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green park

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Hello, I have a piece of (500 acres) mountain area in China Taihang mount with water and jungle, siutable for: crop planting; forestry; animal husbandry; hunting; tourism...

I own the property for 50 years till 2058. I already have a plan how to develop this area into a green industial park, which will output gree vegetables; meat; milk; even green electricity to the power net with our totally new designs to generate electric power whiout affected by weather. It will be a attractive tourism for poeple with diffierent requirement. The primary investment will need $2 Millions for the first year to do the prapera and setup, from the second half of the second year, incoming will get from plantings.


Best Regards.


Adam Zhou



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Hello, I have a piece of (500 acres) mountain area in China Taihang mount with water and jungle, siutable for: crop planting; forestry; animal husbandry; hunting; tourism...

I own the property for 50 years till 2058. I already have a plan how to develop this area into a green industial park, which will output gree vegetables; meat; milk; even green electricity to the power


Now why would someone want to write such a huge cheque to help you achieve YOUR goal?

You havent said anything about "what's in it" for the investor - and that makes me think you will enjoy

little success in attracting anyone.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Everyone, you think it's a scam? at first I was kinda, huh? but maybe he has reason but the mere fact that he didn't elaborate about it and no clear plan though maybe that's a big scam. Oh by the way, haven't heard from him since then? hmm..this is fake for sure. Gogreenpark where are you? defend yourself if you aren't a scammer?

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