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Posts posted by mansouryar

  1. I found that image after searching the word "superluminal" in google. It just seemed cool to me. :P

    You know guys, if I really would succeed to realize this technology, it would be a revolution in nearly all aspects: Science, philosophy, politics, economy, military, environment, etc (you tell more).

    Hence, I like to exemplify from the pop culture in a laymen friendly manner to make the people ready for that. We need to present a clear picture of its future (you share more). So since I like the cinema, about the above image, I refer you to the film "Men in Black". :lol:

  2. I appreciate the people over here, who have provided an attractive discussion, ... something which deserves to be recorded for the history :lol: . The internet forums are the cores of the movement I'm trying to cause. Two more samples:


    Practical Wormhole Technology, Stoping or Advancing?

    Ramifications of Practical Wormholes: Is the Business Effective Enough?


    Now I believe, if we were grown up enough as a whole, there would be more peace & comfort, & no "sanction" to limit enterprises of future forwarding.

    Sunrise is close ...



  3. I got aware of the above link only some hours ago, so my hard work would be showing it to more experts to analyze it, along with requesting of some tribune owners to describe it in a layman style. Maybe some visitors of this forum could help me on those tasks by introducing it to the others more & more ...

    BTW, I guess here are many people from the UK, so I suggest & humbly ask them to contact to this person:




    to hear his opinions on my work, then please mention them in here. He's one of the few active experts of this field in the world.





    P.S.: Another hot idea is presenting it to the Nobel committee. I know it relates to the old enough scientists (for decades) & mostly experiments, than theories, in the case of physics; but trying that work has no badness. Giving a Nobel prize to this subject would accelerate the activities of the breakthrough propulsion physics, remove most of the dangers of misusing it by making the weapons, forming a global observation on it via the UNO as I wished & proposed ago, & would pump much credit & capital to this branch, something which takes much time without that prize.

    I don't deny that would cause many personal interests to myself, but what is much more vital is its ramifications for the humanity, as the late Mr. Nobel & all (?) of us do believe.

    Related links:





    According to Time magazine, we users of internet are the man of the year, so let's see what is our power. :lol:

  4. How much English content?




    What about French pages?





    You know folks, if there has been existing no war at all, & the expenses for making weapons were appropriated to education & research, we'd have an unbelievable presence throughout the universe; but it's the biggest pity that some leaders believe the "blood" is the most effective device to enforce the realities to their second people.

    I hope no alive being would have the feeling that many people herein have now, being under pressure from two sides: Endless stupidity & betrayal from a collection that is supposed to service to us (authorities :angry: ) AND deathful threats from many countries & groups.

    If a disaster would occur, everybody would be responsible & most of all, the nation who did not find out there certainly is an absolute expense for anything (good or bad) that has happened, happens & will happen. Conservation is the most fundamental law of the nature.

    I pray no alive being would see that day who is obligated to expect a miracle for a better survival.

    Sometimes, too soon ... it gets too late ... :mellow::(

  5. I had to come back. My travel to Turkey was a strange adventure. The depth of the real reason behind its result is a mystery to me. I wish I had some westerner friends who could do something special to me. The circumstances are sensitive and only God himself is able to improve it, because:


    "Godisnowhere"; this can be read as "God is nowhere", or as "God is now here". Everything in life depends on how you look at them. Always think positive. :)

  6. Below document contains my name as one of the people who have presented a paper for STAIF-2007:




    Note to the (sensitive) positions of the other participants & involved guys, then please someone tell, which secret(s) did prevent me to be there? I don’t know what hands do intend to excite me to realize this stuff in an unwanted region of the earth, although that might cause somehow better graceful effects …

    Anyhow, as Mike pointed out, another approach seems more effective, but one thing is certain: I have to go on this story to wherever is possible, & who knows what would be that point? …


    P.S.: I’m still eager to hear your assessments of the social ramifications of this technology, …

  7. Hi everybody & Merry Christmas, :rolleyes:


    How do you think about providing the required budget, by means of a net of interested people, say, contained thousands of members to realize this plan? Please look at my post # 15, in this forum:




    Two other debates:





  8. DrBubb,


    I left the East to the West, but the process is not complete, I mean I am in Turkey now. :lol:

    Any remark sir?




