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Farsight (Remote Viewing) Videos


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The Crucifixion Ruse (full version)


Published on Aug 25, 2014

Whatever you thought you knew about Jesus, think again.

Get ready for the most positive, uplifting, and dramatic re-interpretation of Christian thought in over 2,000 years, one based not on blind faith, but on new data, new research into the science of consciousness, and an understanding of quantum physics.

New and scientifically-based replicable experimental data offer a revolutionary perspective into the facts of the crucifixion story. According to these new data, someone else was crucified instead of Jesus. Moreover, Jesus willingly participated in the plan to dupe the authorities. This new revelation does not diminish Jesus or his message. Rather, it enhances and amplifies what we know of him.

This is the full documentary. It is also available as a DVD on Amazon.com for those who prefer that format.

Chief Investigator for the project: Courtney Brown, Ph.D.

Using remote-viewing methodologies derived from those developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes, we now have a more complete picture of what apparently actually happened 2,000 years ago.

Courtney Brown, Ph.D., the leading scholar in the field of remote viewing involving such procedures, explains how these new data, collected under controlled experimental conditions, reveal a much more complicated crucifixion drama than is described in the Bible. If Jesus was not crucified, who was? Did Judas act to betray or to save the life and legacy of his mentor? Why would Jesus participate in such a ruse, a dangerous plan to trick the authorities, causing them to crucify someone else? Who was in on this conspiracy?

Importantly, while these new data revise what traditional Christendom considers the "facts" of the crucifixion, this new evidence does not attack Jesus or his legacy. Courtney Brown explains why Jesus had no choice but to allow the crucifixion event to occur as it did. Now, the new evidence allows us finally to understand Jesus's teachings more fully, something that was not possible in Jesus's day.

It seems likely that Jesus knew that the truth would one day come out, once we matured as a civilization. That day is today. Look at the data yourself, learn about the methodologies used to collect them, and then decide for yourself.


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HITS - on these Videos


Name--------------------- : Published---- : Time---- : Views--- : Likes-- :%Like : Dislikes : A/D : Vs/mo. :
The Crucifixion Ruse-- : 25-Aug.2014 : 1:52 hrs : 022,755 : 0,204 : 0.89% : 0,041 : 4.98x : 01,422 :
Atlantis, True Story---- : 01-May.2015 : 0:58 hrs : 054,524 : 0,463 : 0.85% : 0,034 : 13.6x : 06,816 :
Great Pyramid of Giza : 14-Aug.2015 : 1:43 hrs : 050,465 : 0,544 : 1.08% : 0,076 : 7.16x : 11,214 :


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ATLANTIS: The True Story (Farsight remote viewing - COMPLETE VERSION)



Published on May 1, 2015

ATLANTIS: The True Story (Farsight remote viewing - COMPLETE VERSION)
Not long ago, a technologically advanced human civilization thrived on Earth. This was Atlantis, the real Atlantis, not a mythological story. Here—documented with new scientific data—is the true story of their demise. They were not undone because of a natural cataclysm. Rather, through the reckless misuse of their own science, they destroyed their civilization. Only a few thousand people survived, and everyone on Earth today is related to that same small group of survivors.

This is a breakthrough scientific study that combines the use of remote viewing, Google Earth imagery, a touch of genetic knowledge, and a hefty amount of open-minded thinking. Remote viewing is a mental procedure that was originally developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes. Now, civilians employ the same methods, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies, to study human history. Using remote-viewing data collected by two of the most accomplished “military grade” remote viewers of the day, the true story of what happened when Atlantis collapsed is told with striking detail and clarity.

Forget what you learned in school about human civilization being a recent phenomenon. All that you see today, all the wonders of human achievement, have all been done before. And it all ended very badly. This time, we need to learn from our past mistakes. We humans have a complicated history on this planet. We need to discover that history, not censor it, if we are to be a species with a destiny. Let us begin that process of discovery here, today, now.

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The Great Pyramid of Giza: The Mystery Solved (Complete Version)


Published on Aug 14, 2015

Farsight's web site: http://www.farsight.org


The Great Pyramid of Giza, sometimes called the Pyramid of Khufu, or the Cheops Pyramid, is truly one of the most amazing mysteries on Earth. This is the definitive breakthrough study of how it was built. It is huge, and it was built with gigantic stone blocks that seem nearly impossible to cut, transport, and assemble even today on such a massive scale as must have occurred long ago when this pyramid was originally constructed. Until now, no one on Earth really knew how these big structures were assembled, at a time when tools were rudimentary, camels and wooden or reed boats were the primary forms of transportation, and manual labor was the only means available to construct anything.


This is a breakthrough scientific study that combines the use of remote viewing on an unprecedented scale to solve the mystery of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Remote viewing is a mental procedure that was originally developed by the United States military and used for espionage purposes. Now, civilians employ the same methods, or procedures that are derivative of those methodologies, to study human history. In a project completed at The Farsight Institute (www.farsight.org) using remote-viewing data collected by two of the most accomplished “military grade” remote viewers of the day, the true story of how the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually constructed using a combination of exotic advanced technology and brutal manual labor can finally be told.


Very little of what most people learned in school about the origins of the Great Pyramid of Giza is correct. Our civilization needs to uncover its true history without bias and with an open mind. Now is not the time to censor new knowledge. Now is the time to face our past.


More background for this project can be found at Farsight's web site here:


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Dick Algire describes with clarity his experience while doing a fascinating RV project


JFK Assassination Farsight Project: Behind the Scenes with Dick Allgire


Published on Oct 24, 2015

This is a behind-the-scenes video with Dick Allgire for the path-breaking remote-viewing documentary on the assassination of John F. Kennedy that was conducted at The Farsight Institute. Dick Allgire and Daz Smith were the remote viewers for this project.

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