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Philippines Global Rankings - Are Often Disappointing

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Philippines Global Rankings - Are Often Disappointing


The Philippine government rejects the findings, as Philippine finance and trade officials urge the World Bank to correct the 'inaccurate and understated findings'

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines slid 11 notches in the World Bank's 2019 Ease of Doing Business report.

The report said the Philippines placed 124th out of 190 economies, largely due to higher business registration costs and the lag in inspecting imported goods.

The Philippines ranked poorly in getting credit (184th), starting a business (166th), enforcing contracts (151st) and trading across borders (104th). (ANALYSIS: The real score on foreign direct investments)

While the country’s overall score improved to 57.68 in 2019 from 56.32 in 2018, other economies have improved as well and outpaced the Philippines.

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The World Bank noted that the Philippines was able to strengthen the protection for minority investors in major corporations and clarified ownership and control structures. Moreover, the tax registration and business licensing processes were simplified.

(READ: Duterte signs Ease of Doing Business Act)

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THIS was interesting...


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