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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. I AGREE! Property is: + Positively driven by rising rents (which in turn come from rising incomes), and + Negatively impacted by rising interest rates (which oft come from rising inflation) So they are an imperfect inflation hedge
  2. Okay. And ask Bob Chapman about his $18 average price silver ! We have enough history now that we can see how the Hold only strategy works: His "$18 Average price" is probably now a $25 average price silver by now, if he kept adding along the way. Celente has a decent chance of getting most of his money back, after a historically strange financial disaster. Those who bought Silver at $50, held for a while, and then got stopped out at $40, $35, or maybe $30 may not see their money again. Even if they bought without leverage, they missed a wonderful selling opportunity, that the Silver rampers on shows like Goldseek dismissed, while several folks (not just me) were sounding warnings here.
  3. I am not gloating ! Have you failed to read my post carefully? I am against : + Complacency (and many here still have that !) + Ramping Gold at high prices + The inability of some to understand some simple options hedging strategies. I think it is time people here move on to a more sophisticated view of the Gold market, and showed that they are less enthralled by a simple-minded Buy and Hold strategy. There's a chance that B&H may fail people in a major way! I saw that happen back in the 1980's after the price spike up in 1980, and I am doing my best here to get people to learn from history, and not repeat the same mistake. Is this so hard to understand? The BBH thread is a testimony to flexibility, so I hope by now people will see there's some wisdom in that approach. What I am hoping for in posting this is to get some to realise that there are selling opportunities that should not be missed (with at least a part of your holdings.) Perhaps one or two could post here that they have learned something from this big decline and will be less tolerant of the bullish nonsense, and more aware of how dangerous it is in the next spike up when they see it in the Gold, Silver, or some other market.
  4. I am glad to learn that Turd has finally seen the writing on the wall
  5. I am long gold now, and have been throughout the rally - But I adjust the size of my position up and down to take advantage of buying and selling windows. The BIG DIFFERENCE between my approach and some of the Gold Bugs here is that I take nothing for granted - We can be certain that the Top we have seen is not an important one, because: "Anything can happen." What is ominous now for some of the Bulls is that Open Interest in Gold and Silver continues to shrink, as people DESERT the Gold trade. That's not bullish (yet). The holdings wil need to stabilise before we have a good low. I may buy this DIP in Silver, but I can do so because I took money off the table at higher prices. I am living and Gold-investing on my wits here. I don't have a nice fat salary replenishing my investing capital, which is another important difference from some others here. I am "forced" by that lack of incoming cash flow to take some profits, so I have money to invest at lower profits. If you are lucky enough to have a job that puts investible capital into your bank account, then be grateful you do not need to live on the sharp end. But I suggest you resist the urge to criticise those that do live that way (successfully) and are willing to share their thoughts here, without "something to sell you", or a vested interest in higher gold prices. THE GUYS WHO REALLY NEED DISS-ing The guys who need active shows of disrespect are not people like you and me, who trade around a Core long position. Nor are they individual traders here who may have stayed long gold and silver with the hopes of protecting their wealth. The real villains are those who are out ramping gold, and spreading misinformation and false hopes, especially after a long upwards run. I am thinking of: + Blackrock : which was telling the public to buy gold, even as they were unloading, + Pundits like Bob Chapman, who said everyone should hold their silver as it approached a key resistance level at $50 in a parabolic move. Bob has been around a long time and should know better! He said his average cost was $18 per ounce, if he has bought any silver since then, his average may be somewhere near $25. If Silver takes another leg down, he may be underwater on his entire position (!) Do you want to take advice from a guy who thinks and talks like that ?? + Gold enthusiasts like Robert Ian, who famously said: "Never ever ever sell your gold (or silver!)" within pennies of the top. Next time we see blather from people like that in an overheated market, I hope I am not one of a tiny handful here, sounding warning and saying "Beware of rampers!"
