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Everything posted by drbubb

  1. (originally posted on HPC, on a thread talking about Property in Bulgaria.) I have invested a fair amount of money in Bulgaria. But my investment is through a mining company called Euromax Resources. Because I doubled my investment when the stock price collapsed to under 20 cents, with the stock near 40 cents, I am now nicely in profit. Now I think this investment has high potential, because previous drilling has shown great results, and a new round of drilling is going to start soon. Why did it collapse? And bounce back? A power local guy decided two yaers ago after the first round of drilling, that he wanted the property. He created a disturbance locally, and was able to get the local court to issue an injunction which halted the drilling. The stock collapsed. The EOX chief exec is a plucky Australian called John Menzies. He refused to let his property be stolen, so he fought back. This meant getting the local communiity onside, and using what poolitical connections he could muster. Since EOX is a Canadian quoted company, he was able to get the Canadian ambassador to deliver a letter to the Bulgarian PM, who promised to look into the matter. About two months ago the injuction was lifted. EOX is moving forward to drill its property again. The Bulgarian courts can be made to work, and local gangsters kept at bay. But only by those who have courage and fight their corner. The other lesson is that Bulgaria is keen to become a full part of Europe, and at the highest level is working towards removing those local influences that make it unpalatable. This is a slow process, but progress is being made. Would I buy Bulgarian property? Yes. But only if I was sure I had spotted a bargain, and I knew something about the area I was buying into. Do not buy on first sight. Travel there first, get to know the area.
  2. Ok. You ask, I listen. I will add a section on IT, Games, and other Technology. There seems to be interest in those areas. This will be a "global thread", looking at opportunities in London, the US, and everywhere
  3. Interesting, marie. Water is going to be a big investment area in the future, and it is great if we can have an international perspective on what works
  4. Welcome, Marie. We can certainly use a few more women as posters here, since the female point of view may be unrepresented. Your experience of having lived overseas will also be a plus, as I expect to be posting more about happenings and opportunities in Hong Kong, China, etc. in the Future. You may want to have a look at the "Dr.B's SHanghai Diary" thread, if this interests you. As far as BTL goes, I think you are right. It is passing through the mania phase. In 2004-5 etc., people were investing because they were hearing "property is the place to be", not because the actual yields and potential returns were compelling. This type of investment approach is often the final sateg before the market rolls over. And I think we shall see the rollover within this year, and maybe alot sooner than soem think. No problem with being "green" here. That is fine. There are sections here - which I hope to grow- which will help people in their education as investors.
  5. I dont know that one. But I think most Uranium stocks are in a bubble now. I owned many, but have only a handful left: MAW.v, etc
  6. FINANCIAL GLOSSARIES... ======= Yahoo Financial Glossary Extensive, cross-referenced glossary of financial and related terms. InvestorWords.com Investing GlossaryOnline financial glossary with over 6000 definitions Bloomberg.com Financial GlossaryBloomberg Financial Glossary More than 8000 entries with 18000 links Compiled by Campbell R. Harvey, J. Paul Sticht Professor of International Business
  7. The Glossary is a good idea. I will find some links, and post them in the Links thread = = ABOUT GENEROUSITY- this came up on another thread... "I have to admit I have often wondered about Bubb" Ever heard of Karma? The amazing thing about random generousity, is that you get things back sometimes in surprising ways. And such an attitude tends to attract positive people, and others who think the same way. The really stingy ones stay away, because they are too sceptical
  8. £715,000 Grant for Lithium Battery Research 3 May 2006 The work seeks to develop new devices with the energy and power capacities of Li-ion and supercaps combined. University of Bath (UK) researchers have received grants worth £715,000 (US$1.3 million) to develop new ceramic and nano-materials for advanced lithium-ion batteries targeted at applications in hybrid electric vehicles and in storage for renewable power generation. The work is part of a growing green technology focus at the University, which is making it a major center of research into sustainable energy and cutting pollution. The University, with its other development partners, recently unveiled the CLEVER (Compact Low Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport) CNG concept vehicle. ...MORE: http://www.greencarcongress.com/2006/05/71...nt_fo.html#more
