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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. In past elections, news starts flowing in by late afternoon (and sometimes sooner) Not sure what will happen this time
  2. "... for consumers who are net-short (living in HK, have real estate needs) like yourself, this will take away from supply in the secondary market. But a 30% upfront stamp duty on foreigners who purchase HK residential today....I guess hot money will flow either to commercial / industrial / carparks or an even more sensible decision is hot money flows from mainland simply avoid HK and move on elsewhere... " - Stagflation Another idea: Buy HK Property developer shares when they are cheap... And use the dividend to pay rent HK-10 / Hang Lung Group ... 3-years : 1-year : I bought over Hk$ 1.2 Million of Hang Lung shares, and cashed HKD 50,000 in dividends, and a capital gain, which allowed my to cover my first year of Rent I sold out, and am awaiting a re-entry opportunity > HL thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20302
  3. Abby M has exposed the LIES of Team Hillary, and Podesta's role - How much longer will we have to wait to shut these monsters down for good? A needed History of the Podesta Group The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta What a fool has Podesta been - but thank God the monsters are exposed ! (Youtube comment): Abby is a smart woman, but somehow she fails to make the connection between Trump's supposed unpopularity, and the massive pro-Hillary bias pumped out by the MSM. It is as if only HALF of her brain is operating: She sees through the positive spin on Hillary, but cannot seem tio grok how much of her negative opinion of Trump comes from drinking MSM KoolAid. It is as if one of her two feet remains anchored on SJW turf.
  4. "... for consumers who are net-short (living in HK, have real estate needs) like yourself, this will take away from supply in the secondary market. But a 30% upfront stamp duty on foreigners who purchase HK residential today....I guess hot money will flow either to commercial / industrial / carparks or an even more sensible decision is hot money flows from mainland simply avoid HK and move on elsewhere... " - Stagflation Another idea: Buy HK Property developer shares when they are cheap... And use the dividend to pay rent HK-10 / Hang Lung Group ... 3-years : 1-year : I bought over Hk$ 1.2 Million of Hang Lung shares, and cashed HKD 50,000 in dividends, and a capital gain, which allowed my to cover my first year of Rent I sold out, and am awaiting a re-entry opportunity > HL thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20302
  5. Trump hustled offstage in Nevada after security scare, returns shortly thereafterFox News‎ - 45 mins ago Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was rushed offstage by the Secret Service ... The agency said in a statement that Trump was removed from the stage at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center after someone shouted "Gun!", causing a commotion. The Secret Service said that one person was apprehended and no weapon was found after a search of the surrounding area. KRNV reported that one man holding a "Republicans Against Trump" sign was briefly detained and was later released from custody. A source told Fox News that someone in the crowd saw another attendee reach around his back and toward his waistband. The first person shouted "Gun!" several times, sparking panic right in front of the stage where Trump was speaking. Two Secret Service agents quickly surrounded Trump before hustling him off the stage. Trump returned moments later and told the crowd," "Nobody said it was going to be easy for us. But we will never be stopped. Never, ever be stopped." BREAKING: "TRUMP ASSASSINATION" THWARTED BY SECRET SERVICE IN RENO If it is real, let's see if they can track this back to the Dems... which seems possible
  6. Are computers now being scrubbed? SR 1319 – BREAKING-4Chan – COVER-UP HAPPENING NOW - Remember, Remember the 5th of November –WARNING!