  6. You should start listening to people who actually call the price moves well. See: Beating B&H thread: and http://tinyurl.com/BeatingBH (Ah, I forgot: "You cannot beat Buy & Hold." Oh, nevermind. When does it stop being a fluke, and get accepted as reality?)
  7. That idea is not just mine: See BF's comment. It is also very consistent with the behaviour of some (GATA, JS, etc)
  8. Did you notice what happened to all the other markets? That would be quite a lot to manipulate! If the price went the way that MADE YOU MONEY, would you call it manipulation? Take advantage of lower gold, and gold share prices: Buy some year end tax loss cheapies
  9. How Much GOLD ? / Ben Fulford's answer... THAT Is similar to a view I have expressed on GEI and in an FBB interview. Some of the Gold Bug's have ridiculed me for thinking there may be more than the 160,000 MT of Gold that has been reported in "official sources". But I think some large amounts of Gold may have been recovered in pre-historic, and pre-industrial times, and since records were kept on Gold production, vast amounts of gold will have "leaked" outside official production statistics to "safe on royalties." So there may be an excellent probability that Gold resources are more, maybe 50% more, or 100% more than the Official estimates. Some powerful people may be very happy that Gold bugs, and others with a vested interest in Gold are talking the price up, and pushing for a "gold standard" someday. That would allow them to capture massive profits on their gold holdings without forcing the price back down!
  10. Not at all ! Look at the charts, and you will see that the 12 mo-MA and 48 mo-MA have worked very well so far ! .... MOMENTS OF TRUTH... and the 48month MA's held Month: H&N-Index : 48mo.-MA Jul. '11: £166,723 : £168,633 (within 1.13%) Nov.11: £163,300 : £166,353 Month: Gr.-London : 48mo.-MA Sep.10: £399,019 : £394,102 (within 1.25%) Nov.11: £444,724 : £409,223 They are now headed in different directons. How with the conflict be resolved? (Comment from above): I think that Blue MA (which is 48 months, and the Red one is 12 mos) is pretty interesting. It suggests the up Move in the H&N Index has petered out, and we may now be set for a resumption of the Crash. The Greater London chart has the look of a Final Rally to me, and an eventual slide below the 48d-MA would be very bearish if/when it is broken
  11. I was not at all surprised by the discovery of a habitable planet - I heard it is the second one discovered this year. It should help the average person to realise that Life on our planet is not unique. The universe is burgeoning with life, and intelligent visitors have been to our planet. In fact, they provided the "seeds" that have become life here, and indeed "they" have become "us". Is that a surprising thought? My opinion is: Wormholes probably exist in this universe already, and perhaps they are already in use by beings on our planet.
  12. READ THE CHARTS HERE ! (And examine the actual DATA): http://tinyurl.com/GEI-data They whisper their messages to those who can decipher them, as we have done on GEI. Close-up : H&N Index (average of Halifax & Nationwide) ..... Rightmove's Greater London Offering prices . The Rest of the UK (H&N Index, with Gr.London prices extracted) === === === Rest of the UK is now in Crash Cruise Speed, and should soon crash below GBP 120,000.
  13. READ THE CHARTS HERE ! (And examine the actual DATA): http://tinyurl.com/GEI-data They whisper their messages to those who can decipher them, as we have done on GEI. Close-up : H&N Index (average of Halifax & Nationwide) ..... Rightmove's Greater London Offering prices . The Rest of the UK (H&N Index, with Gr.London prices extracted) === === === Rest of the UK is now in Crash Cruise Speed, and should soon crash below GBP 120,000.