    Thanks a lot for your words. I will back to you soon, but I request you to have a deeper glance to this thread & its links; moreover I wonder have you seen this article or not? :lol:




    Goodbye for now,


    P. S. : A nice debate on the social ramifications of wormholes: :lol:



  9. Thank you so much No6. Now, we returned somehow to the initial point. Damn on the conspiracy theory. Maybe I should adopt a different logic. I feel this story has been continued too much in present shape & as DrBubb says another approach seems better. I wish there were enough wise authorities in Iran and we would have a better situation in relation to ourselves, and rest of the world. I don't know, maybe my fate is supposed to be very different from my current expectations, maybe not, but I hope whatever it would be, I could feel like a moral person toward it. :mellow:

  10. Thanks a lot Michael. Wow! Give some positive energy buddy, dealing with negative energy is my expertise not yours!! (just kidding :) )

    About the public interest, I think there is plenty of it, just see how much the Star Wars movies got money (e.g., the last episode, Revenge of Sith), but actually you’re right. The current governments are dumber than one could imagine, UNLESS considering the black projects which absolute most of the people are not aware of them…

    About your second reply, I can understand, but my hope is, a more practical space science could lead to better changes on the earth, and that’s not only a dream. Consider the revolution in the mass media caused creating a concept, called (global) public conscience which has prevented or weakened many disasters throughout the world in the modern age. Agreed?

  11. Hi everybody,


    I request you to share me your comments for answering the below questions which are really important to me:


    1) Do you think the world, is ready enough to meet the consequences of building a wormhole, during the next few years?


    2) What is your assessment of finding the proper planets for living and/or probable intelligent ETs, by this technology, for the current decade?


    Thank you,

    MM :D


    P.S.: I launched a topic herein:




    But I thought you could have different comments too. I welcome to ANY related comment. Fortunately more members and guests could come to this debate, so please don’t hesitate. :)

  12. theChuz,


    I'm tired, so tired ... My life has contained plenty torture, surely not as much as many Africans who have the worst possible lives in this planet, but just increase your info on my location and consider my wild aspirations, in addition.


    Once upon a time, there was a boy who didn't like to lose his dreams ...

    The end of that story is going to be tragedy or ... ?


    Time passes and we get older; and this "time" - which you've thought I'm going to harness it by creating the possibility of traveling through it -, would specify many things.


    Let us see what would happen in the future. I've presented sufficient theory in the energy part; dealing with the geometry and topology is the next project. The opinion of one Russian expert is vital to me that has asked me to give more details ...






    Well, I pray the West is capitalist enough, not militarized more-than-enough! Simply consider Bill Gates; I think the position he has, is so pleasant, for himself personally, for the Army of his country regarding the special services his company gives, for improving the economy of his country and global economy regarding the importance of e-commerce, for the reputation of America regarding the Microsoft as one of its symbols, for the development of the PC industry regarding the role of Microsoft, and for the many people who are helped by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (i.e., to remove the poverty, etc). Then, imagine if he had selected (or had been obligated to select!) becoming merely a computer technician in the military sector. You see the differences?

    The best scenario for me is passing a similar way, so the services you mentioned have to help me, not vice versa. However let's forget they have the least access to this region of the earth (plus N. Korea!!). Since we don't talk about a James Bond movie, I'm not afraid of being "disappeared", simply because I guess the mankind hasn't reached to a situation that psychotic security considerations have made us too blind.

    Being a "media scientist" isn't a cool idea to me. What I want are the definite results. But since this technology is extremely awesome, I like to bring the steps of its formation in front of the public eye, the ingredients like the characters of its author!!, the theoretical principles which are available on internet for all, the attempts to find financial supporters and the experimental events. Although, all know many present innovations have previously been used in a military and/or espionage device ...

    We don't have much time and being late could ruin many of us (watch the movie produced by Mr. Al Gore). This technology could change many orders like macro-scale effects on the environment (e.g., weakening the hurricanes or adjusting the Gulf Stream) and bringing a vital news for the humans which is: we are able to establish sites on the distant planets and live on some grounds, different from the earth, MUCH sooner than is generally being assumed already.

    Altogether, all I said depend on activating in an open society, in a closed rotten system the destiny of a guy like me would not be better than Dr. Abdolghadir Khan. Of course he's got his heaven, but what about the others? (Read the below forum):




    For completeness, let me say the only remaining choice for me is forgetting the physics and science at all and start a different life (surely if not death!).

  13. No6,


    Much sadly, you’re right. I think the governments of the world have become too rude and allow themselves to do any bullshit in the name of security. I wish all of them were like the Swiss, New Zealand, or Sweden governments!

    Unfortunately, up to a big change, we cannot observe a great advancement. For example, why no human has gone to the Moon for many years, or why there are only three governments that can send the human to the space? Why some idiots have become effective leaders and why we can’t develop more?

    I think the private sector must have more braveness.

    Anyway, I’ve heard there is a cult (in North America?), that its members believe the human race originates from the aliens of distant galaxies. They also believe a celebrated group will someday leave the earth by a UFO.

    Maybe, they could help to realize this technology, (without interfering the military which certainly will give a dramatic power to the having country.) I guess doing the experiments in somewhere like the free seas (territory) would be good. Something like the announcing the first cloned baby on the international seas in 2001.

    What’s your idea?

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