  7. Steve Pieczenik and the Claimed Counter-Coup "We are going through a Second American Revolution... We will stop the Clintons." SUMMARIES: No-1 - from a few days ago on Infowars EXCERPTS: SP: "With their permission, I am announcing that we have initiated a counter-coup. We will indict the President, and Loretta Lynch." "The first time a coup was initiated through the internet, and a counter-coup through the internet... and Julian Assaange." (We gave him the emails) " Ww do not have guns, and do not plan to harm anyone." "We will make sure that the Clintons do not take power, ... and Obama leaves without pardoning anyone," No-2: "About the Next 5 Days" "Next 5 days are important... in the past we had interruptions," "With Nixon, he was incapacitated, we held the country together" "With Reagan, we held the country together under George Bush and James Baker." "We need to hold things together under President Trump,." "Brave Men (and women) in the FBI and Defense intelligent agencies do not want violence." "I want to thank the Trump family for coming forward and offering their services." "He is not a saint, but he is not a Sinner... It is too bad than Sanders had to bow out." "With the Clintons, we has so much corruption, it was undermining the country." (xx) We do not want violence... We want a peaceful transition." WHAT DOES IT MEAN?? It means that those who are working together (if they are are real), want to stay in the background, and they they will not assume power, Trump and his Team will be allowed to assume power in a lawful way.. We may NEVER know if it was real > Counter-coup thread: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?&showtopic=21084
  8. Utter B.S. in Bloomberg This Election Will End. The Mental Damage May Not Americans unnerved by the 2016 campaign may need help dealing with its consequences. (snip): “There’s going to be tremendous alienation by all the people who lose on Nov. 9,” said Keith Humphreys, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine. In the event of a Donald Trump victory, many Hispanics, blacks, and Muslims are likely to see his election as a popular affirmation of the Republican’s most negative characterizations of each group during the course of the campaign. “It’s a sampling of human opinion, how we vote,” Humphreys said. So for Mexican Americans, he explained, a Republican victory would put a national imprimatur on Trump’s statement, during a speech launching his campaign, that immigrants coming to the U.S. from Mexico are rapists and drug dealers. More than half of the Hispanic community reported experiencing election-related stress in the survey by the APA last month. For undocumented immigrants, those fears are likely to be even more acute, said Susan Macios, director of the Family Counseling Clinic at the Hispanic Family Center of Southern New Jersey in Camden, N.J. “Our Mexican population has been expressing anxiety about deportation,” she said, adding that a Trump victory could send many of them into hiding. == > http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-11-04/this-election-will-end-the-mental-damage-may-not Get F--ing real! This part is garbage: "a Republican victory would put a national imprimatur on Trump’s statement, during a speech launching his campaign, that immigrants coming to the U.S. from Mexico are rapists and drug dealers. " That's a mis-representation of what Trump said - published in a Jewish owned media organ (we see so much garbage in the MSM) What is not garbage is that Mexican in the US illegally will be forced to leave under Trump, This will be good for most Americans, since these "visitors" have hacked the system, and are not pulling their weight - and neither do Jews, who gravitate to positions where they do not do the real work, but are passive rentiers We should be thinking about the Stress on American, not about the stress on people in the country Illegally. F--k them, and the SJW/ cucks they road in on - that may be the attitude of most Americans under President Trump They are putting the REAL STRAIN on schools, hospitals, while taking jobs... and not paying taxes.
  9. TRUMP: A much better candidate now in the Home stretch RIGHT ANGLE: TRUMP FINDS HIS MESSAGE Published on Nov 2, 2016 Bill Whittle saw Donald Trump's speech in Grand Rapids, MI and was thoroughly impressed with his much more disciplined, much more effective messaging. Steve Green and Scott Ott help to break down some examples.
  10. Hmm. Not sure why that might happen. Try THIS maybe: "When you reply to posts, how do you get their post to show in yours - so it is clear what you are replying to" Can you see the difference?
  11. BREAKING! Hillary Has Dropped 60 Electoral Votes In The Last Week Alone [link to conservativeread.com] If the current trend holds, the Clinton campaign will see an Election Day collapse of historic proportion. Pollster Frank Luntz just indicated Team Hillary is down 60 electoral votes when compared to where the campaign was just a week ago. If the current trend holds, the Clinton campaign will see an Election Day collapse of historic proportion.
  12. "... made the "experts" who predicted significant falls in the HK property market this year and last year (and each of the several years before that in some cases), look pretty stupid.." - Trainee Investors diary I don't take that personally at all, since I was not expecting a short and quick collapse, as some were I think the Rally from the Q1 -2016 Low may be over now, or soon over, But higher valuations may give it some staying power I have long predicted a peak in 2015-2017, followed by a 3-5 year Drop. I think the peak was Sept 2015, and we may have seen something like a Double Top in some locations. but probably a slightly lower Low in the Index (I haven't been following the index, so will double check) So, if I am still right the Low may come in 2019-2021, with 2020 the most likely spot for a major low,
  13. People did Hillary's bidding because they feared her - with justification - she was like the Evil Empress But will they Do Time to save her skin? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1XOohFhAEI Sean Hannity's guests think not - and those at threat will soon turn on her Judge Jeanine: "it's time for a Grand Jury... This woman should have been indicted a year ago. This is classic Rico corruption." "I think what you are seeing is the FBI's Revenge... The agents within the FBI." "Five countries, enemies of America, have accessed her emails."