  14. Where's V'Ger ?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfmurjJWen8 the reason this film only really works as a curates egg is that it didn't allow for any emotional story or humour; which was always what made the series so good. It's too cold and is all plot. It does have a glacial beauty to it though...and the effects are STILL impressive plus Goldsmith's score is genuinely beautiful NASA probe enters unexplored territory at the solar system's edge Now in 'cosmic purgatory,' Voyager mission continues toward interstellar space By Denise Chow.. updated 12/5/2011 NASA / JPL-Caltech NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has entered a new region between our solar system and interstellar space, which scientists are calling the stagnation region. This image shows that the inner edge of the stagnation region is about 10.5 billion miles (16.9 billion kilometers) from the sun. The distance to the outer edge is unknown. After more than 30 years of traveling through the cosmos, a far-flung NASA spacecraft has entered an uncharted region between our solar system and interstellar space, scientists announced Monday. NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft is about 11 billion miles (18 billion kilometers) away from the sun, and data collected from the steadfast probe indicate that it has crossed into new territory that scientists are calling the "stagnation region." In this expanse, the flow of solar wind, which consists of charged particles that stream from the sun, has calmed down, our solar system's magnetic field appears to be compressed and high-energy particles from inside the solar system seem to be leaking out into interstellar space. This transition zone is thought to be like a "cosmic purgatory," the astronomers said. "Voyager tells us now that we're in a stagnation region in the outermost layer of the bubble around our solar system," Ed Stone, Voyager project scientist at Caltech in Pasadena, Calif., said in a statement. "Voyager is showing that what is outside is pushing back. We shouldn't have long to wait to find out what the space between stars is really like." The latest results from the Voyager mission were presented today at the 2011 American Geophysical Union's fall meeting in San Francisco. Journey to the edge of the solar system The Voyager 1 probe is currently the farthest manmade object from Earth, but has not yet reached interstellar space, Stone said. Data received from the probe indicate that it is still within the so-called heliosphere, which is a large bubble of solar plasma and solar magnetic fields that the sun blows around itself. At the perimeter of the heliosphere is the heliosheath, a turbulent region at the outer edge of the solar system. At the edge of the heliosheath is the heliopause, a demarcation line that bounds our solar system from interstellar space. Voyager 1 covers about 330 million miles (531 million km) every year, and scientists predict that it could cross the heliopause soon — within a few months to a few years. But the precise moment when this will happen is difficult to pin down. "I can almost assure you that we will be confused when it first happens," Stone said during a news conference today. "This will undoubtedly not be simple. Nature tends to be much more creative than our own minds." Part of the uncertainty comes from the fact that there are still many unknowns about the characteristics of these regions at the edge of the solar system. For instance, the thicknesses of the stagnation region and the heliopause remain a mystery. "Newton tells us the spacecraft will reach interstellar space," Stone said. "The question is, will we still be transmitting when that happens? No spacecraft has ever been there before. We continue to find our models need to be improved as we learn more about the complex interaction between solar wind and interstellar wind. The transition may not be instantaneous. There may be a turbulent interface, (and it) may take us months to get through a rather messy interface between these two winds." Breaking new ground In April 2010, scientists reported that the outward speed of solar wind had diminished to zero, which