  9. Welcome, M. "When looking for investments I guess I was looking for some sort of ready packaged contrarian fund which would include alternative energy, commodities, etc.," Such things exist. But I have not been impressed with the performance of such products. I think you will benefit long term from learning to manage your money yourself. One thing that many do when they start out, is to put the bulk of their money into fund(s) and then try to manage a portion themselves. This way, you can see who does better. When I have tried this, I usually find the self-managed money does better. But then, maybe I am better at picking individual imvestments than I am at picking funds. There are many on the Site, that can give you ideas about funds. Off the top of my head, and assuming you are Uk-based, you might look at Merrill Lynch New Energy (MNE.L) for Alt-Energy, and for Gold and mining investment, one of the following: Merrill Lynch World Mining / MLW.L: .. Golden Prospect / GOL.L : .. RAB Special Sits. / RSS.L : .. Resources Inv.Trust / REI.L : .. Starvest / SVE.L : If you invest in a mining investment trust, as above, I would suggest you pay attention to the size of the discount to NAV when you buy. It is bst to buy when the price dips, and the discount is wide. I shall start a thread on this topic in the Uk investment section
  10. interesting site with Unusual Name: http://www.greencarcongress.com/
  11. Welcome, Malco. Of course, I am aware of you many excellent posts on HPC. And I am sure you have contributions to make here too. It is interesting to hear about your background. Have you looked at Oil Shale in the US? I am about to launch a thread under the Alt-Technologies section I am also very interested on your thoughts on Wind power, and electricity storage, which are two areas that really interest me
  12. right. to take out the new Einstein. maybe. But chances are, he may move to the west for a better job
  13. Standing on a geyser is a start maybe. But they need to do more than publicity stunts. Tough choices need to be made, which parties will have the courage to show the leadership needed? I get an impression that Cameron is serious about this, but I will believe it when he is talking about sacrifice, and risking his popularity on an important issue I hope this sitw will attract more than tory voters, since I think the issues we discuss here are important to all parties, and to all voters, for that matter. But most people are simply preoccupied with making their own lives comfortable
  14. I posted this on HPC: (... I think many people- myself included- are eager to see the emergence of HPC's new strategy, and a good way to start is through a clear mission statement...) Oh, I just wanted to add... There seems to be alot of discussion here and elsewhere about : Debt: Using it well, and Living within one's means Improving your living standard, without enslaving yourself (or some-such) May be worth an entire section on HPC. This will be of interest to many here, and will give HPC a purpose which will still be relevant after property prices are on the slide. = = That coping-with-Debt Mission seems more compatible with HPC than here. Do others agree?
  15. (a google search has revealed a second Iranian Einstein- this one is a woman): Iranian lady solves Einstein mystery Wednesday, December 14, 2005 - ©2005 IranMania.com LONDON, December 14 (IranMania) - -A young Iranian lady researcher from Shiraz, Bahareh Kamali-Sarvestani, has successfully in solving the mystery of Albert Einstein?s atomic modules after half a century. According to the US-based Daily News, upon learning of Kamali-Sarvestani?s feat, the head of an American research center, Rosita Jason, involved in related researches, hailed the 25-year-old Iranian lady ?as the birth of another Einstein?. Jason said the creation of atomic modules could be considered the biggest revolution of the 21st century and described the innovation by Kamali-Sarvestani as the work of a genius. Prior to this discovery, Kamali-Sarvestani had designed and created a blood clotting material for hemophiliacs. Albert Einstein believed that with the use of nuclear energy, vehicles could be designed to fly 30 meters above the ground. @: http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/...=CurrentAffairs
  16. The Iranian Einstein? By Tim Ventura | 03/6/2006 | . Cracking the science of "traversable wormholes" ? He’s been called "The Next Einstein", and with good reason – Mohammad Mansouryar’s vision of the future of space-travel extends General Relativity to encompass traversable wormholes as the basis for a true warp-drive technology. His research highlights the international impact of emerging concepts in breakthrough propulsion physics, and he joins us to talk about mankind’s moral-imperative in the stars... "When I chose my project, I wanted one that was described within a real model of physics accepted by the scientific community. I decided to focus on the most challenging ideas in science and I fell in love the concept of wormholes. I felt the idea of traversable wormholes is so elegant that we can't ignore the challenge of making it real. So I searched the findings of recognized experts to find a practical way to achieve this. If you’re attempting to develop a technology comparable to UFOs and similar topics, your first goal should be nothing short of reducing the path of travel in space. It doesn't matter how you do it, by inter-dimensional traversing or space-warps, but notice that both solutions focus not on increasing the velocity but circumventing the usual path of travel. As evidence, cited in many websites, consider only the distant separation of our solar-system to the next nearest star – how can merely building a faster rocket make any real impact in traveling such vast distances? FTL travel is the only real answer…" - Mohammad Mansouryar ...MORE: http://www.americanantigravity.com/article...ranian-Einstein = = = = = (Here's a note from MM, who posts here himself sometimes): The aim of this post is providing the possibility of introducing it to more numbers of people which I believe that's in favor of improving the science and a service to the mankind. However, your personal opinion on my work is important to me too.I guess you might be able and/or interested to help me at least via making a link of the above address within your page(s) or presenting it to more media. So, please give a clear answer to my request. Best Regards M. Mansouryar http://www.mansouryar.com/ P.S.: A simplified description of my work is viewable on: http://www.centauri-dreams.org/?p=561 http://www.americanantigravity.com/article...ranian-Einstein? http://extremetechnology.blogspot.com/2006...-spacewarp.html http://www.stardrivedevice.com/links.html April 15, 2006 @ 17:59