  14. Caddell: Hillary’s Camp Has ‘Look of Desperation,’ as ‘Every Single Issue’ Favors Trump Veteran pollster Pat Caddell joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Wednesday to discuss recent polls and the closing days of the 2016 presidential race, saying he senses “a look of desperation about trying to prop her up” coming from Hillary Clinton’s campaign. “They look panicked,” he added. “The Clinton people are spending money now back in states that they had stopped spending in.” Caddell said if the polls start moving nationally, which they are, they will move everywhere. “And I think that’s still in motion,” he said. The analyst again referred to Ronald Reagan’s late surge to win in 1980 as a potential outcome this year. Said Caddell, “I believe that what has been moving the race has been the structural attitudes. The people in this country believe not only that the country is on the wrong track, but in decline—which I think is even more significant.” Citing Obamacare, the economy, the border, and refugee situations, Caddell said, “every single issue in the structure seems to be favoring Trump.” Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern. LISTEN: xx > http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/11/02/caddell-hillarys-camp-has-look-of-desperation-as-every-single-issue-favors-trump/
  15. More and More people getting on the Trump train Gov Nicky Hailley to back Trump because of "real world consequences" - at the beginning of this Fox & Friends 11/02/16 FBI surprises again, shares files on Bill Clinton pardon of Marc Rich https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrENmPlauNQ The arguments against Trump are specious, and there as so many reasons to oppose Hillary
  16. Dems anxious over tightening race By Niall Stanage ( Duped Zombies? ) Democrats are getting anxious one week from Election Day, with the presidential race seeming to tighten in the wake of a shock FBI announcement. An ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll sent shockwaves through Democratic ranks on Tuesday morning, when it found GOP nominee Donald Trump leading Democrat Hillary Clinton by a single percentage point among likely voters. The poll also found that “strong enthusiasm” for Clinton had eroded by 7 points in recent days.The FBI’s news has given a new spring to the step of Republicans, many of whom were resigned to a Trump defeat that might cost them the Senate majority just a week ago. On the Democratic side, most supporters of Clinton think she will still prevail on Tuesday — but perhaps by a smaller margin than they once hoped. An NBC News/Survey Monkey poll released Monday showed Clinton leading Trump by 6 points nationally. That result was a 1-point improvement for the Democrat over a poll by the same organizations released six days previously. Also Monday, a Reuters/IPSOS poll showed Clinton leading by 5 points nationwide, only a slight downtick from her 6-point margin from the equivalent poll last Thursday. Both polls suggest there has been very little movement since FBI Director James Comey’s bombshell that agents had found emails that “appear to be pertinent” to its earlier investigation into Clinton. The two polls included responses from people surveyed before and after the FBI news. Democrats are taking heart from early voting figures. Around 20 million people had already voted by the time the FBI story broke. That figure has now risen to more than 27 million, according to Michael McDonald, a University of Florida political science professor who is an expert in early voting. The figures have been broadly positive for Democrats, but with significant caveats. Voting by registered Democrats has outpaced that of Republicans in several key states, and there are some reports that Latino turnout is especially strong. On the downside for Clinton, African-American turnout looks like it could be problematic, especially when compared to the high bar set by President Obama in 2008 and 2012. Extrapolations from early voting returns are further complicated by some states adopting different processes than before and others setting up fewer polling locations. There is also the perennial question of whether either party is truly finding new voters in the early tallies or is simply getting people who would have voted for its nominee on Election Day to cast their ballots earlier. In any event, the Comey news has boosted the spirits of Republicans, even those who hold no great fondness for Trump. “At a minimum, it has put Hillary back on defense for the closing 10 days of the race, and that’s hugely significant,” said GOP strategist and Hill contributor Matt Mackowiak. “It has also brought back all these questions about Hillary’s trustworthiness and honesty. ... I didn’t think the race was competitive on Thursday, and now I do.” Democrats, on the other hand, are seeking to keep anxiety at bay by focusing on the polls that show either no change in a race where Clinton held a sizable advantage or only a slight shift toward Trump. They argue that the impact of an announcement such as Comey’s will be limited given the polarized nature of the nation, the well-known yet divisive candidates and the number of people who have long ago made up their minds on whom to back. “I honestly think that the universe of persuadable voters is very small,” said Democratic pollster Mark Mellman, who is also a columnist for The Hill. “While there are some things that can even persuade people who are not ‘persuadable voters,’ I don’t think this is one of them. People have been exposed to information about emails for some time and there is hardly anyone who hasn’t already come to some view.” -- . MORE: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/303869-dems-anxious-over-tightening-race For me, this MSM narrative is such BS. Far from "tightening", Trump is sprinting further ahead, with an insurmountable lead. Let's see