indicated the start of the new region. To follow up these observations, mission managers rolled Voyager 1 four times this spring and summer to investigate whether the solar wind was blowing strongly in another direction. What the researchers found was that Voyager 1 is journeying through space in a region similar to the doldrums in Earth's seas, where there is very little wind. Over the past year, instruments onboard Voyager 1 also found that the intensity of the solar magnetic field in the stagnation region had doubled. This increase demonstrates that inward pressure from interstellar space is causing it to compress. NASA / JPL-Caltech An artist's concept of Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 at the edge of the solar system. "Once the wind slows down, the (magnetic) field lines get compressed and field intensity goes up," Stone explained. "That's precisely what we've seen now in the last year. Today, it's about twice what it had been for the previous four years." /more: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45559176/ns/technology_and_science-space/#.Tt8Of2PNltM
  15. Is it crash cruise speed yet? Mo.: Rt'mov : London : Rest of UK %chg/ Nt'wide H-oldSA Halif.SA Hal.NSA: HNindex : mom : DelusIdx 2010 J. : : 222,261 : 407,731 : 131,918 - 0.42% / 163,481 169,777 168,390 165,514 : £164,497 :- 0.11% :135.1% :sa F : : 229,398 : 427,987 : 128,801 - 2.36% / 161,320 166,857 166,928 165,997 : £163,659 :- 0.51% :140.2% M : : 229,614 : 417,461 : 130,995 +1.70% / 164,519 168,521 168,435 167,808 : £166,164 :+1.53% :138.2% A : : 235,512 : 421,822 : 135,058 +3.10% / 167,802 168,202 168,593 170,772 : £169,287 :+1.88% :139.1% : M : : 237,134 : 420,203 : 134,739 - 0.24% / 169,162 167,570 167,207 169,204 : £169,183 :- 0.06% :140.2% J. : : 237,767 : 429,597 : 133,097 - 1.22% / 170,111 166,203 165,686 166,395 : £168,253 :- 0.55% :140.5% Jl : : 236,332 : 422,248 : 133,627 +0.40% / 169,347 167,425 167,497 168,331 : £168,839 :+0.35% :140.0% A. : : 232,241 : 405,058 : 134,088 +0.35% / 166,507 = n/a = 168,124 168,889 : £167,698 :- 0.68% :138.5% S. : : 229,767 : 399,019 : 132,880 - 0.90% / 166,757 = n/a = 161,974 163,639 : £165,198 :- 1.49% :139.1% O : : 236,849 : 418,778 : 131,396 - 1.12% / 164,279 = n/a = 164,949 165,275 : £164,777 :- 0.25% :143.7% :H N : : 229,379 : 417,279 : 128,245 - 2.40% / 163,133 = n/a = 164,622 163,268 : £163,201 :- 0.96% :140.5% : D : : 222,410 : 408,248 : 127,473 - 0.60% / 162,249 = n/a = 162,803 161,498 : £161,874 :- 0.81% :137.4% : 2011 J. : : 223,122 : 413,259 : 127,148 - 0.25% / 161,211 = n/a = 164,145 161,470 : £161,341 :- 0.33% :138.3% : F. : : 230,030 : 430,680 : 125,624 - 1.20% / 161,183 = n/a = 162,697 161,680 : £161,432 :+ 0.06% :142.5% : M : : 231,790 : 424,307 : 127,160 +1.22% / 164,751 = n/a = 162,712 162,151 : £163,451 :+ 1.25% :141.8% : A : : 235,822 : 431,013 : 127,721 +0.44% / 165,609 = n/a = 160,393 162,303 : £163,956 :+ 0.31% :143.8% : M : : 238,874 : 430,936 : 128,189 +0.37% / 167,208 = n/a = 161,039 162,344 : £164,776 :+ 0.50% :145.0% :H J. : : 240,394 : 438,622 : 128,965 +0.61% / 168,205 = n/a = 163,430 163,642 : £165,924 :+ 0.70% :144.9% : Jl : : 236,597 : 432,641 : 129,766 +0.62% / 168,731 = n/a = 163,981 164,714 : £166,723 :+ 0.48% :141.9% : A : : 231,543 : 418,008 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 165,914 = n/a = 161,743 162,076 : £163,995 : - 1.64% :141.2% : S : : 233.139 : 427,889 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 166,256 = n/a = 161,132 162,375 : £164,316 : + 0.20% :141.9% : O : : 239,672 : 450,210 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 165,650 = n/a = 163,311 164,311 : £164,981 : + 0.40% :145.3% : N : : 232,144 : 444,724 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 165,798 = n/a = 161,731 160,801 : £163,300 : - 1.02% :142.2% : ======================================== mom: - 3.14% : - 1.22 % : -Est.DI : 142.2% / + 0.XX% = n/a = : -0.97% : -2.14% : - 1.02% Maybe not yet. So far, only "high delusion" (near 144-145%) is being corrected. When the Delusion index slides below 140% or 137%, then more "fun" maybe be underway. Watch London asking prices, when they start it crumbled, it is really over.
