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Everything posted by Softlywinged

  1. After listening to Trump's speech I figured the left would wake up...instead it's nothing but more of the same. They accuse him of bowing (when he leaned down to get the gold King Abdulaziz gold medal because he's so much taller (forgetting that Obama bowed down in the mud room lol ) to how he didn't call it radical Islamist terrorism, to he's arming Saudi Arabia I've come to the conclusion after those two last horrible vid's I shared above that our reality is going to be what we visualize it to be. Luckily most of us visualize an end to the tyranny. This was a remarkable speech and you could see Trump was a bit nervous when his voice cracks at certain words but he persevered. He was amazing !! And now we've got Newt Gingrich calling for an investigation of murder of Seth Rich. This is BIG I read something the other day, copy/pasted it and sharing in here too because it makes SO much sense. I know that Trump is brilliant and we all know Bannon is totally aware of who's behind the corruption. This was good. A fascinating Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today on the Syrian de-conflicting talks currently ongoing between the Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the US Department of Defense (DoD) reveals an astonishing exchange between the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joseph Dunford and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu wherein it was revealed that President Donald Trump has been employing the tactics of the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu against the American mainstream propaganda media in order to destroy them—and all of whom have now unwittingly plunged into what is being described by some members of the SC as the “Trump Trap”. In knowing that he could very likely win the 2016 US presidential election against his “deeply flawed” opponent Hillary Clinton, but also knowing it would ignite a “Deep State” backlash against him, then billionaire businessman Trump, on 17 August, appointed as the chief executive of his presidential campaign a former US Navy officer named Steve Bannon—whose astounding rise through the business and banking worlds; is credited by his near single-minded devotion to Sun Tzu’s 5th century military treatise “Art Of War”, whose governing precept is: “All warfare is based on deception”. Once taking control of Trump’s presidential campaign, Bannon became aware that the Obama regime was spying on Trump and his associates—while at the same time leaking this secret information to the US mainstream propaganda media—with his [bannon’s] greatest fears being that Trump’s extensive ties with China was the greatest danger to derailing his campaign. Using the “Art Of War” precept “Even though you are competent, appear incompetent. Though effective, appear ineffective.”, however, this report notes, Bannon, in a effort to keep concealed Trump’s extensive ties with China prior to the election, embarked on a deliberate misinformation campaign “suggesting and or misleading” the “Deep State” aligned mainstream propaganda media into believing Trump had ties with Russia instead—a misdirection US journalists were highly susceptible to as recently revealed in a study conducted by Neuro-scientist Tara Swift and the London Press Club that determined “the highest functions of journalists brains were operating at a lower level than the average population, due to dehydration, self-medicating, and fueling their brains with caffeine and high-sugar foods”.
  2. Sad when you think about it since the FBI has already done all the research on Hillary and Podesta, Comey didn't, he just stopped them from prosecuting. I watched something last night that really bothered me, the "what if" he's right. My guts tell me he's just so despondent over nothing happening [yet] and from history that he's going down the trail of history and that Trump's ego is so YUGE that Trump wouldn't want to go down in history as the worst president ever....but then there's that "what if" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yezpiouRPX0 and I was stupid enough to watch 2 of his video's LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBbaihToNlU&t=10s
  3. My thoughts exactly...supposedly it's been spent on the poverty stricken....yeah sure
  4. Here's my question to this video. Who collected the 14 billion and where did that 14 billion end up?
  5. With all that's happening I needed a laugh and this one gave it to me, brought to us all by the Goldfish Report. Figured folks might need a laugh too so I'll share since it's very short. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. A chicken farmer is telling everyone to share this so the White Knights and the President and White Hats and anyone involved with the SSP can be alerted... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN_9zhWQLvw
  6. can't wait to catch up with your latest video's...saw that part 2 with Bill Ryan on Dark Journalist was uploaded and came here to share...I'm less than a minute into watching LOL I have no patience for the type person above who calls your work rubbish yet wants you to waste your time educating them so they can call it whatever their belief system accepts. Glad you gave them a starting point so if they don't give it the due diligence it's their fault...you led them to knowledge. I'm pretty much at the point of saying "let the dead bury their dead"
  7. Why I think John Kerry started liquidating everything he owned...to pay for someone to be the Huckleberry... Comey's got a net worth of 11 million and he's speaking for pay now LOL Loved it when Trump warned Comey by his tweets "not to lie because he may have it all on tape" ...utterly brilliant ....check mate I especially love right after his advertising, wish he'd do it like Next News Network and just say stay tuned for an important update and get on with the story instead of advertising first but anyway, I loved the way he showed how we've all been manipulated to FEAR RUSSIA our entire lives. One of Bill's best in the hope department.