  17. Interesting. If you connect the Dots, it seems like the Obamas are about ready to "DROP" the Clintons - they have become too "hot"
  18. Reagan was forced to take Bush as his VP, and that limited his ability to make real change And you will recall, that Reagan was less independent after he was shot at, and left many things to Bush. this was just a continuation the the Coup d'etat which happened when JFK was assassinated. We are now nearly back to that historical moment, and I am hoping that incident will be re-investigated after the Clinton crimes America After the Coup pt1: Leader of the Decaying World / 2 / The Future of America: What is Going On? (2016) For even more thorough explanations and historical reviews, checkout some of the lectures by Danny Sheehan
  19. Flow Like Features Near Mars South Pole - Liquid Water Beneath Clear Ice? Science 2.0 - ‎9 hours ago‎ "What area on Mars is the most interesting for us?". My answer to this question isn't an impressive geological feature like Olympus Mons or Valles Marineres.
  20. RISK of a Big Hillary Trick (at the FBI) and a "Contested Election" False Flag Hillary Panics As More Leaks Appear // Expert: She May Pull False Flag Published on Oct 30, 2016 The globalists are scared of trump because he’s a nationalist and a patriot. When he gets in it will just be the beginning for us. Big Pharma etc. there will be a contemporary nuremberg trials. Looks like Comey is just trying to cover his but in case Trump gets into office. There is a huge mutiny inside the FBI over HRC’s emails, AJ was told this by his sources. We are winning, which is why they are covering this now. Nichols told us just last week, that the FBI would revitalize their efforts.
  21. Social Media ("SleezeFeed") Blackout - maria b. reveals Loretta Lynch Screwed Herself! Social Media Blackout! Corruption Extends To Obama! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOoFUmzWSUw Scum! After the Satanic One is brought down, we must bring down the whole Clinton-controlled SleezeFeed (FB+Twitter+BuzzFeed, etc)
  22. They know her best: Hillary's Hometown Newspaper - The Chicago Tribune: Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside John Kass Contact Reporter Has America become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, even after Friday's FBI announcement that it had reopened an investigation of her emails while secretary of state? We'll find out soon enough. It's obvious the American political system is breaking down. It's been crumbling for some time now, and the establishment elite know it and they're properly frightened. Donald Trump, the vulgarian at their gates, is a symptom, not a cause. Hillary Clinton and husband Bill are both cause and effect. FBI director James Comey's announcement about the renewed Clinton email investigation is the bombshell in the presidential campaign. That he announced this so close to Election Day should tell every thinking person that what the FBI is looking at is extremely serious. This can't be about pervert Anthony Weiner and his reported desire for a teenage girl. But it can be about the laptop of Weiner's wife, Clinton aide Huma Abedin, and emails between her and Hillary. It comes after the FBI investigation in which Comey concluded Clinton had lied and been "reckless" with national secrets, but said he could not recommend prosecution. So what should the Democrats do now? Video == > http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/kass/ct-hillary-clinton-emails-kass-1030-20161028-column.html
  23. Independent Media / Discerning Voters may have won it. . Mike Rivero has an explanation (which fits my own) about why Comey re-opened the FBI's case on HRC's emails. MP3 : http://media.blubrry.com/rbn/p/content.blubrry.com/rbn/stream_2016-10-28_145959.mp3 . MR says it seems to be related to a sudden shift in Media coverage of the election - something I have been writing about. . "It was like a switch was hit over night," and suddenly the MSM is writing about Bill Clinton Inc., and other Clinton crimes. Why? Rivero thinks it was triggered by Trump's strong showing in the early voting. "They realize that Clinton may not win, and she will not be able to harrass those who are critical, and talk about Clinton law breaking." . Rivero deserves great credit (along with many others in the Independent Media), in keeping the Truth alive, and getting Trump's message out, so that a positive Vote could finallly start to break the toxic grip of the cabal.
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