  16. Is it crash cruise speed yet? Mo.: Rt'mov : London : Rest of UK %chg/ Nt'wide H-oldSA Halif.SA Hal.NSA: HNindex : mom : DelusIdx 2010 J. : : 222,261 : 407,731 : 131,918 - 0.42% / 163,481 169,777 168,390 165,514 : £164,497 :- 0.11% :135.1% :sa F : : 229,398 : 427,987 : 128,801 - 2.36% / 161,320 166,857 166,928 165,997 : £163,659 :- 0.51% :140.2% M : : 229,614 : 417,461 : 130,995 +1.70% / 164,519 168,521 168,435 167,808 : £166,164 :+1.53% :138.2% A : : 235,512 : 421,822 : 135,058 +3.10% / 167,802 168,202 168,593 170,772 : £169,287 :+1.88% :139.1% : M : : 237,134 : 420,203 : 134,739 - 0.24% / 169,162 167,570 167,207 169,204 : £169,183 :- 0.06% :140.2% J. : : 237,767 : 429,597 : 133,097 - 1.22% / 170,111 166,203 165,686 166,395 : £168,253 :- 0.55% :140.5% Jl : : 236,332 : 422,248 : 133,627 +0.40% / 169,347 167,425 167,497 168,331 : £168,839 :+0.35% :140.0% A. : : 232,241 : 405,058 : 134,088 +0.35% / 166,507 = n/a = 168,124 168,889 : £167,698 :- 0.68% :138.5% S. : : 229,767 : 399,019 : 132,880 - 0.90% / 166,757 = n/a = 161,974 163,639 : £165,198 :- 1.49% :139.1% O : : 236,849 : 418,778 : 131,396 - 1.12% / 164,279 = n/a = 164,949 165,275 : £164,777 :- 0.25% :143.7% :H N : : 229,379 : 417,279 : 128,245 - 2.40% / 163,133 = n/a = 164,622 163,268 : £163,201 :- 0.96% :140.5% : D : : 222,410 : 408,248 : 127,473 - 0.60% / 162,249 = n/a = 162,803 161,498 : £161,874 :- 0.81% :137.4% : 2011 J. : : 223,122 : 413,259 : 127,148 - 0.25% / 161,211 = n/a = 164,145 161,470 : £161,341 :- 0.33% :138.3% : F. : : 230,030 : 430,680 : 125,624 - 1.20% / 161,183 = n/a = 162,697 161,680 : £161,432 :+ 0.06% :142.5% : M : : 231,790 : 424,307 : 127,160 +1.22% / 164,751 = n/a = 162,712 162,151 : £163,451 :+ 1.25% :141.8% : A : : 235,822 : 431,013 : 127,721 +0.44% / 165,609 = n/a = 160,393 162,303 : £163,956 :+ 0.31% :143.8% : M : : 238,874 : 430,936 : 128,189 +0.37% / 167,208 = n/a = 161,039 162,344 : £164,776 :+ 0.50% :145.0% :H J. : : 240,394 : 438,622 : 128,965 +0.61% / 168,205 = n/a = 163,430 163,642 : £165,924 :+ 0.70% :144.9% : Jl : : 236,597 : 432,641 : 129,766 +0.62% / 168,731 = n/a = 163,981 164,714 : £166,723 :+ 0.48% :141.9% : A : : 231,543 : 418,008 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 165,914 = n/a = 161,743 162,076 : £163,995 : - 1.64% :141.2% : S : : 233.139 : 427,889 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 166,256 = n/a = 161,132 162,375 : £164,316 : + 0.20% :141.9% : O : : 239,672 : 450,210 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 165,650 = n/a = 163,311 164,311 : £164,981 : + 0.40% :145.3% : N : : 232,144 : 444,724 : 12X,??? +0.??% / 165,798 = n/a = 161,731 160,801 : £163,300 : - 1.02% :142.2% : ======================================== mom: - 3.14% : - 1.22 % : -Est.DI : 142.2% / + 0.XX% = n/a = : -0.97% : -2.14% : - 1.02% Maybe not yet. So far, only "high delusion" (near 144-145%) is being corrected. When the Delusion index slides below 140% or 137%, then more "fun" maybe be underway. Watch London asking prices, when they start it crumbled, it is really over.