  8. Speaking of the Antarctic and Comey, I thought you might like this one. I really like the way this kid sees things
  9. agree, especially after listening to Bill Ryan's video above. I can't even comment on Macron...I feel such a loss for all of us at this point. So what that Comey was fired...is that how it goes? Retire or be fired and the bad things you did just go away? Looking at Chavetz for example...all he did was waste tax payers time, he never had any intention of doing anything and now he's just going to step down. Reminds me of how Eric Holder got out of it
  10. Not something I can go into .....but he's the only one I know without an agenda...he doesn't ask for donations and only interviews at certain times. He actually has a job and not relying on the internet and people's money. I have to bring this up in here because I'm finding this SO rewarding to see Thomas Williams finally admitting that Neil Keenan works for the cabal. It's after the hour mark @ the 66:00 minute...did he wake up? He also calls out our favorite person RVD, Kent Dunn, Dave Schmidt and others...although I don't believe Gilliland is a fake...I too have seen things in the sky and others have seen things at his Eceti ranch. Gilliland speaks about speaking with the "grandfather" and in one video he spoke about speaking to the Ambassador...it's always been the grandfather since. https://www.spreaker.com/user/8955881
  11. Okay, I listened and didn't even finish Goode's response of all the he said and she said's and here's my conclusion. If the sphere being's and the alliance wanted disclosure for humanity we wouldn't have to pay for it -and- they'd give Goode some kind of evidence to back up his story.
  12. I'm friends with Randy on FB, the one who started all this in the first place and I can tell you that he's good people. Then Bill Ryan jumped on the bandwagon. In fact I was tagged in his and William's ( who I'm NOT friends with) today. This is what it says: THIS MESSAGE WAS BROADCAST LAST NIGHT (05-04-17) by Thomas Williams. This is our outreach to Corey Goode. In good will and good faith. I fully support this message and hope those out there in the alt-media, who have been compromised will step out and join us. We already have the Intel. +++±+++±+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Going to briefly touch on this in support of Randy Maugans, both he and I have spent some time over the last few years exposing the depths of deceipt, depravity, greed and ego amongst the alternative community. Deceivers peddling bs fairy tales to make money off an all too gullible public, I have stated myself I would love Corey Goode's story to be all correct it would be fantastic for us all, but reality is it is all bs, I tried hard, searched and hoped at least some of it was correct, only to be told no of it is, and that subsequently was the case. Corey has been played for a fool by Wilcock, Gaiam TV and other handlers, Mr Goode my message to you as a repeat of what you occasionally ask for in your bs shows, unity amongst the community, so I say to you if we can provide a safe platform for you and your family to come forward to Randy and I and do a one off show detailing who set you up for this bs story and funding, we have all the details of said collusion, so there is no doubt now. Time for you to do something for real in the community and join us in exposing the filth in our midst. Time for you to gain some real credibility Corey and do the right thing, offer remains open at all times, contact me or Randy Maugans."~Thomas Williams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've not commented on any of them, today I'll feel forced to since I was tagged, but the thing is, no one knows what's truth. And maybe even Corey....MKUltra's have been around for many years and who's to say a job wasn't also done on Corey? He's definitely sincere in what he states and his humble demeanor and his message of love can't be denied. I think we so badly we want to believe in "help is here" we'll latch on to anything, even I had a hard time and still do, believing that blue feathered entities, who supposedly helped start all the different entities in the Universe are here to "rescue" us. Yet things predicted in the past are coming to fruition now...it can't be denied. Like I said prior...what Bill Ryan said about him in the beginning, before the video's (which I'll watch after I write this) made me believe in Goode more than if he'd not said a word. LOL So with that being said, with me the jury is still out. Thanks for all you do DrBubb....you always seem to have what I'm looking for right here...and it's always in synchronicity...I'm so happy you have this blog. PS...I unfriended Max Igan about 3 months ago...not because of what he said about Trump...because of his responses to those who didn't feel the same way. He got upset with me and said "even you Deb?" when I said he, Max, was only repeating the left's talking points. He was kind to me but to others he was vile and disgusting. For a man who preaches love and peace, the vitriol that was coming out of his mouth was disgusting. Is Igan right? Who knows, I haven't listened to anything else he's said in the past 3 months... time will tell, but to me, I see a 4D chess game being played out and played out brilliantly. I see Putin and Xi Jin Ping and possibly even Assad in on it. And now Duterte? Okay, I've written enough, I'm going to listen to your video's...thanks again for them.
  13. So much to catch up on in here....this Kent Dunn is a real joke, he's just repeating what he reads on the internet. I was watching an Alfred Lambremont video the other day about satellite of NK over US and this guy gets on with him and shows him there's no satellite at all, he takes him to a military site and shows him but what caught my attention is when he said Kent Dunn repeats what they want him to say and he was laughing about it. And Dave Hodges...he's the worst when it comes to fear mongering. Then he promotes products he sells to get us through the catastrophe.
  14. The beginning of this was already predicted accurately and it's only the first of May. You've got me hooked on this channel DrBubb lol And the reason I say that is check out what's happening today in Oregon....grrrrrrrrr so tired of this insanity https://bluelivesmatter.blue/portland-may-day-riot-videos/ Ya know, I remember Reagan and the way he was...if only others could go back to that and stop all this politically correct bullship
  15. With all that's going on in the world I find this young man to be a breath of fresh air. I hope you check out his site, he covers most everything
  16. Feel I should share this one too DrBubb Judge Napolitano was treated horribly and was right all along. Just heard Pence is on his way to Korea over the Easter weekend...hopefully to get someone to curb the fat boy and his idiocy. Oh boy
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