  17. (Steve Saville comments on Uranium stocks): Update on Uranium Stock Selections ===== (Note: To review the complete list of current TSI stock selections, logon at http://www.speculative-investor.com/new/market_logon.asp and then click on "Stock Selections" in the menu. When at the Stock Selections page, click on a stock's symbol to bring-up an archive of our comments on the stock in question) We usually won't consider adding an exploration-stage stock to the TSI Stocks List unless we believe that a) there is a good chance of the company being able to achieve strong growth in its resource base, AND the stock is under-valued or, at worst, fairly valued based on the resources that have already been defined to measured-and-indicated status. In other words, good exploration potential is generally not enough by itself; we usually want the downside protection provided by a proven resource base that is currently being priced at a discount to fair market value. There's also the issue that we have no idea how to assign a dollar value to a company that has nothing other than the POSSIBILITY of its exploration activities finding something valuable. Occasionally, though, we make an exception, and today's new inclusion in the TSI Stocks List is an exception in that the company has not yet officially proved-up (defined to NI 43-101 or JORC or SAMREC requirements, that is) any resources. The new inclusion in the TSI List is Mawson Resources (TSXV: MAW), a company focused on exploring for uranium and gold in Sweden. MAW's primary focus is on uranium and the company has several prospective uranium projects in Sweden. The company reports a POTENTIAL resource, based on historical data, of 130M pounds of uranium oxide (U3O8) across three of its projects. Here's the breakdown: - Tasjo: 116M pounds - Duobblon: 11.6M pounds - Klappibacken: 2M pounds None of the above resource estimates currently meet NI 43-101 requirements so they should not be relied upon for valuation purposes. They are, however, based on extensive exploration work carried out in the past. The resource potential estimated for the Tasjo project, for example, is based on the results of 190 drill holes. The main reason we are going to add MAW to the TSI Stocks List at this early stage of development is that the company's market valuation is low enough that it will be a value proposition even if the actual resource proves to be only one-quarter the current 'guesstimate'. To be specific, MAW's current market cap is US$26M (26M shares at C$1.16/share), so if the resource turns out to be only 30M pounds of U3O8 then MAW would still be trading at less than US$1 per pound of in-ground uranium. This is much lower than most exploration-stage uranium companies. Another reason to be adding MAW to the Stocks List at this time -- in the face of considerable general market risk -- is that the stock does not look risky from a technical perspective. As evidenced by the following chart, MAW rocketed higher between the beginning of November and the middle of January but has since been consolidating. It has retraced about 50% of its spectacular run-up and has strong support within 15% of Friday's closing price. Barring a total collapse in the resource sector of the stock market, a drop back to support at around C$1.00 probably describes the maximum downside potential over the next few months. In our opinion, the two main risks associated with MAW are: 1. Geological: At this early stage we can't be confident that the quantity or quality of the resource will be sufficient to enable uranium to be profitably mined. 2. Political: Sweden's current government does not favour uranium mining. Taking into account the opportunities and the risks, we think MAW is a reasonable speculation within 10% of Friday's closing price (C$1.16). Mawson Resources, discussed above, is the third uranium position in the TSI Stocks List. The others are USEC (NYSE: USU) and SXR Uranium One (TSX: SXR). USEC, a uranium enrichment company, is a conservative way to play the energy bull market. It generates around 1.5 billion dollars of annual revenue and trades at low price/earnings and price/sales ratios. It would be reasonable for long-term investors to accumulate USU near the current price. In the short-term we think the stock's upside potential and downside risk are both around 20%. SXR is a development-stage uranium producer with near-term production potential (the company is scheduled to begin producing uranium at its Dominion project in South Africa in early 2007). It also has significant development-stage gold assets and some current gold production. We like SXR as a long-term investment, but from a technical perspective the stock is presently 'overbought' (the following chart shows that it is at its channel top). As a result of the extended technical situation we wouldn't be doing any new buying at this time, but we also wouldn't be inclined to take any profits. Our opinion is that current owners should continue to hold and prospective new owners should wait for a pullback to near the 200-day moving average before buying.
