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Pennsylvania REIT Shares Up 16% After Earnings >PEI

Remember THIS stock (Penn. REIT)?   I suggested buying below $6.  I will soon be taking some profits
PEI / Penn. REIT ... 4-yr : 10d / Last: $7.68 +0.63, +8.94%


/ Look back at the posting from March 20th / :

The Wed price drop was down to $5.70.  My order was triggered near the end of the 20 cent price drop.
PEI ... 10d : Last: $5.87 -0.04 / O: $5.91, H: $5.96, L: $5.70 vol. 1.21Mn
My effective buy price was about $5.80 back then, using an options package.
I added a bit and adjusted my position when it took a sudden drop to $5.50-ish in April
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Remember the Silos from Page 1?

Here's how the earnings power can be enhanced by a portfolio adjustment


PHP-earning Silo Example - UPDATE

2015 - Earning Potential.        :   Annually :  Monthly : PreTax :
22sqm Studio: P2.3M x 10 % = P230,000 : P19,000 : P16,000
28 sqm 1 BR  : P3.0M x 10 % = P300,000 : P25,000 : P21,000
=====               P5.3M           =                                        : P37,000 > 8.38%

2019 - Earning Probability
22sqm Studio: P3.8M x 8.2% = P312,000 : P26,000 : P23,000
28 sqm 1 BR  : P5.2M x 7.4%  = P384,000 : P32,000 : P28,000
=====               P9.0M              =                                     : P51,000 > 6.80%

2020 - Estimated
Buy REIT shares
Ayala REIT     : P8.5M x 7.5% = P638,000 :                : P53,000 > 7.50%

Advantages.  :  Fewer headaches, more liquid.  Borrowing potential?

Next Steps     :  Sales efforts are underway.  Looking at setting up a stock trading account

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Sold out of most of my NGD - Taking profits just over 97 cents (to invest in VIT.v)

If it breaks out now, I have (some of) the profits invested in Jan.2020 50 cent calls

: 6-mo fewer lines : 3-mo : fr.Oct 2018 : last $0.975 : Options : NGD-website : presentations :


Another profitable investment - after some "exciting" & stressful volatility

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On 2/2/2019 at 9:20 AM, drbubb said:

I went ahead with the Sale of the NGD Jan.2020 $1.50 calls (as suggested above)

Creating the Following attractive Payoff potential ... update NGD chart to Jan.2020 expiry : J20-$1.50C :


I exited Half of my position at 65 cents vs. 30 cent cost - that's +116% in 3 weeks

By retaining half of my Feb.$0.50 calls, and selling $1.50C against them. I have attractive potential returns.

My ultimate breakeven is now just 55 Cents = 0.30 + 0.50 - 0.25, Max. profit = +172% to Jan.2020

Here's what happened since February:

+ I exercised the Feb.$0.50 calls with a 30 cent Cost ($0.80 all-in), and now just sold those NGD shares at $0.97+

+ I bought back the Jan'20 $1.50 Calls I had short at 25 cents for just 5 cents (when NGD was lower)

+ I bought some Jan'20 $0.50 Calls at $0.36, and sold Half of those yesterday at $0.50, and will retain the other half

My remaining investment in NGD, is much less than half of the profit I have captured on trading the shares and options. I actually intended to retain more Jan.'20 50 cent calls.  But after I sold the NGD shares, I went back to cancel a Sell order at 50 cents on half of the calls, and found that it had already been filled.  I got plenty of profits and put them (and more!) into a new long position in VIT.v

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Where did the profits go?  Into a new position: Victoria Gold (VIT.v) at under $0.40. 

This company will pour its first gold from new production its Eagle Gold mine before year end

VIT.v ... update : fr.Oct.2017 : 10d , etc./  Last: $0.40


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