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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. (An older story, but still relevant, given Robert Bigelow's contacts): Space Entrepreneur Thinks Aliens Are Here. Is He Right? NBCNews.com-5 Jun 2017 But here's the rest of the story: While the founder of Bigelow Aerospace is betting that humans will take leave of Earth, he also seems convinced that aliens are coming this way. .During a recent television interview, he said that “there has been and is an existing presence, an ET presence.” That is, extraterrestrials are afoot in the land. Or at least asaucer in the sky. This declaration, coming as it did from one of the movers and shakers of the glossy business of space, elevated a few eyebrows. But it shouldn’t have. For decades polls have indicated that about one-third of the public agrees with Bigelow. These folks are convinced that beings from other star systems are cruising our skies, occasionally revealing their uninvited presence by crashing into the New Mexico desert or hovering uncomfortably close to our strategic missile silos. ...more == He goes on with the usual sneer, tongue-in-cheek, I-know-better than you approach. Some day soon, he should be made to eat his hat
  2. "We Got CONFIRMATION... not Disclosure" George Knapp knew already. Here, he gives the (semi-official) Inside story. Knapp is a Las Vegas based journalist who has covered UFO's for decades, and is close to Robert Bigelow, who is a key person in this disclosure news flow. George Knapp & Grant Cameron Part I "I was ready to go with the story before the Times, but I deferred" (to them) Another version of the interviews ( 2nd video includes segment with Robert Bigelow)
  3. CONTROLLING the Narrative? This seems to be the real mission of Delonge's To-The-Star Before the recent Disclosure, many believed that Tom Delonge (& 2TS) were being used by the elites to get disclosure on their terms, in a way that they will be able to control. Grant Cameron explains Grant Cameron on Tom Delonge & To The Stars Academy But now that the Cat is (at least part-way) Out of the bag, will they really be able to control the narrative? Maybe not. The control by "elites" seems to be failing in many ways. Cameron thinks that the President may have some control of the Disclosure process through Ron Pandolfi, and Jim Semivan. But is seems Trump is being briefed, but "is not that interested in the subject", and is letting others drive the process
  4. More Tips Things to consider before buying a condominium unit (mostly Tagalog) Here are the things that you should know and consider before you buy your condominium unit. There is more to mornings than your usual daily-paper-and-coffee habit. GMK showcases heightened and unmatched public services, sensible exchanges of stories and opinions, and trustworthy news reports. GOOD MORNING KUYA Aired June 20, 2014 at UNTV 37 TIPS: + Don't spend more than 30% of your income (following is mostly Tagalog with written & some verbal English translation) WATCH THIS BEFORE BUYING A CONDO In the Philippines! Guide To Help You Decide by GraceDRealtor
  5. An Air investor is reminding people: Selling Price > Market Price " I won't read too much into Air's current 220k/sqm list price" I agree. Selling Price is not the same as Market Price. Market price is the lowest price you could get for a similar unit in the same area. I am sure there are willing sellers far below 220k/sqm. So why raise the list price to PHP 220k/sqm? 1) Developer has already sold majority of units. Even if they do not sell any remaining units, they have already made a profit on the project. 2) The artificial price increase makes all existing buyers happy! They feel good about their investment and tell their friends about it. Agents also happily update their buyers with: "Good News! Your unit has increased in value!" Reality, however, is that if you tried to sell your unit today, you would not be able to do so at 220k/sqm. 3) When developer launches a new project, it uses the inflated price as a benchmark. It will sell below this price to make you think it is a good deal. Very similar to traditional retail pricing strategy. Key takeaway: An increase in price is not necessarily an increase in value. Early buyers of Air have made good gains, but not as much as the current selling price would suggest. > source
  6. RISE & its pedestrian connections The Rise will soon top out - at 59 floors, but from this angle does not look much taller than its two neighbors. In reality the finished building will be over 2X higher: + Skyland Plaza: 25 floors, 95 meters + Rise Makati - : 59 floors, 210 meters + AXA Life Ctr- : 25 floors, 95 meters The two pedestrian walkways are finished now Christmas decorations near walkway-1 over Gil Puyat near Ayala Columns The walkway-2 over Gil Puyat near AXA Tower, looks towards City Gate, and the Teleperformance Building that will be replaced.
