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Posts posted by mansouryar

  1. A cool thread citing an old paper of mine about an interesting patent:




    The original news can be found here:




    And the patent pages:





    I wish them luck, however their work is different from mine, but close to each other …


  2. Can Bill Gates stop hurricanes? Scientists doubt it


    By Ayesha Tejpar


    (CNN) -- Hurricane experts are throwing cold water on an idea backed by billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates aimed at controlling the weather. Gates and a dozen other scientists have raised eyebrows by submitting patent applications for a technology to reduce the danger of approaching hurricanes by cooling ocean temperatures. It's a noble idea, given the horrible memories from Hurricane Katrina, which slammed into the Gulf Coast four years ago this week. The storm, which rated a frightening Category 3 when it made landfall in Louisiana, was blamed for $81 billion in damaged and destroyed property and the deaths of more than 1,800 men, women and children. Skeptics applaud the motive of the concept but question its feasibility. "The enormity of it, in order to do something effective, we'd have to do something at a scale that humans have never really done before," said Gabriel Vecchi, a research scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. How exactly would this hurricane-zapping technology work? Hurricanes are fueled by warm water, and cooling the waters surrounding a storm would slow a storm's momentum. According to the patents, many tub-like barges would be placed directly in the path of an oncoming storm. Each barge would have two conduits, each 500 feet long. One conduit would push the warm water from the ocean's surface down. The other would bring up cold water where it lies deep undersea. World renowned hurricane expert William Gray, who's been studying and predicting the storms for a half-century, also doubts whether the proposal would work. "The problem is the storms come up so rapidly," said Gray, a professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University. "You only get two to three days warning. It's very difficult to bring up enough cold water in two to three days to have much effect." The idea itself isn't groundbreaking, according to Gray, who said it could only be feasible if the barges were put into place at the beginning of hurricane season with the idea that storms will come. "But you might do all that, and perhaps no storms would come. That's an economic problem," Gray said. Even if the technology does work, Gray said it won't completely halt a hurricane. "There is no way to stop it. The storm might weaken in the center, but the outer areas wouldn't be affected much." And flooding and storm surges are determined by these outer winds, Gray said. When word of Gates' five patent applications first made headlines in July, alarmed bloggers lit up the Internet, expressing fears that playing with ocean temperatures could lead to catastrophe, possibly forcing a storm in a different direction. That's not likely, said Kerry Emanuel, a professor in atmospheric sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "You're doing something to the ocean that the hurricane would have done anyway," Emanuel said. Cold water that churns up during a storm slows down a hurricane naturally. But the coldest water is usually at the rear of the storm, so sometimes it's too late to weaken [the storm], Emanuel said. "The key is doing it a little sooner than the storm itself does it and make [the hurricane] weaker than it would have been," he said. "There are enough experiments to find out whether hurricanes' natural cooling could steer the storm in a different location, and the answer is no, or it's a very small chance." While Emanuel believes the physics are conceivable, he says the cost of implementing the system shouldn't outweigh the benefit. "This would only be practical if the amount [of money] you spend doing this would be less than the damage caused by the hurricane," Emanuel said. Gates and scientist Ken Caldeira, both listed as inventors on the patents, did not respond to CNN's requests to comment about their venture. The patents, which were only made public last month by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office, were filed in January by Searete LLC. The company is a subsidiary of Intellectual Ventures, an invention firm run by Microsoft's former chief technology officer Nathan Myhrvold. A spokeswoman for Intellectual Ventures, which holds about 27,000 technology patents, didn't elaborate on the cost associated with the patent. "At this point, there are no plans for deployment, so there is no talk of funding," she said, adding that it could take up to 18 months for the patent application to be approved. Regardless, inventors say that this technology is not something they'll be rushing to use anytime soon. "This type of technology is not something humankind would use as a 'Plan A' or 'Plan B,'" Paul "Pablos" Holman, an inventor in the Intellectual Ventures laboratory, wrote on the company blog. "These inventions are a 'Plan C,' where humans decide that we've exhausted all our behavior changing and alternative energy options and need to rely on mitigation technologies. If our planet is in this severe situation, then our belief is that we should not be starting from scratch at investigating mitigation options." Hurricane expert Gray agrees. "I don't think this is anything that's going to be done in the next few decades in a practical sense, but maybe further down the line," Gray said. "I would love to see Bill Gates, with all his money, use some of it to experiment."


    source: http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/science/08/28...ref=mpstoryview


    Look at the bold red terms; the exact problems which spacewarp physics could solve. Integrating those ideas might (give contributions to) upgrade us to a Type I civilization of Kardashev scale.

  3. A good book to read:




    Frontiers of Propulsion Science

    Marc G. Millis, NASA Glenn Research Center

    Eric W. Davis, Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin

    Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series, 227

    Published by AIAA, © 2009, 739 pages, Hardback

    ISBN-10: 1-56347-956-7

    ISBN-13: 978-1-56347-956-4

    AIAA Member Price: $99.95

    List Price: $129.95


    A good option for the interested people; if there would be more on wormholes inside it, I would advertise more about it :lol:

    Related: Frontiers of Propulsion Science: A Major New Text

    "Frontiers of Propulsion Science"

  4. Can you say more on this?


    Where have you been, Man. ?


