters willing to pay such high floor premiums for these 3-bedroom units? My theory is that if you are already shelling out $3000+ per month for rent, what’s another $200-300/month for an outstanding view? High end renters will pay big premiums for premium views. Insight #4: Renters Will Pay a Premium for Premium Views Check out the 1-bedroom units on this chart. The 445 sq ft unit faces south, the 491 faces north. Even though the average rental price for both units does not show much difference, the average floor premium for the south facing unit is about twice that of the north facing unit ($16 per floor vs. $8). How I interpret this is that the highest floors of the south facing unit command such a HUGE premium over the lower floors that it brings the average rental premium per floor up. On the other hand, for the north facing units, renters will not pay as much of a premium to go up very high > https://truecondos.com/condo-investment-better-buy-higher-floor-lower-floor/ Hmm. That's for North America, My own anecdotal evidence has told me something different - from experience in HK + Higher floors do not necessarily get a higher rent, but they DO RENT FASTER + The premium for a higher floor (better view?) can be about 0.50% per floor in HK. But in PH the premiums for higher floors are much smaller, like only 0.20% (or less) per floor. Maybe PH buyers will eventually pay more for higher floors, when they become more accustomed to living in highrises
  16. To Buy or Not to Buy a Pre-selling Condo in the Philippines By Hoppler Editorial Board - February 26, 2013 In real estate, a pre-selling condo is a condo being sold before its completion, during its construction, or while still in the planning stages. Hence, the variant terms such as pre-construction and off-the-plan. These mean that the property is still non-existent and the developer is yet to break ground for the project. At this point, it seems that opting to buy a pre-selling condo would be like throwing money into a hole yet to be dug. The question really is not whether to buy or not to buy a pre-selling condo, but what are the risks? What makes people take those risks? What makes pre-selling properties attractive and even downright seductive? Buying a pre-selling condo is a risky venture that needs an informed decision. The following quick tips can help you avoid fraud from the get go: Only buy from and invest in reputable developers who have a long and solid history of delivering quality properties on time. (Check out our list of top real estate developers in the Philippines) Consult a good lawyer you can trust to guide you in the murky waters of legal jargon and paperwork before you sign any contract. Do the math to see if your income and resources enable you to make the commitment of buying a property. Get the services of a licensed and registered broker to guide you in the process of buying a pre-selling condo. Verify if the developer is licensed to sell the pre-selling condo project and if the project is registered on the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) website www.hlurb.gov.ph. HLURB is a government agency that regulates the Philippine real estate industry. For a more in-depth discussion on pre-selling property in the Philippines, read our other blog posts. > https://www.hoppler.com.ph/blog/real-estate-buying-tips/to-buy-or-not-to-buy-a-pre-selling-condo-in-the-philippines
  17. Some good advice here. Seven (7) Things to Consider when Buying a Condo Unit 1. Location, location, location When buying real estate, condo units included, a major factor a potential buyer should consider is location, location, location. The location determines accessibility to needed comforts and conveniences. If you value convenience, get a condo unit that has easy access to restaurants, schools, banks, or hospitals... “Access” here means ability to go to those places by foot in under 10 minutes from the unit. 2. Track Record and Reputation of the Developer For condos that are still in pre-selling stage, the reputation of the developer matters a lot because it ultimately determines whether the condo will actually be completed. There have been cases of condo projects in the past that halted construction because the developer ran out of money... For condos that are already ready for occupancy (RFO), the reputation of the developer can tell you if they are committed to work with the condominium homeowners’ association to help manage the condo. Condo management means adoption of effective security measures, strict implementation of condo rules, and proper maintenance of the building. This is not an endorsement but Ayala Land, Robinsons Land, Megaworld, Federal Land, Century Properties and DMCI, among others, have proven themselves to be reliable real estate developers in the Philippines based on their ability to turn over condo projects to homeowners within predetermined dates. 3. Parking If you think condo units are expensive, wait till you hear how much parking spaces cost. In our Makati condo, a 9-square-meter of parking slot costs P400,000 to P500,000. Yup, around half a million pesos for a tight parking space. In BGC, some parking slots sell for P600,000 to P1.5 million each... Inquire with your condo’s property office how to rent one or ask other condo residents if they are renting out their unused parking slot. 4. Noise In a condo, you share everything with the residents — elevators, swimming pool, playground, garden, etc. That includes the noise as well. 5. Amenities and Population Density A condo may be expensive because of the amenities it offers. Normal amenities include swimming pool, gym, children’s playground, function room, and the like. Assess whether the price you are paying corresponds to the value of the amenities available to you. Be concerned about the population density of the condo. “Population density” refers to the number of people per available unit area. In a condo, this translates to the number of residents sharing amenities. In short, the more people living in a condo, the more inconvenient it gets because you’ll have to share the same amenities with more people. 6. Association Dues Living in a condo means paying an additional expense every month: the association dues. This represents your contribution to the shared costs incurred by all condo owners, such as electricity in common areas, water used in swimming pools and to water the plants, wages of security guards, janitors, and maintenance workers, among others. The association dues are usually a fixed amount multiplied by the total floor area of your unit AND your parking slot, if you have one. Our monthly dues at our Makati condo was P50.00 per floor area while at BGC, it is P80.00 per floor area. So for our 40-square meter Makati condo, association dues were P2,000 per month (that’s P50 x 40 sq.m.), while for our 40-square meter BGC condo, the association dues were P3,200 per month. Make sure you pay these dues on time because like credit cards, the penalty interest rate for late payment ranges from 1-4% per month. That is a hefty price to pay for late payments. 7. Rules and Regulations As a resident, you are bound by rules and regulations applicable to all residents and tenants of the condo building. Some condominiums, for example, totally disallow pets and animals of all kinds. There are condos that forbid tearing down a part of your unit or changing the color of your wall. Some condos allow residents to use the swimming pool or the common area up to a certain time only. Parties inside residents’ units are allowed but normally have to end before 10 or 11 p.m. Know your condo rules prior to buying so you won’t be surprised by the regulations once you have moved in. Again we reiterate, if you’re looking to buy a condo unit, don’t be concerned with price alone. Several things must be considered so you won’t feel shortchanged or disappointed with your purchase. The list above may not be exhaustive but we hope this gave you an idea on what to look for before buying a condo. > MORE: https://www.pinoymoneytalk.com/tips-buy-condo-philippines/ Other awesome articles that you might find useful! Is there Rent Control Law in the Philippines? Taxes and fees when buying Real Estate in the Philippines
  18. WITHIN THIS YEAR - A Launch? Per SSC: " As for now, Avida calls this as Project Wyeth. It will be unveiled within the year to the public. During our sales kickoff last Friday, this is one of the Avida projects that was shown to all agents and brokers of Avida that will be launched within the year. "
  19. I found this interview fascinating... Not only for its insights into Crypto-currencies, but also for the viewpoint on the present political situation "I have become a reinvigorated patriot" Bitcoin Blockchain and a QAnon Coup - Greg Reese "How are we going to change things to make sure this does not happen again?"