  7. AyalaLand / ALI is correlated with Condo prices and T-Bond prices ALI : all-data : 10-yr : 5-yr / TLT :
  8. Strong political Will, after years of indecision - Editorial Clark Int'l Airport Expansion Project + The future belongs to Clark because of its huge expanse of land (4,000 hectares), and ts two giant runways. But NAIA (63 h.) will remain important, and has its own expansion + Ground-breakingfor the new terminal was last week on a 100K sqm New Terminal Building + The entire airport-expressway expansion at Clark will cost P 1 trllion + NAIA cannot accomodate the growing passenger traffic, with only 1 runway + NAIA now gets 40 take-offs per hour, and with improvements can go to 48 take-offs. + As the limit is ht at NAIA, more and more airlines are moving to Clark (pg. 9, Manila Bulletin, 12/26/2017)
  9. Deep State Revealed / Farrell Nails it! What a stunning conversation this is! I think it may be the best and most revealing podcast of 2017. Farrell manages to connect some major dots here: JFK's assassinations, UFO's, Nazi's/ Project Paperclip, Trump's election and more. JFK Reloaded: The Spider & The Deep State (Pt. 1 & 2) - A conversation with Joseph Farrell
  10. UFO Disclosure Headlines : "A Real Threat" - or scare-mongering to protect & expand budgets The X-Files: Chris Carter gives his take on the secret UFO program 1428 Elm-23 Dec 2017 STASI: Experts fear alien invasion would be more like ... International-New York Daily News-23 Dec 2017 Existence of extra-terrestrial craft 'proved beyond reasonable doubt ... Highly Cited-Telegraph.co.uk-23 Dec 2017 UFOs and aliens thrive in the vacuum created by secrecy International-Minneapolis Star Tribune-23 Dec 2017 ===== Chris Carter: In his words, “I’m a skeptic by nature. I’ve never seen a UFO. I’ve never seen an alien. But I’ve talked to way too many people I consider honest and credible who have.” Much like Dana Scully, he approaches this sort of subject matter in a more logical manner than Mulder. Carter reveals that he has actually been to the Pentagon to meet with someone whose job is to “think about the future and where the U.S. will be in the future, what its interests will be, and what they’ll need to defend — and everything had to do with space and off-planet.” “Without them actually saying “aliens,” there was a suggestion that they were more than earthbound researchers.” The Real Spaceman In the New York Times article, Las Vegas businessman Robert Bigelow is cited as being the recipient of funds from Harry Reid to put toward researching UFOs. Currently, Bigelow is working with NASA on expandable craft for humans to use in space. As Hawking told Space.com, “Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus. That didn’t turn out so well.” Robert Bigelow on the other hand in an interview with the Verge this past summer feels that aliens are already here. According to Bigelow, “You don’t have to go anywhere. It’s just like right under people’s noses. Oh my gosh. Wow.” . . . You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to make the connection that there seems to be a coordinated, concerted international effort to ease us into believing something that governments have denied for decades: the existence of UFOs in our airspace and other intelligent life in the universe. Don't we need to ask ourselves why now, why all this truth all of a sudden? Why, for example, are former U.S. military officials who worked on top-secret UFO investigations and psychic warfare now coming forward to speak about what they'd been ordered to keep secret for so long? So I asked four people who were involved at the top levels in military programs and scientific UFO research, as well as one famous author who claims to have had alien encounters, about just what gives. What they said was unsettling, especially since citizens have been lulled into what could be a false sense of security about UFOs by authorities for decades. "My contacts [retired military and scientists under contract to the government] say there might be a very real threat," Smith said. "These aliens, they claim, are not necessarily like 'E.T.,' but seem more like 'Independence Day.' In other words, less friendly and less interested in our well-being. The government may be looking either to expand its base of knowledge or to prepare people for something. "You could lobby all day and they wouldn't budge [on releasing UFO information], so the real question is 'why' they're willing to allow it now? There might be a serious concern that this thing is a real threat."
