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Sand - very interesting!!!


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Google for sand mining (& + india)


Did you know, that dubai is a sand importer for construction sand?

Live in germany, very interesting video: https://vimeo.com/70616414


translation with Bing:

Population growth and economic development in emerging markets around the world provide a construction boom. As a result, The demand for sand increases. Because suitable desert sand not for making concrete, the construction industry has the ocean floor in their sights. The film shows scenes of the sand quarrying around the globe and goes contexts and backgrounds.


Sand is nowadays part of many everyday products, more often even than oil. We find sand in food, cosmetics, cleaning agents, but also in electronic products such as computers, mobile phones and credit cards.


However, sand in greatest demand arises through the worldwide building boom due to population growth and economic development in emerging markets. Reinforced concrete is one-third to two-thirds of sand and cement.


Given this need, sand became a resource of crucial importance in recent years. Desert sand is unsuitable for the concrete processing - you may hardly believe it. Therefore, construction companies have mined sand so far from river beds or gravel pits. But this stock is slowly being depleted, and so the construction industry the ocean floor in the sight took - an ecological time bomb.


The documentary shows locations around the globe: the illegal sand mining in Morocco due to the booming tourism industry, inevitably whole beaches leading to extinction. the expansion needs of Singapore still imported sand from neighbouring countries despite all prohibitions; the disappearance of entire Islands because of illegal sand mining in Indonesia; you stick Pharaohs construction projects in Dubai, where their own sand resources were used up and now to import sand from Australia; the machinations of the Indian mafia, which controlled the construction industry of the country, while its own people must continue to live in slums; Populate the beaches of Florida, which will be washed away to nine-tenths; and finally the struggle of the population in France, where companies secure locations close to the coast, to relieve in the protected areas of sand from the ocean floor.


The documentary explains the contexts and backgrounds of a devastating value chain and promotes an unprecedented human, social and ecological disaster for days with the support of scientists and non-governmental organization




and rapid increasing demand for frac sand (proppants) in USA!






Hi-Crush Partner / HLCP (strong dividend!!!)

US Silica / SLCA

Carbo Ceramics / CCR


some links in unsorted order:


High-Yielding Stocks Portfolio That Outperformed By A Big Margin



Proppant market expected to expand along with shale activity



Proppants Market in North America



Behind the fracking boom, a sand mining rush



3 High-Yielding Stocks With A Very Low PEG Ratio



Pounding The Sand For Hi-Crush Partners LP



Oil Giants' Reports May Fuel Saudi Prince's U.S. Fear




bought HCLP and SLCA :rolleyes:


Watchlist: Victory Nickel (read the news because Sand!)

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the gold of the clever man ;-)


Demand has skyrocketed. The demand for silica sand suddenly shot through the roof with the growth of the fracking industry in the late 2000s. In 2011, U.S. silica consumption was over 26 million tons; in 2012, the U.S. Geological Survey reported it had nearly doubled to over 45 million tons. Prices spiked for a couple years, although now companies in Illinois and Wisconsin report the pricing has leveled out as supply begins to meet demand. The owner of Mississippi Sand, LLC says his sand will sell for $100-$150 per ton, including transportation.



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Why Sand Is The Latest Front In The War On Fracking (Yes, Sand)



Scott Walker's Sand Grab: Wisconsin Wants a Piece of the Fracking Boom, No Matter Who Gets Hurt


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Risk and reward from the US fracking boom



The Association of American Railroads (AAR) reports that sand shipments on US railways have increased from 112,000 carloads in 2009 to 293,000 carloads in 2012, and 87,000 in the first quarter of 2013. Wisconsin is the epicentre of these developments with over 100 mines now active or planned, with a railway infrastructure connection deemed essential for their success amidst such strong competition.
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The stock has been the darling of analysts who track “Metals Channel Global Mining Titans Index,” (It is a dynamic list of 50 out performing companies which operate in the metals and mining sector).


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Ceramic proppants manufacturer Saint-Gobain Proppants has entered into an agreement with the Texas University Energy Institute (EI) to research proppant behaviour during the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) process.

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