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DrBubb's Diary - July 2019 Trading - v.126

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Dr.B's Trading Diary : 2019. Diary's 126th Month = Over 10 years.

10 years since 3/09 Low : Dow closed 2017 @ 24,719, 2018 @ 23,327 - 5.63% (YrH: 26,952 / L: 21,713 - 19.4%)


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DrBubb's Diary - June 2019 Trading - v.125

The Fed's Racetrack: Gold (GLD) vs Stocks (SPY) : update :vs.CRB : GLD-hr : SPY-hr : GLD/SPYratio


The Fed's money-printing has maintained confidence in markets - but the money has gone not only into stocks, but also into other areas. For many months, money flowed into commodities like Gold, pushing prices higher even faster than stocks, as the chart above shows. But since Gold's peak in Aug.2011, stocks have outperformed gold. Since then, these two assets have tended to trade counter-cyclically to each other.

Gold in EURO - very worthwhile to track

Short Term: tny_au_en_euoz_2.gif

Medium Term - 3 Years: Gold-inEUR or GLD-toEUR


US Stocks: "SPX-in-Euros" .. SPX-to-EUR or SPY-to-FXE  .. update


Ratio - SPX/Euro has often moved in a nice clear channels

DrBubb's "Early Warning System"

Leading Ratio ... LQD:TLT-Weekly-3yrs : TLT-vsLQD : Copper : HG price : CU price : SPY-10/11 : SMH-6mos

I reckon that the LQD-to-TLT ratio should move in harmony with stocks, or maybe LEAD stock moves. If they are moving in different directions, then one should be cautious. (However, the value of this indicator has become suspect in recent years, after giving some false warnings.)
Bullish Percentages :
BPNYA- : http://stockcharts.c...!Lh14,3]&pref=G
BPGDM : http://stockcharts.c...!Lh14,3]&pref=G
NASIT - : NAMOT : Summation Indices

INFLATION Watch / "Drivers" (SPY, GLD, DXY) .. 10d : 6mo-D : 2yr-D : 5yr-D // CU-etc : w/XLE : w/OIH :

Oil or Copper to lead Commodity bounce-back?


: w/OIH :


GBS-GoldBullion vs: DBA, XLE, EUR ... update :


RECORD : CU may lead GLD and SPY

US Fed'l Debt // Formula: (Fed'l Debt - $4.0 Trillion ) x 119 +$100

Date-: DebtTr > G.Eqv /10.40 : - GLD - : - SPY - : -DIFF- : - ratio - : -- CU -- : cu/gld : - FXI - : cu-fxi : - DBA- : - BTC - :
end07: $09.23 > 0,722 : 072.2 : $082.46 : $146.21 : -63.75: 56.398% : $20.0e: XX.X% :: $ 17.05: ==== : $ 32.99 :
end08: $10.70 > 0,897 : 089.7 : $086.52 : $090.24 : -$3.72: 95.878% : $20.0e: XX.X% :: $ 29.09: ==== : $ 26.18 :
end09: $12.31 > 1,089 : 108.9 : $107.31 : $111.44 : -$4.13: 96.294% : $30.0e: XX.X% :: $ 42.26: ==== : $ 26.44 :
end10: $14.03 > 1,294: 129.4 : $138.74 : $125.75 : $12.99: 110.34% : $43.71: 31.51%: $ 43.09: $0.62: $ 32.35 : $ 00.29 :
end11: $15.22 > 1,435: 138.0 : $151.99 : $125.50 : $26.49: 121.11% : $29.29: 19.27%: $ 34.87: - 5.58: $ 28.88 : $ 04.60 :
end12: $16.43 > 1,570: 151.0 : $162.02 : $142.41 : $19.61: 113.77% : $30.34: 18.73%: $ 40.45:-10.11: $ 27.95 : $ 13.48 :
end13: $17.35 > 1,689: 162.4 : $116.12 : $184.69 : -68.57 : 062.87% : $22.27: 19.18%: $ 38.37:-16.10: $ 24.25 :$815.00 :
end14: $18.14 > 1,783 : 171.4 : $113.58 : $205.54 : -98.04 : 55.26% :: $18.09: 15.93%: $ 41.62:-23.53: $ 24.89 :$316.20 :
end15: $18.83 > 1,865 : 179.3 : $101.46 : $203.87 :-102.41: 49.77% :: 2.135 : 2.140%: $ 35.29:-00.00: $ 20.61: $433.50 :

01/29: $19.01 > 1,886 : 180.0 : $108.05 : $193.65 : - $85.60: 55.80% :: 2.060 : 1.907% $ 31.20:-00.00: $ 19.99: $375.00 :
02/29: $19.13 > 1,900 : 181.3 : $118.64 : $193.56 : - $74.98: 61.29% :: 2. ??? : 1.000% $ 30.00: -00.00: $ 20.00: $434.00 :
03/31: $19.26 > 1,916 : 182.8 : $117.64 : $205.52 : - $87.88: 57.24% :: 2. ??? : 1.000% $ 33.77: -13.17: $ 20.60: $415.00 :
04/30: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $123.65 : $206.33 : - $82.68: 59.93% :: 2. ??? : 1.000% $ 33.53: -12.45: $ 21.08: $4 ??.00 :
05/31: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $116.06 : $209.84 : - $93.78: 55.31% :: 2.080 : 1.792% $ 33.65: -12.34: $ 21.31: $526.10 :