  11. High-end aerotropolis, railway, new airport terminal for Clark February 2, 2017 PNA Nation 0 A railway, a new airport terminal and a high-end aerotropolis are the major infrastructure projects of the Duterte administration for this freeport. Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) president and chief executive officer Vivencio Dizon on Wednedsday, said the big-ticket projects of the government for Central Luzon include the Clark-Manila railway system, Clark International Airport new terminal building, and Clark Green City. == > https://www.update.ph/2017/02/high-end-aerotropolis-railway-new-airport-terminal-for-clark/13865
  12. THE FAR SIDE : Discussion from elsewhere Mr-A : (I am) "Fascinated with ufos" Response: This seems to be a pre-planned, step-by-step release of evidence and testimony supporting the existence of UFO (& maybe eventually documenting human contacts with ETs.) I think that the pace of news flow may speed up, and will shock some. For me, it is no surprise. I have been researching this topic for years. I have taken a fair amount of ridicule about me interest in this topic. But I trust my own Discernment process. It rarely lets me down Mr-B: it would be too cocky and arrogant to think we are the only beings in the vast universe ... but hey, if they ever formally announce their existence, lets be prepared to sell and lease them some land ... Mr-C: We can start and lease them our moon Mr-D: They are on the moon dark side. And they sent the music for Pink Floyd Response: I reckon they already have a Base on the dark side. Have you heard of psychic & remote viewer, Ingo Swann - said to be one of the best ever. (Sadly, he is deceased now.) Swann remote viewed the far side, and saw an alien base there. "May 25, 2017 - One of the most fascinating pieces of "evidence" for alien bases on the far side of the Moon comes from psychic and remote viewer Ingo Swann. Swann, who was instrumental in creating the US government's remote viewing program in the 1970s, is one of the most respected remote viewers in the world." Alien Bases It has long been a theory of some UFOlogists that the far side of the Moon could harbor a base for extraterrestrials. Presuming they come from a distant planet in some other solar system, they must have a base from which they can make their regular visits to the Earth. What better place than the far side of the Moon, which is perpetually hidden from sight? To bolster this claim, authors at such websites as Alien Presence on the Moon, site the words of Milton William Cooper, allegedly a former intelligence officer with the US Navy. In a 1989 press release from Cooper (again allegedly), he swears under oath that he was privy to information that the US government has knowledge of alien craft visiting Earth. "LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon," the release states. "It was seen and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as MOTHER SHIPS exist there." Also known as William or Bill Cooper, he wrote about his theories ... Is there better evidence? Photos The UFO Casebook website says there are actual NASA and military photos of the bases on the far side of the Moon. "There is a HUGE alien moon base complex on the far side of the moon," the website says. "This sounds silly but it is true and we have solid proof… straight from the military. In 1994, the US Navy sent a satellite called Clementine to the moon to image it for two months. During that time, the satellite took 1.8 million images. Out of those images, 170,000 images were made available to the public. The rest were classified. Classified moon craters?" The website provides links to the photos, but like many such photos they are unclear and open to interpretation. > source: https://www.thoughtco.com/whats-on-far-side-of-moon-2594579 > 2: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread957620/pg
  13. SKEPTIC: Delonge's "disclosure" looks like a controlled narrative UFOS & THE BLACK BUDGET - SENATOR REID & FAKE DISCLOSURE! DARK JOURNALIST "If Luis Elinzondo is disgruntled, why did he not leave 5 years ago when the program was cancelled" "It looks like a marketing program... and Delonge's company was set up as an entertainment company to make movies" "Delonge was not even mentioned in the NYT article" Comment: Katrina Katress 1 week ago Great work Daniel. I was waiting on someone to post a video questioning the obvious. It seems like everyone was willing to quickly jump in and agree with this “ufo disclosure” without any level of discernment on motive or long term agenda.
