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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. I agree with you. But if you look at the estimates of the amount of Gold that exists, they seem to start with a figure near to zero in 1800 or so.
  2. It is simple: I am open-minded, but also aware of who I am and am comfortable in-my-own-skin, without trying to be someone else,
  3. Dec. 14th Happenings - I was the only one who noticed the synchronicity of Wed. Re: David Wilcock receives very serious death threat, after Fulford gets kidnapped I just checked gold prices and they are on a 60 day low price. I wonder if anything is 'happening'. http://www.kitco.com/charts/livegold.html Silver is heading a little south too. http://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html source: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?36794-David-Wilcock-receives-very-serious-death-threat-after-Fulford-gets-kidnapped/page13 === === GLD-the last 10 days Purely a coincidence, in all probability, but I will continue monitoring how that story plays out.
  4. If you would like to know more about safe cracking I highly recommend Matt Blaze’s Safecracking for the Computer Scientist, which WILL give you the essentials on how to crack a standard Group 2 mechanical safe lock by touch, aka manipulation, like Jeff Sitar just demonstrated above. SAFECRACKING - Now there's a career with a future ! Though it may include some time in "The Big House"
  5. I don't see one (a big drama) yet. In fact, I would say the Gold price has been Highly Predictable until now. I have often said that the 252d-MA (or 250d, if you like) and the 377d-MA are both more important than the more commonly used 200d-MA. Even so, the less predictable "anything can happen" phase may be dead ahead. GLD : 10years-vs-252d-MA : Last12mos
  6. A MORE BEARISH view /source: http://www.clivemaund.com/article.php?art_id=68&PHPSESSID=d98ec02c8d2b5b3eba54d7949948420f
  7. You have been saying that all the way down. Whereas, I have been on the sidelines, awaiting my target. I bought on wed and thursday, and may not hold too long, since the downwards action may have more to go.
  8. There are others that would agree with that. As CMJ has pointed out: Clif High has wandered into the controversy with his own skepticism intact: Go to divinecosmos.com to follow this: By David Wilcock- the amount of gold on the planet is 2 million tons of gold instead of the mere 120,000 tons of gold reported by officialdom global estimates. If so, it is not, as David and others who are emotionally attached to the 'lawsuit as nice and easy solution to NWO without violence, death, revolution, destruction, and horror' camp, worth anything like what they think. Ask anyone who buys metals. Ask any dealer.....the more gold, the cheaper it becomes. They, David Wilcock, and the rest of the 'lawsuit camp followers' are victims of their own ignorance of commodities markets, and the assumptions hardened into their point of view of universe. Please note, that the 'discovery' or revealing of an additional 1.88 million tons of gold on the planet would, in an of itself, crash the financial system to rubble. What must be understood by the lawsuit aficionado's is that the whole of terrestrial humanity's exchange system is based on scarcity. It is only the rarity of certain minerals that give them 'perceived value'. If gold is plentiful, it is not valuable. /see: http://www.halfpasthuman.com/yetmorecritical.html
  9. That is clearly wrong ! The dollar is above where it was four months ago, and Silver prices have lost approximately half their value since they touched $48-50. I am one of those who have suggested that you be careful of following the Gold and Silver rampers at the price peaks. The least you can do is admit that my caution has been justified. I have started buying again, because Gold and Silver have reached my price targets. But I now think there may be a continuing role for options (which risk a smaller amount of money) alongside the physical metal in my portfolio.
  10. Indeed. And I would add: store some food, and get to know your neighbors This story makes me even more inclined to hold GLD options as a means of "controlling" the upside in Gold, rather than invest a larger amount in the metal. As some here will know, I have been suspicious about the motives of GATA and some of the gurus like JS, Bob Chapman, Robert Ian etc. On the other hand, I do not doubt that Jim Turk is totally sincere and passionate about helping people to hold physical gold. I saw him about one year ago and had a one on one 45 minute conversation with him. In fact, I asked him how much gold exists in the world, and from what he told me, he does not question the official estimates. (And he does not think there is much Gold at Fort Knox. He said something like: "The US may still own its Gold, but I don't think there is much at Fort Knox." So one might ask: Where is the gold of the US? And who controls it? That's a story that some here may want to dig into!) It will be interesting to see what the Gold community makes of this story, if anything.
  11. Wilcock says that the Gold was mined long ago, and collected into China over hundreds of years. In fact, I have also heard something about this story from other sources about two years ago, and so it has fascinated me how the story that has come out through Wilcock is so similar to what I heard then, and found so hard to believe. Another past of the story I heard was how people we have not heard of, are the true powers within this world, and they were virtually at War with the Illuminati. That part of the story is now supported by the film Thrive, and I recommend that everyone view it: When one hears such a strange story from such different sources, it does slowly become somewhat more believable. Now with this case being heard by a NY court, more information and corroboration should begin to leak out, if there is indeed anything to it.