  20. OTHER Blockchain-related companies $NYXBT : ----- : NYSE Bitcoin Index (EOD) INDX May 18, 2015 BITCF : log : First Bitcoin Capital Corp. PINK Jun 17, 2003 BTSC : log : Bitcoin Services, Inc. PINK Apr 5, 2004 GBTC : log : Bitcoin Investment Trust PINK May 4, 2015 ====== BITCF : log : First Bitcoin Capital Corp. PINK Jun 17, 2003 website : https://bitcoincapitalcorp.com/ First Bitcoin Capital / BITCF is the first Publicly traded company dedicated to bitcoin and blockchain development to enter the lucrative crypto-currency space. The company seeks to vertically consolidate each and every segment of the digital currency arena in order to promote and help the digital currency industry grow. The goal of First Bitcoin Capital Corp., which is comprised of seasoned financial and technology experts with diverse backgrounds and education, is to acquire Bitcoin start-ups, raise funding and invest in companies that are developing Bitcoin software or hardware applications. The company plans to operate in the following segments of the industry: Mining/hardware, Coinqx.com: digital currency exchanges, Providing liquidity to worldwide Bitcoin and digital currency exchanges, Promotion/ education, Business to consumer or B2C: developing online stores and Research and Development: BTSC : log : Bitcoin Services, Inc. PINK Apr 5, 2004 website : x First GBTC : log : Bitcoin Investment Trust PINK May 4, 2015 website : First
  21. Dems in DeNial ‘Democrats Wouldn’t Even Look At FISA Memo’… By: Pitchforks This is not a misprint. Not only did they try to BLOCK the release of the memo, they wouldn't even look at it. Democrats were interested in Russian collusion until their narrative died… Read more: www.whatreallyhappened.com http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz54gEc08Px
  22. #RELEASE THE DOCUMENTS End the Mueller witchhunt, and go after the REAL witch ! Bombshell Doc Will End Mueller Probe, 1984 "How absolutely ridiculous is the Mueller probe. It should be ended immediately." A number of high-level FBI and DOJ people should be arrested
  23. 11.5% JUMP in Tourists (mostly from Mainland China?) Maybe be related to the upwards pressure on Condo Prices (From Dennis Velsaco) It's me Dennis. I completed my review and summary of the Jones Lang Lasalle Philippine Property Market Monitor for December 2017 and their Asia Pacific Property Digest for Q2 of 2017. By knowing the recent historical trends, you can better identify future opportunities and how to position the Philippine Real Estate Market to your clients. In addition, this type of knowledge will help you become a trusted advisor with your clients. In today's summary, you'll learn about: The Top 6 Philippines Real Estate Trends driving the industry. Check out the research here. EXCERPT There are a couple of strong underlying economic forces that are driving the real estate industry:First, the average foreign exchange rate from November 2017 was PhP 51.04. This high rate can encourage USD earners to invest more in the Philippines. Second, tourist arrivals growth increased year-over-year by a whopping 11.5%. This should tell you that foreign prospects are more open to visiting the Philippines so continue to educate and encourage them on how to travel here. For the residential sector, “the residential market sustains stable growth due to strong demand for condominium units,” says Claro Cordero Jr., Head of Research for JLL Philippines. Based on data from the Real Estate Price Index of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), condominium prices continued to increase by 0,8% year-over-year.Most of the demand came from expat and multi-national executives, foreigners married to Filipinos and high-income Filipinos.
  24. Investing in the Philippines’ Infrastructure Story FinanceAsia in partnership with BPI Capital Corporation, hosted the complimentary webinar “Investing in the Philippines’ Infrastructure Story”, which is now available on-demand. Our speakers will deliver an in-depth insight into the Duterte government’s infrastructure programme and outline the opportunities for institutional and corporate investors who want to play a role. The webinar will be covering: Executing the Philippine infrastructure programme under Dutertenomics and an overview of the programme Protection and rights investors and corporates can expect when investing in infrastructure Economic outlook for the Philippines and Sustaining 7% growth Opportunities for the Philippines using the Belt and Road initiative to promote economic development in a sustainable way New structures and funding formats that are being developed to ensure that projects come to fruition and finance risks are overcome Big ticket infrastructure projects scheduled or in play where private investors can play a role.\\ > https://engage.vevent.com/index.jsp?eid=6920&seid=988
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