  14. Swann's Viewing of The Dark Side Swann was asked to remote view several targets by a man named Axelrod, working for the US government. "Axelrod tasked Ingo with a series of moon coordinates," writes Bekkum. "Unknown to Swann, the targeted moon coordinates, about ten different locations, would bring him mind-to-mind with what he soon realized was an unearthly extraterrestrial presence. "Swann 'saw' with his mind's eye craters in darkness, and decided that he must be seeing the hidden side of the moon, the side that always faces away from the Earth. Upon achieving psychic 'contact' with the lunar surface, Swann first came upon what looked like trails of tractor-tread marks. Confusion set in until Swann realized that he was 'seeing' intelligent activity and structures on the moon. "In the depths of a crater he viewed a green, dusty haze lit by banks of artificial lights mounted on very large, tall towers. Swann was stunned by the realization that 'someone' or 'something' appeared, under the aegis of his mind's eye, to be building a base on the moon. He had been inducted into an interplanetary operation and brought to Mr. Axelrod's underground facility by the need to monitor extraterrestrial activities in an unconventional way. Swann decided that Axelrod and company had been given the task of psychically spying on the alien moon base because the extraterrestrials had been less than friendly about conventional human curiosity. "When Ingo sensed that he had been psychically 'spotted' by two of the humanoid-looking inhabitants of the moon base, he questioned whether or not he was at risk." == > https://www.thoughtco.com/whats-on-far-side-of-moon-2594579
  15. Moon 1975 : Ingo Swann's Remote View on Moon's Farside and The Feedback he received. I was reading Ingo's PENETRATION again and still got confused on its truthfullness and its absurdities.. one time it sounds legit and the other times its laughably bad. Anyone here already connect the dots on Ingo swann's book PENETRATION regarding his secret task to remote view moon's farside (by some unknown agency) and his feedback in a form of a book by George Leonard (Someone Else On The Moon) ? and on his take of certain biological non-human that living among humans ? Regarding the Moon Remote View feedback , looking at the George Leonard's book and the photo presented in the book, my opinion is that his conclusion are a bit too imaginative ASSUMING thats all the photographic data he scrutinized. If he arrived to his conclusion based on unpublished farside/darkside moon landscape then its another matter. If this 'axelrod' guy really send this book to Ingo as a feedback, then the content of that book is way too speculative and not the ones that ingo RV'ed. My opinion on ingo swann is that he is telling the truth (mostly) on his life + job , but due to some reason he combine fiction with reality in his 'PENETRATION' book. Some oddities on Ingo Swann's Penetration's book : - Ingo's remote viewing the moon, might it be clouded/influeced by other people's thinking ? i mean remote viewing can also gets diluted by public perceptions just like that remote viewer who mitaken fictional Santa Claus as a terrorist flying in the north regions. So his moon remote viewing results are all fiction ? - For some reason this 'axelrod' guy said to ingo to keep their meetings secret for 10 years. why 10 years ? after all there are not a single written contract between ingo and this guy. Is this how intelligence works ? - The Alien female incident, where the 'twins' operatives said they are shadowing. I got a feeling these 'operatives' are really the ones that shadowing ingo , and the fear reaction from ingo is from these guys and not from the females. Once these guys are seen by ingo they seem to pretend that they are following the female and not ingo. - Ingo's conversation with his friends , the 2 females that have great knowledge on goverment conspiracies. These 2 ladies also corroborate ingo's fears that there already exist non-humans among us and they are dangerous. One other interesting tidbits from these , Ingo Swan said he was tasked to RV moon in 1975. He was RV-ing some kind of life form (humanoid) that can sense his 'presence'. Suddenly the operation (the whole ops) was terminated and everybody go home. When ingo asked if these guys are dangerous, his handler said 'there's no conclusive evidence'. But its also said in the book that the agency also recruit other people to RV moon before ingo. And as i recall the best RV-er are Ingo and Pat Price. Pat Price died suddenly (and painfully) in 1975. This pat price guy are the one that very interested in UFO and their bases. I dont know if his death have any correlation to ingo's tasking. did Pat Price also RV moon before ingo ? == > http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread957620/pg1