    About 2 months later, I shall be a civilian again. The military tried to use me, but I proved them that is not possible.

    I paid the cost of my political viewpoints in that religious system, for example I lost much of their trust when I argued why should we be an enemy of Israel? Or when I suggested some percents of the funding of the nuclear program should be appropriated to my project & fission is environmentally condemned, for the bomb either producing electricity. It's a cool idea to change Iran's regime mind via extensive investing on the green energies to show them it can be produced the electricity through those environment-friendly methods and gaining the others' respect & collaboration, instead of fighting with the West and gaining the UN sanctions …

    While I am sure on my theory, it's a pity that people believe it's not belonging to this era. This big project could have awesome benefits for all the world, but many ones do not believe this claim from me. They consider me just a bright kid, nothing more; so I have to do smaller projects & change the way of my life to be old & rich enough in order to have a better attitude. This is my destiny, but I regret for the environment of this planet. Morally, I did much to save time, but the life is not always as we expect … or maybe there are unknown events ahead …



  5. Two interesting sites:


    I found this website recently and hope they could keep up the good work and would not quit …




    The language is Deutsch or Magyar, e.g, a translated page is so:


    http://translate.google.com/translate?prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fperegrinus-interstellar.net%2Findex.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dview%26id%3D25%26Itemid%3D28%26limit%3D1%26limitstart%3D2&sl=auto&tl=en&history_state0= ://http://translate.google.com/transla...istory_state0=


    This is connected to Centauri Dreams & Tau Zero Foundation.


    Also, this is a good introduction on the subject:




    Luckily, about 2 months later, I will be a free man & capable to act more deservedly. They could not use … -_-^_^


  6. Dalai Lama’s 18 rules for living


    At the start of the new millennium the Dalai Lama apparently issued eighteen rules for living. Are they also the rules of the game. Here they are.


    1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

    2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.

    3. Follow the three Rs:

    1. Respect for self

    2. Respect for others

    3. Responsibility for all your actions.

    4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

    5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.

    6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

    7. When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

    8. Spend some time alone every day.

    9. Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.

    10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

    11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.

    12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.

    13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don’t bring up the past.

    14. Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.

    15. Be gentle with the earth.

    16. Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.

    17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.

    18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.


    From: http://thebluemarbleblog.blogspot.com/2008...for-living.html

    There is another post in the blog which is about me!:


  7. Sirius, the winter star


    Brightest star of the nigth sky, Sirius (located in the constellation Canis Major or big dog)is the symbol of winter nights. Taken from Alborz mountain range in northern Iran in a moonlit night. Photo by : Babak A. Tafreshi

    From: http://www.dreamview.net/dv/new/photos.asp...&cat=Nature

    This is a possible option to install the facilities. I have appropriated a thread for locating of the project:

  8. Iran as a superpower? …, I doubt about it. We need fundamental reconsiderations in our economy and theology.

    Anyway, I just want to inform you my paper has been cited once more by that team of Indian physicists (Ref. [9]):


    Can electro-magnetic field, anisotropic source and varying $\Lambda$ be sufficient to produce wormhole spacetime?


    Completing the required theory (to reach it to a proper point) took about seven years for me. It seems until there is no corporation or government supporting it, realizing that theory as a personal activity would take more time to me; however I am trying to shorten this period.


  9. Those two scientists might probably be right. Some fields of physics are on their mathematical & conceptual edge and only novel experiments could show us the rest of the way.

    If CERN experts would feel unsafe about that hypothetical window, the hope is they (could) decide to close it and turn off the devises immediately! … :lol: and not to report it to the public …

    The 2008 is a special year, maybe some travelers from the future would make it the year zero and prevent the year zero for Iran by doing something against the war …

    Anyway, realistically speaking, the bulk of the news on the LHC is enormous and I think some people have many imaginary expectations toward that …

  10. Thanks for the links you put or sent. Internet speed in my location is like moving a turtle & YouTube is filtered in some ISPs; so I could only watch Kaku’s video on time travel, which is practically impossible IMHO. Therefore I need to find somewhere, maybe a governmental organization to upload a video on internet, and maybe try to use Skype, if possible.

    Tom Munnecke and/or all of you can send me the questions you want to know their answers, or put them in this thread. I might speak at Persian with English subtitles, or completely English. I don’t think we could record a live interview.

    BTW, the main thing my website needs, is a forum …

  11. Because of some reasons which you might be able to guess them, it is better for me to NOT prepare any document for this work, as clear as the above document. I cannot leave Iran in a near future and my language to develop this program would effectively be Persian from now on. Anyway, see below links:




    Some Geometrical Points of a Stargate


    Spacewarp: Relaxing the distances; Breaking the frontiers





    Mohammad Mansouryar

    Moving to every possible location

    FTL Travels by Warping the Space

    Democracy Through Physics: Iranian Stargate

    Faster than light travels; from Sci-fi to Science ...