  17. "Smaller is better; Time to Downsize." (That's not only the wasteline, Kirstie.) or: "House prices never go down. Right, P&K ?"
  18. Charts: ICI / Inter-Citic Minerals Inc : ICI.t-chart GPL / Great Panther Silver Ltd : GPL.amex-chart : GPR.v-chart I have owned both of these stocks in the past, and would consider buying again. ICI may have put in a low near $0.75, but the rally off that low has come with unconvincing volume, so there may be another better buying opportunity than today's price. GPL is still near its low
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFIrlgZb8nA A US pyramid Cahokia Temple Mount - zenith of use was about 1000 AD / more: http://www.zuko.com/CrypticSphere/Lost_Civilizations_Cahokia.asp
  20. I am sorry to hear you are becoming depresssed. It must come from frustration. Perhaps some of the ideas here, will reignite some enthusiasm: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsfhQvJ44JQ "A Black hole in a Lab"? I wonder if such an idea is possible? If it happened, it could be very dangerous ala Doc Oct(opus) in the Spiderman film
  21. Earth-like planet found in distant sun's habitable zone CNET - ‎57 minutes ago‎ For the first time, astronomers using NASA's Kepler space telescope have confirmed a roughly Earth-size planet orbiting a sun-like star in the so-called "Goldilocks" zone where water can exist in liquid ... "Today I have the privilege of announcing the discovery of Kepler's first planet in the habitable zone of a sun-like star, Kepler-22b," Bill Borucki, the Kepler principal investigator at NASA's Ames Research Center, told reporters. "It's 2.4 times the size of the Earth, it's in an orbital period (or year) of 290 days, a little bit shorter than the Earth's, it's a little bit closer to its star than Earth is to the sun, 15 percent closer. "But the star is a little bit dimmer, it's a little bit lower in temperature, a little bit smaller. That means that planet, Kepler-22b, has a rather similar temperature to that of the Earth...If the greenhouse warming were similar on this planet, its surface temperature would be something like 72 Fahrenheit, a very pleasant temperature here on Earth." /see: http://news.cnet.com/8301-19514_3-57337039-239/earth-like-planet-found-in-distant-suns-habitable-zone/ Nasa's Kepler space telescope finds 'new Earth'Telegraph.co.uk Nearly All Kepler Potential Planets May Be the Real DealSpace.c
  22. (I have received this comment from Thom Calandra): I made a mistake in not disclosing my sales fast enough back in 2003; I have no excuse. I spent 10 years building a news service. The entire affair with the SEC was settled ... but I understand if there are folks who feel bitter or burned. I had a lot of influence. I have tried to explain the circumstances -- search for the interviews, which have appeared over the years in print and broadcast. I enjoy researching companies, and back then, and now, there are a lot of individuals who made and are making money. I know there are some who have lost as well. I am always available --to critics and supporters. Those who know me know that I am easy to get along with, healthy, sane and ethical. I hope that helps, and I love to hear from all investors, and have reached out to my critics and my friends. I still love to visit cos, especially high-risk and grassroots natural resources properties. I am active in Colombia, Ghana, Mali and Mexico. Also Quebec. Best, thom -- Thom Calandra Torrey Hills Capital: USA
  23. A HEADS UP ! - for those who do not read my Beating B&H thread Here's a chart looking at this over a longer term: ... LongerTerm-SLV It is hard to be bullish when you see a chart like this, and especially if you take notice of the very light volume on the latest rise.
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