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Everything posted by InternationalRockSuperstar

  1. do you imagine that federal gov't employees do not buy food with their wages? do you imagine that the 40 million americans on food stamps don't buy food with their food stamp cards?
  2. 1) Zimbabwe had hyper-inflation and 80% unemployment SIMULTANEOUSLY. 2) with so much state intervention in the bond 'market' ( ) you ain't gonna get a meaningful price signal out of the yield.
  3. the UK has always chosen to print rather than default. which is exactly my point. oh, and Sterling in its current form has been around about 4 decades.
  4. yeah, that one always puzzled me: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_Russian_financial_crisis
  5. every bankrupt country in history that has had the option to print (has the debts denominated in its own currency and has someone around to press the button on the printing press) has chosen to print rather than default. every country in history. no exceptions. and that process needn't involve Congress at all e.g. a Presidential Executive Order. I doubt an EO will be needed. Congress gave $700 bn to Paulson with very few strings attached. I would guess they will give Geithner at least $2 trillion. no, the US gov't already has enough of those. and the rest. you can't print tanks anyway. the only thing that matters is that the population carries on having no real way to fight back.
  6. yay, another bullshit promise for him to break. the political reality is that the US gov't has crushed every populist uprising since the american revolution, staring with the Whiskey Insurrection in 1791.
  7. the green craps are ad homs. the blue is incorrect. a gov't is a violent monopoly which retains the monopolistic 'right' to initiate force against the innocent across a particular territory. this is quite obviously not what Bubb is doing!.
  8. the gov't funds its operations by extorting wealth from those who create it. a parasite needs a hosts. markets came first, then gov't. otherwise the gov't would have nothing to steal!
  9. nonsense. the markets exist first. then the statists come along to try to take a cut of each transaction, by force. FFS stop repeatedly posting this false dichotomy of 'gov't imposed currencies' or 'barter' the purpose of gov't is for those in gov't to pillage those who are not.
  10. fiat (government imposed) currencies have nothing to do with free markets! the demise of fiat currencies is clearly a failure of statism.
  11. and like most deflationists he is very careful to qualify his predictions. he goes on to say (from above link):
  12. you've avoided the question. so what's you answer? would you call that person anti-semitic or not?
  13. ah, but investment in gold is largely on the fringe also. genuine concern about involvement in BV from a specific family with a shady history is not bigoted. and if BV can ignore this concern then why are they posting on internet forums trying to ridicule any critism of the Rothschild using tenuous links to David Icke? now here's a question for you, Wolf: if Bernie Madoff's son aquired a stake in BV and someone consequently withdrew their funds from BV due to concern over the family's track record, would you call that person anti-semitic?
  14. but it's not about analysing gold; it's about analysing the trustworthiness of a particular banking dynasty. most people here expect the gold price to move higher longer term, but that isn't the issue here. if for some reason you have a problem using the web as a source of information, there are plenty of books and newspaper articles on the matter.
  15. and if you click on the link, you'll see that it's just another link to a Telegraph article - so a bit weird for Adrian to have chosen to post the link via Icke's website, no? 'oh look it's on Icke's website so it must not be true' is a slightly childish argument, tbh.
  16. what if the dollars aren't worth anything to anyone?
  17. BV depositors should be more concerned with analysing the character of their new shareholder, rather than analysing Schaublin's.
  18. how much more research do you need to do to figure out the Rothschilds are evil sh1ts! people who buy and hold gold shouldn't worry about a repeat of 2008. after all, in the year 2008 gold closed 3.4% higher in dollars and 44% higher in pounds. how many of the people withdrawing funds from BV due to Rothschild involvement are doing so because of the Rothschild's (alleged) religion. my guess is none. the family is (rightly or wrongly) notorious for shafting people - and people don't want to get shafted. it's that simple.
  19. nope. moving cash from a bank vault to your mattress is not deflationary (and it's not inflationary either). and besides, most of the cash currently under people's mattresses wasn't even in the bank vault to start with - the gov't has printed it to 'hide' banksters' fraud/insolvency - this is inflationary. extending bank credit does not inflate the money supply, but changes people's behaviour by misinforming them. er,no, don't think of bank credit as 'anti-money' because it isn't. think of bank credit as lies that get work done. [facepalm] it's not me that insists that - it's legal tender laws! bank credit is a derivative of legal tender. like most other 'simple' derivatives, it will trade at the value of the underlying product, so long as your counterparty is good for the money. if you transfer money from debtor to creditor then the money still exists! it's a change in ownership of the money; not a change in supply. please stop repeating this misinformation. I have seen GF correct you on this on several occasions, so you ought to know better by now. 'work' is bit vague, can you be more specific? yes - and if all else fails, then just accuse me of living in a cave - that'll work!
  20. the inflation is not caused by those who have money (as in cash) but by those who create money i.e. the seignior(s), the people with the printing press. however, the exact point in time at which the currency becomes worthless often depends on when those hoarding cash decide dump their cash holdings. in our case that would be the people hoarding £50 notes and the people hoarding £10 and £20 notes. Mises' crack-up boom: http://www.dailyreckoning.com.au/crack-up-boom/2007/06/26/
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