    Wormholes, Warp Drives, ... , "And Nothing Else Matters"

    To Remove The Gap Between North & South Countries By The Spacewarp Technology


    Also, expect some changes on my website.

  12. Nobody has paid yet. Anyway, I have my groove, people who agree this idea, hear me: Do not expect a miracle, no funding no realizing, no matter how much time would it take, the theory is satisfying (I can prove it according to the recent published papers in the literature), but gathering the required money might take years.

    However, If I had had $400, I would have activated the investment field, plus an exclusive forum on my site only for the investors. Then, I could try to absorb $50,000; this money can help me to leave Iran and reach to my funding & lab, maybe after some interviews & advertising at the mainstream media. Like what Alex Tew did, after telling about his idea to the tribunes such as Time.

    Charity is good, but without an acceptable investing mechanism, and proper advertising, the needed money would not be provided.

    It’s cool to see the public response toward this; they prefer to not “do” something and only talk & talk & … talk about it. They like to advise & wait & watch, OK, I have to wait too. :rolleyes:




    P.S.: Bubble Pricker, I’m eager to receive your $10 donation, this system would not steal your personal info or discharge your account, try it, it’s credible.

    This forum has about 500 members & more numbers of guests, if per body would pay 1.00 USD, I will establish my own forum.

  13. This asking for investment on the website has all sorts of legal connotations. The way it stands, it certainly breaks the law in almost every country in the civilised world.


    I once again would recommend you to ask for donations to fund your research, rather than "investment".


    Alright. Please go to this page (http://www.mansouryar.com/Donation.htm) & donate as much as you like. Also, please introduce that page to whoever you know.




    At the secure payment page, & just below the logo, one can see:


    Payment to mmmwormhole {AT} yahoo [DOT] com


    Donation Donation to Mansouryar.com




    BTW, Up to second announcement, one cannot pay more than $2,000 in each turn. Also, if you are going to register in Moneybookers.com, please insert the referral ID: 3750377 in the field, "Who Referred You?".

  14. Any company which would have been paid for.

    I need to calculate how much should be paid to an insurance company to agree with a 10,000,000 USD project. BTW, look at the relationship between insurance industry & Hi-Tech companies & their policies for probable accidents at their labs, while beginning the new experiments, etc.

    Reasonably, their manner ought to be patterned on.

  15. If it doesnt work, it will fetch next to nothing in an auction


    The worst hypothetical situation is damaging the facilities in an explosion, which the insurance shall compensate it. One lower possibility is failing in experiments, without damaging the facilities. Therefore, the best way one could do is selling them, i.e., magnets, vacuum pumps, metallic hydrogen generating ingredients, measuring tools, computers, etc, with the highest suggested price.

    As you see, I honestly plan to do my best to cause the least possible trouble for people who would put their money on this project. I request you please reply, if possible: Do you have a better idea (as an exit strategy)?

  16. Do you see any error in the spelling?

    The 90-10 percents & 10x ratios are components of my plan. Also, selling in an auction in the worst scenario seemed a nice exit strategy to me. Of course the “return” would be nothing but the successful experiment of bending the spacetime. Do you have any definite suggestion? Detailed reasons?

    I really think I’ve done a logical plan.

  17. Hi folks,


    Look at these new debates: ;)


    Wormholes …

    Spacetime Shortcuts

    Philosophy of Stargates

    Best Location for Wormholes

    Stargate … Benefits vs. Dangers


    Make sure there is something deliverable that you can give them within a year or two.

    If you meet the expectations of the initial investors, it will be easier to raise more money


    Well, please look at my revamped website. I think it’s good enough to start a business. I had decided to register a new domain, but it didn’t happen, although it needs some further improvements to become a strong medium between me & the visitors / clients; … But it seems all the required points have been mentioned. I hope that British payment service would accept to work with me. B)

  18. Again, another paper from these physicists referring to mine ([7]):


    Construction of 3D wormhole supported by phantom energy


    And a funny thread:


    http://www.tapesh.com/forum/showthread.php?t=9447 :lol:


    pay attention, maybe, to where those who respond are located,

    and how they are funded


    Look at the Acknowledgements division:


    F.R is thankful to Jadavpur University and DST, Government of India for providing

    financial support. MK has been partially supported by UGC, Government of India under

    MRP scheme. We are also grateful to the referee for his valuable comments.


    No buddy. A “university” or “Government of India” or any other government cannot be my employer or investor. I’m more intractable to be confined by such things; I like to be responsible only for the people who like my project & are ready to give a contribution to its advancement (donation, investment, advertising, etc).

    I wish I could met more advices from you, “Investors of the Green Energy”, but never mind, … I’ve decided to start its funding through a British company.

    I will start it by support of the interested people throughout the world (Stargate/Star Treks … fans) & under the certain supervision of the UNO. Since I want the goodness of the humans, I’m sure they won’t leave me alone.

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