  18. Dont forget to have a look at those threads on Advfn (see header), if only for the charts
  19. OK, let me take a crack at the Mission Statement The purpose of GEI is... To provide a forum for investors (and others) interested in the impact of Peak Oil, global warming, and pollution upon the world economy. There is a particular focus on renewable energy technologies and the companies that will help deliver the energy economy of the future. The website will assist those who are new to the sector, as well as those who may also be new to investing. In the early days of this emerging technology, the website will assist those who want to increase their capital by also highlighting other promising areas of investment. To instill a sense of the larger potential, there will be sections look at innovations, ideas, and future visions. And there will be other sections that help the site users to look back at previous times of change, tipping-points in historical market moves. GEI will aim to attract successful investors, journalists, and writers, who may have unique and valuable insights into technologies, markets, or trading technigues. ANY COMMENTS please?
  20. NICE ARCHIVE of Articles on Batteries on the Alt-Energy Blog : http://www.altenergystocks.com/archives/batteries/ EXAMPLE / excerpt: Battery Technology Lithium-Ion Polymer - Tops in Battery Technology. Fuel cell industry respondents rank Lithium-ion polymer (32%) and Lithium-ion (12%) as the battery technologies that will experience the highest growth rate over the next 3-5 years. Summary of Key Findings Fuel Cell Sector Well Positioned for Future Growth Which Sector will Experience Biggest New Technology Breakthroughs in Next 12-24 Months? Fuel Cells (27%, up 5-pts), Hybrid/Electric (27%, unchanged) Which will Experience Most Rapid Economic Growth - Next 5 Years Fuel Cells (25%), Solar (22%), Hybrid/Electric (20%) Reasons for Rapid Growth in Fuel Cells Technology Advances (37%), Cost of Energy/Short Supply (23%) Where Will Fuel Cells Have Greatest Economic Impact in Next 3-5 Years? Stationary Power for Buildings (52%), Aerospace/Military (24%), Automobiles (16%) Fastest Growing Fuel Cell Areas Proton Exchange/ PEM (44%), Solid Oxide (20%), Direct Methanol (16%) Biggest Barriers to Rapid Adoption Cost of Fuel Cells Too High vs. Other Energy Sources, Complexity of Technology/ Too Many Technical Hurdles Still Ahead Leading Companies Fastest Growing Fuel Cell Companies - Next 2 Years Fuel Cell Energy (33%), Energy Conversion Devices (17%), Ballard Power (14%) Biggest Market Impact - Next 3 Years Fuel Cells Fuel Cell Energy (28%), Energy Conversion Devices (24%), Ballard Power (24%) Hydrogen Energy Conversion Devices (24%), Ballard Power (11%) Battery Technologies Energy Conversion Devices (45%) @: http://www.altenergystocks.com/archives/batteries/
  21. The POLL pointed out the need for a Newcomers Section. And this is a good place to Introduce Yourself, and tell us what you would like from GEI. In the thread below, I have developed a brief Mission statement, and here it is: MISSION of GEI: To provide a forum for investors (and others) interested in the impact of Peak Oil, global warming, and pollution upon the world economy. There is a particular focus on renewable energy technologies and the companies that will help deliver the energy economy of the future. The website will assist those who are new to the sector, as well as those who may also be new to investing. In the early days of this emerging technology, the website will assist those who want to increase their capital by also highlighting other promising areas of investment. To instill a sense of the larger potential, there will be sections look at innovations, ideas, and future visions. And there will be other sections that help the site users to look back at previous times of change, tipping-points in historical market moves. GEI will aim to attract successful investors, journalists, and writers, who may have unique and valuable insights into technologies, markets, or trading technigues. = = = = = = = = : Please Introduce yourself, and tell us what you are hoping to gain from this new website. General Questions for GEI people to consider are very WELCOME here too
  22. The U stocks that I currently own are: Aldershot (v.ALZ) : thru wts. Canalaska (v.CVV) Formation (t.FCO) ISX Corp. (v.ISX) Magnum (v.MM) Mawson (v.MAW) : will add in the C$1.15 placement Uranium Power (v.UPC) and I plan to buy some: Uranerz in the next few days
  23. Another company with the Chips that transform the Solar into electricity is called OPEL They were in London last week taking about a pre-IPO fundraising. I am considering whether to invest. And I may organise a group to meet them, when they are next in London