  16. THE FAR SIDE : Discussion from elsewhere Mr-A : (I am) "Fascinated with ufos" Response: This seems to be a pre-planned, step-by-step release of evidence and testimony supporting the existence of UFO (& maybe eventually documenting human contacts with ETs.) I think that the pace of news flow may speed up, and will shock some. For me, it is no surprise. I have been researching this topic for years. I have taken a fair amount of ridicule about me interest in this topic. But I trust my own Discernment process. It rarely lets me down Mr-B: it would be too cocky and arrogant to think we are the only beings in the vast universe ... but hey, if they ever formally announce their existence, lets be prepared to sell and lease them some land ... Mr-C: We can start and lease them our moon Mr-D: They are on the moon dark side. And they sent the music for Pink Floyd Response: I reckon they already have a Base on the dark side. Have you heard of psychic & remote viewer, Ingo Swann - said to be one of the best ever. (Sadly, he is deceased now.) Swann remote viewed the far side, and saw an alien base there. "May 25, 2017 - One of the most fascinating pieces of "evidence" for alien bases on the far side of the Moon comes from psychic and remote viewer Ingo Swann. Swann, who was instrumental in creating the US government's remote viewing program in the 1970s, is one of the most respected remote viewers in the world." Alien Bases It has long been a theory of some UFOlogists that the far side of the Moon could harbor a base for extraterrestrials. Presuming they come from a distant planet in some other solar system, they must have a base from which they can make their regular visits to the Earth. What better place than the far side of the Moon, which is perpetually hidden from sight? To bolster this claim, authors at such websites as Alien Presence on the Moon, site the words of Milton William Cooper, allegedly a former intelligence officer with the US Navy. In a 1989 press release from Cooper (again allegedly), he swears under oath that he was privy to information that the US government has knowledge of alien craft visiting Earth. "LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon," the release states. "It was seen and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as MOTHER SHIPS exist there." Also known as William or Bill Cooper, he wrote about his theories ... Is there better evidence? Photos The UFO Casebook website says there are actual NASA and military photos of the bases on the far side of the Moon. "There is a HUGE alien moon base complex on the far side of the moon," the website says. "This sounds silly but it is true and we have solid proof… straight from the military. In 1994, the US Navy sent a satellite called Clementine to the moon to image it for two months. During that time, the satellite took 1.8 million images. Out of those images, 170,000 images were made available to the public. The rest were classified. Classified moon craters?" The website provides links to the photos, but like many such photos they are unclear and open to interpretation. > source: https://www.thoughtco.com/whats-on-far-side-of-moon-2594579 > 2: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread957620/pg1
  17. 2018 thread : LINK ==== CLOSING this one to new posts, at 87, 285 views, 811 replies WHY? Discernment & Disclosure - version 2018 I am drawing the line now on 2017 - Small-d Disclosure of UFO's and an ET presence seems to have genuinely begun. If the pace of disclosure speeds up, we will be in a brand new world of new wondrous & dangerous possibilities as we go into a New year, and a world where it is no longer taboo to talk about contacts with Extraterrestrials == > new thread:
  18. Acore: Discernment & Disclosure - version 2018 I am drawing the line now on 2017 - Small-d Disclosure of UFO's and an ET presence seems to have genuinely begun. If the pace of disclosure speeds up, we will be in a brand new world of new wondrous & dangerous possibilities as we go into a New year, and a world where it is no longer taboo to talk about contacts with Extraterrestrials OTHER Reports / Early & Breaking / 1 / Dec. 21, 2017 : UFO Interview: Glenn Beck with Luis Elizondo LE : There is significantly more (coming) / 2 / "This is powerful small-d Disclosure' Grant Cameron & Steve Bassett: UFO Disclosure is Happening NOW Just the beginning. Grant Cameron heard a year ago that it was going to happen this way, with a high level official coming out and making revelations. Another 28 interviews coming. "There's blood in the water... Disclosure is Happening. It is only days, not Months. Only days away" "THIS has been planned. The UFO video is a strong sign that this has been planned."
  19. OTHER Reports / Early & Breaking / 1 / Dec. 21, 2017 : UFO Interview: Glenn Beck with Luis Elizondo LE : There is significantly more (coming) / 2 / "This is powerful small-d Disclosure' Grant Cameron & Steve Bassett: UFO Disclosure is Happening NOW Just the beginning. Grant Cameron heard a year ago that it was going to happen this way, with a high level official coming out and making revelations. Another 28 interviews coming. "There's blood in the water... Disclosure is Happening. It is only days, not Months. Only days away" "THIS has been planned. The UFO video is a strong sign that this has been planned."