  12. It amazes me how people continue to miss what might be the really big story that is coming out... And unknown to most international market traders, eighty five percent of the global gold inventory is held off-market in Asia. Soon this gold is going to be brought on-market through the China South Rare and Precious Metal Exchange. Will Asia's firework display be the Western cabal's execution bonfire? More global background here (12.12.11). /see: http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.com/
  13. VERITAS Magazine Releases the First of a Three-part Interview with Reknown Physicist and Quantum Activist Dr. Amit Goswami VERITAS, Australia’s leading consciousness magazine, announces the first of a three-part interview with Dr. Amit Goswami, a visionary in the convergence of quantum physics and spirituality, appearing in the latest issue (Volume 2, Issue 6) on newsstands now. (PRWEB) December 06, 2011 During the lengthy talk with VERITAS Executive Editor and Publisher Brian J. Creigh, Goswami offered this groundbreaking premise: “Quantum physics suggests that consciousness, not matter, is the ground of being.” From this important thesis, the interview covers a range of fascinating topics including the existence of God within science; the current popularity of what Goswami refers to as “fact-free science;” his “creative evolution” theory that speaks to the limitations of Darwinism; and the surprising link between creativity and a Frank Sinatra song. For over 30 years, Goswami taught physics at the University of Oregon’s Institute of Theoretical Science and he now dedicated his time writing books and lecturing. And as a pioneer in the nascent field of Quantum Activism— the idea of changing our realities in accordance with the principles of quantum physics, through consciousness—Goswami’s insights on in demand. Goswami has made memorable appearances on the silver screen including award-winning documentaries such as “What the #$*! Do We (K)now!?” (2004), “Dalai Lama Renaissance” (2007) and “The Quantum Activist” (2009). Goswami has collaborated many times with Deepak Chopra, most recently on their 2009 book, The Quantum Physics of Soul and Spirit, which discusses the impact of quantum physics on spirituality. Chopra has called Goswami, “one of the most brilliant minds in the world of science,” and that “his insights into the relationship between physics and consciousness have deeply influenced my understanding.” Turning the page, readers find that each issue of VERITAS covers essential topics the mainstream media fails, and fears, to cover. David Icke—chief proponent of the theory that says the global economy is controlled by inbred part-god, part-human reptiles—continues to challenge conventional thought by uncovering the “astral level” of the New World Order’s agenda against humanity; the cosmic Internet (yes, he says, there is one) and Illuminati Bloodlines. If you are a citizen of the universe, you’ll want to know what this man knows. /more: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/12/prweb9012597.htm
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK4F9VQEF3A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV5CIAltc9M
  15. Take a look yourself... How much Gold? ... and listen for yourself: David Wilcock on Proj-C. (I stumbled across this story about two years ago from totally unrelated sources with a connection to China, and I have been researching on-and-off ever since. What amazed me was how complex and yet somehow consistent some of the elements were. So I recommend you not simply dismiss it as an internet rumor. News seems to be breaking everywhere about it, just as the Euro is headed towards failure. I think there may be some sort of gigantic global power struggling going on amongst the bankers of the world.)
  16. Or... $0. What if there is far more gold than you can imagine in the world? What would the price be then? And how would you see the "mission" of JS ? I have a very hard time crediting the rumors, but there are stories like that being heard now on the web, and they are triggering serious matters like death threats.
  17. If Einstein was wrong (about the speed of light), are we about to get some important new answers ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVycq0OTXqo
  18. And even if you hold it, you'd better have some support from your neighbors, in case someone with a weapon wants to take away whatever you may have. Das Safe : Dat's not so safe, in a time of social chaos
  19. I just posted this... Clearly, Mr Livingstone is trying to gain votes, using the popular anger against high rents, without any attempt to understand what has driven rents higher. Truly, it is beyond ridiculous to think that rents should be set according to a tenants wage packet, rather than using a free market system to balance supply and demand, In Death-stone's vision, how would a scarce resource, like nice flats in Kensington, be balanced against the huge demand from people who would want to pay just 1/3 of their wages to live there? I suppose he has in mind some Death-stone supporter sitting inside a Not-for-Profits Letting agency turning the keys over to a friend, who has bribed him by buying him a meal, or perhaps giving the agent a car. That's the sort of corruption that would become endemic in Red Ken's system. If London voters elect this idiot, then will wind up living in a third world society, and that will be exactly what they deserve.
  20. And what will follow a BTL paradise? Armageddon, if Red Ken has his wish http://www.landlordtoday.co.uk/news_features/Red-Ken-wants-to-impose-rent-caps-across-London 'Red Ken' plans could drive out landlords, say critics Friday 16th December 2011 Controversy has been ignited after Labour’s mayoral hopeful Ken Livingstone declared all-out war on letting agents and rogue landlords in London, whilst calling for rent caps. Critics said his plans to intervene in the market, and cut rents to no more than one-third of a tenant’s wage, would result in landlords having to lower rents, leaving their yields in tatters and acting as a deterrent to further buy-to-let investment. If elected in May, Livingstone will establish a London-wide, not-for-profit lettings agency, paid for by the public purse, and to be run by the Mayor’s office. Although handful of local authorities do run lettings agencies, none begins to be on the scale proposed by Livingstone. There is speculation that other large metropolitan authorities could decide on a similar path. ===== Great. What a perverted system ! If tenants get a wage cut, so should landlords, without any attempt to balance supply with demand. This comes from the same guy (Death-stone) who did much to create the present mess in the London housing market, by distorting the free market.
  21. Indeed. I sold about half of those Gold positions in the rally after that October low, and have boughtback during the last two days. I am using: + GLD and HK's version of it + Calls on GLD and UGL (2x Gold), Calls on SLV and AGQ (2x Silver) and some calls on KGC. I hit near the lows (so far) with some of the trades, and was a little early on others. Still, I have only invested about half of what I plan to, and so if it breaks support at GLD-$150< i will still have some powder available. I do think there is maybe a 30-40% chance that $150-support will be broken, which is why I have not posted the truck image (yet)
  22. That fits in reasonably well with my own thinking. I will just post two charts which target GLD-$150/$152 1) 2) / update to the above chart / The support near GLD-$151 could be broken, and today/Friday (with its light volume) would be a typical sort of day where that might happen. So if Gold can hold GLD-$150 with light volume today and Monday, then that would be an encouraging sign that an important low may be put in place here.
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