  24. Prices... update ...................................................... : SOLAR- 3 key stocks /Aug.14 : update : ESLR, STP, SIT.L : 3 Solar Shs . Solar cell prices are rising because of the shortage of silicon feedstocks (i believe) STOCKS include : Q-Cells Ag, SunPower Corp., and Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd., Opportunity : WHERE is the Sun strong enough... WHERE is the technology employed The seven world leaders in solar energy production include Japan, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, USA, Canada and the United Kingdom. The percentage of the total world solar production from these seven countries and other facts are shown in the table below. Country- - - MW.total Hr.Sun/yr Elec/kWhr w/cap %world Japan........ 301-2001 1200-1600 : 24cents : 2.4 : 45% Switzerland. 15-2000 - - 1700 - - : 12cents : 2.1 : - ? - Germany... 170-2001 1700-1800 : 15cents : 2.0 :. 6% Australia..... 29-2000 2500-3000. : 4 cents : 1.5 : - ? - U.S.A. ..... 139-2000 2000-2500. : 8 cents : 0.5 : 27% Canada........ 7-2000 1500-2500. : 4 cents : .22 : - 0 - U.K. ............ 2-2000 1500-1700 : 12 cents: .03 : 0.75% The map above divides the world into four daily solar radiation zones based on daily hours of sunlight and temperature. The amount of available sunlight varies across the globe. The areas with the most hours of daily sunlight are found near the equator. = = = Solar Technologies Photovoltaics (PV) Photovoltaic solar cells, which directly convert sunlight into electricity, are made of semiconducting materials. The simplest cells power watches and calculators and the like, while more complex systems can light houses and provide power to the electric grid. Passive Solar Heating, Cooling and Daylighting Buildings designed for passive solar and daylighting incorporate design features such as large south-facing windows and building materials that absorb and slowly release the sun's heat. No mechanical means are employed in passive solar heating. Incorporating passive solar designs can reduce heating bills as much as 50 percent. Passive solar designs can also include natural ventilation for cooling. Concentrating Solar Power Concentrating solar power technologies use reflective materials such as mirrors to concentrate the sun's energy. This concentrated heat energy is then converted into electricity. Solar Hot Water and Space Heating and Cooling Solar hot water heaters use the sun to heat either water or a heat-transfer fluid in collectors. A typical system will reduce the need for conventional water heating by about two-thirds. High-temperature solar water heaters can provide energy-efficient hot water and hot water heat for large commercial and industrial facilities. Issues Solar Resources Solar resource information provides data on how much solar energy is available to a collector and how it might vary from month to month, year to year, and location to location. Collecting this information requires a national network of solar radiation monitoring sites. Solar Access The availability or access to unobstructed sunlight for use both in passive solar designs and active systems is protected by zoning laws and ordinances in many communities. Green Power Consumer demand for clean renewable energy and the deregulation of the utilities industry have spurred growth in green power—solar, wind, geothermal steam, biomass, and small-scale hydroelectric sources of power. Small commercial solar power plants have begun serving some energy markets. @: http://www.eere.energy.gov/RE/solar.html = = = = = LINKS: Solar Buzz website..... : http://www.solarbuzz.com/ Solar Plaza news........ : http://www.solarplaza.com/content/news.php Evergreen's Link page : http://academic.evergreen.edu/g/grossmaz/petersj.html
  25. Athabasca Basin, is the where the richest Uranium orebodies have been found. "the largest high-grade uranium deposits in the world" • McArthur River 235,164 tonnes of uranium at 19.60 % U (520 mn lbs at 23 % U3O8) • Cigar Lake.... 134,541 tonnes of uranium at 15.50 % U (350 mn lbs at 18 % U3O8) The main companies active in exploring for Uranium in Canada's Athabasca Basin: t.CCO Cameco........ 348.7 $42.00 $14.6 Bn v.UEX UEX Corp...... 169.2 $ 4.85 $820.5mn t.SXR SXR Uran. One. 15.34 $ 7.69 $118.0mn v.STM Strathmore Ur. 52.29 $ 2.19 $114.5mn v.FCO Formation Cap. 162.0 $ 0.38 $ 61.5mn v.JNN JNR Resources. 68.53 $ 0.83 $ 56.9mn v.DJE Dejour Ent.... 29.23 $ 1.25 $ 36.5mn v.NWI Nuinsco Res... 95.00 $ 0.28 $ 26.6mn v.PXP Pitchstone Ex. 22.76 $ 1.05 $ 23.9mn v.TXM Triex Minerals 8.692 $ 2.49 $ 21.6mn v.CVV Canalaska Ven. 46.32 $ 0.46 $ 21.4mn v.MM- Magnum Uranium 16.66 $ 1.10 $ 18.3mn v.ESO Eso Uranium... 14.60 $ 1.10 $ 16.1mn v.FDC Forum Develop. 25.92 $ 0.45 $ 11.7mn
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