  20. OTHER Reports / Early & Breaking / 1 / Dec. 21, 2017 : UFO Interview: Glenn Beck with Luis Elizondo LE : There is significantly more (coming) / 2 / "This is powerful small-d Disclosure' Grant Cameron & Steve Bassett: UFO Disclosure is Happening NOW Just the beginning. Grant Cameron heard a year ago that it was going to happen this way, with a high level official coming out and making revelations. Another 28 interviews coming. "There's blood in the water... Disclosure is Happening. It is only days, not Months. Only days away" "THIS has been planned. The UFO video is a strong sign that this has been planned."
  21. Australian UFO Reports Burrill Lake, Aug. 2017 > http://www.ufor.asn.au/sightings/sighting-reports/ufo-sightings-and-related-events-2017/ === Jimmy Church was Quick! Jumped on this story, Dec.17th (Saturday) He was fast to recognize the importance of the News items - Going LIVE to report, just 30 minutes after he saw the news, Dec.17th Ep. 773 FADE to BLACK Disclosure Special LIVE Event : BREAKING: UFO Disclosure
  22. How the so-called "Newspaper of Record" is handling the news break " many were genuinely perplexed over what to make of a New York Times article..." / 1 / Glowing Auras and 'Black Money': The Pentagon's Mysterious UFO ... New York Times-16 Dec 2017 For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times. It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon's C Ring, deep ... / 2 / The Truth About Those 'Alien Alloys' in The New York Times' UFO ... Scientific American-22 Dec 2017 The New York Times published a stunning story Saturday (Dec. 16) revealing that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) had, between 2007 and 2012, funded a $22 million program for investigating UFOs. The story included three revelations that were tailored to blow readers' minds: 1. Many high-ranking ... / Salon reflects on the NYT reports... / Is the truth really out there? A deep dive into the New York Times ... Salon-23 Dec 2017 Judging by the reactions from the commentariat, many were genuinely perplexed over what to make of a New York Times article — published last Saturday in parallel with a Politico exposé — that alleges the existence of a "shadowy" Pentagon program to study pilots' reports of UFO sightings. Among the ... == " ...the Pentagon was not uniformly composed of UFO skeptics, as one might think. Many of those in the government who were behind the study appear to be true believers in the cause. In particular, Luis Elizondo, a Pentagon official, resigned from the Pentagon in “protest,” due to what he perceived as pushback. “Why aren’t we spending more time and effort on this issue?” an aggrieved Elizondo wrote in his resignation letter, per the Times report... If you don’t follow astronomy and SETI research, or if you’re not a UFO conspiracy theorist, or if you don’t regard the New York Times as fake news, you may have been puzzled over what to make of this report. A secret Department of Defense program funded by “black money” to study UFO reports? Video footage of breathless military pilots tracking a strange blob across the sky? A military contractor commenting that they’re “absolutely convinced” that aliens are real and visiting Earth? It all sounds relatively convincing to the untrained eye. Perhaps Fox Mulder was right: the truth is out there. " Some segments of the Lie Stream media are trying to put the horses & cows back in the barn. Ignoring the other news, scumbag-Salon tries to convince you that Luis Elizondo has made a leak solely to bring attention to his new venture with Tom Delonge. And the UFO reports were just "disinformation" to cover-up for "secret spy planes" designed to snoop on - you know who - The Russians.
  23. LOOK where these headlines are appearing ! Search Results /ufo news from .../ UFO Existence 'Proven Beyond Reasonable Doubt,' Says Former ... Newsweek-10 hours ago The existence of UFOs had been “proved beyond reasonable doubt,” according the head of the secret Pentagon program that analyzed the mysterious aircrafts. In an interview with British broadsheet The Telegraph published on Saturday, Luis Elizondo told the newspaper of the sightings, “In my opinion, ... Pentagon X-Files chief says UFOs DO exist and aliens may have ... The Sun-14 hours ago ... Existence of UFOs 'proved beyond reasonable doubt', says former ... > Telegraph.co.uk-23 Dec 2017 “We May Not Be Alone”: Inside the Times's UFO Report > International-Vanity Fair-22 Dec 2017 Tony Norman: UFOs, if you're out there, we need you > Pittsburgh Post-Gazette-21 Dec 2017 Existence of UFOs 'proven beyond reasonable doubt', says former ... > Daily Mail-10 hours ago
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