06/30: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $126.47 : $209.48 : - $83.01: 60.37% :: 2.0 ?? : 0.000% $ 00.00: -00.00: $ 00.00: $0
07/31: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $128.98 : $217.12 : - $88.14: 59.40% :: 2.0 ?? : 0.000% $ 00.00: -00.00: $ 00.00: $0
08/31: $19.0E > 1,885 : 181.3 : $124.78 : $217.38 : - $92.60: 57.40% :: 2.080 : 1.667% $ 37.08: -16.85: $ 20.23: $570.00 :

ye'16 : $20.0E > 1,8 xx : 18x.x :

Date-: DebtTr > G.Eqv /10.40 : - GLD - : - SPY - : -DIFF- : - ratio - : -- CU -- : cu/gld : - FXI - : cu-fxi : - DBA- : - BTC - :
"GOLD Formula" is : (Fed'l Debt - $4.0 Trillion ) x 119 +$100 : US Govt Debt :: http://www.usgovernmentdebt.us/

The FED must be pleased with the way that money has flowed into stocks, away from Gold. / notes : a b c

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Month: -SPY- : Chg : volume/ VIX : GDX: +-chg: -GLD- : Chg: volume: x10.?? WTI.Cr: -DXY-- -Chg- : --TLT-: Chg : Posts/Views cum'l
12-31: 203.87 - 2.06: 91.2M: 18.21 : 13.72 +0.06: 101.46 +0.04 : 3.81M: 1060.5 $37.07* 98.693 +0.413: 120.58 +0.54 : 02, 086/ 051, 1,913

03-31: 205.52 - 0.50: 79.4M: 13.95 : 19.97 - 0.26: 117.64 +0.54: 9.17M: 1233.9 $38.11: $94.63 - 0.10 : 130.61 +0.92 : 096/ 4,518
06-30: 209.48 +2.82: 143.M: 15.63 : 27.71 +0.56: 126.47 +0.63: 15.1M: 1324.7 $48.40: $95.81 +0.05 : 138.90 +0.51: 055/ 1,941
09-30: 216.30 +1.62: 98.7M: 13.29 : 26.43 - 0.26: 125.64 - 0.43: 10.8M: 1317.1 $48.24; $95.42 - 0.10 : 137.51 - 1.24/ 096 : 6,335
12-30: 223.53 - 0.82: 86.9M: 14.04 : 20.92 - 0.83: 109.61 - 0.68: 8.79M: 1151.7 $53.72: 102.38 - 0.27 : 119.13 +0.18/ 096: 13876  

01-31: 227.53 - 0.02 00.0M: 12.09 : 23.93 +0.78: 115.55 +1.68 0.00M: 1211.8 $52.80: $99.74 -0.62 : 119.84 +0.57/ 120: 10255
02-28: 236.47 - 0.64 69.6M: 12.92 : 22.85 +0.01: 119.23 +0.11 8.29M: 1253.9 $54.01: 101.48 +0.32 : 121.74 +0.45/ 085: 7,634
03-31: 235.74 - 0.55 56.2M: 12.37 : 22.81 +0.26: 118.72 +0.25 8.14M: 1251.2 $50.60: 100.22 - 0.07 : 120.71 +0.35/ 120: 23202
04-28: 238.08 - 0.52 50.4M: 10.82 : 22.23 +0.42: 120.77 +0.38 8.86M: 1268.3 $49.33: $99.04 - 0.15 : 122.35 +0.27/ 098: 11915
05-31: 241.44 - 0.06 00.0M: 10.41 : 22.69 +0.10: 120.62 +0.48 0.00M: 1264.8: $48.32: $97.21 +0.00 : 124.14 +0.05/ 106: 6,918
06-30: 241.80 +0.45 49.4M: 11.18 : 22.08 + 0.13: 118.02 -0.30 6.79M: 1242.3: $46.04: $95.64 +0.09 : 125.12 - 0.29/ 095: 5,020
07-31: 246.77 - 0.14 42.9M: 10.25 : 22.86 - 0.05 : 120.75 +0.06 3.82M: 1273.8 $50.17: $92.90 - 0.43 : 124.04 +0.15/ 094: 5,056
08-31: 247.49 +1.48 75.8M: 10.59 : 24.72 +0.56 : 125.82 +1.46 11.3M: 1322.2 $47.23: $92.62 +0.06 : 127.99 +0.38/ 091: 5,034
09-29: 251.23 +0.88 60.7M: 09.51 : 22.96 - 0.20 : 121.58 - 0.63 8.77M: 1284.8 $51.67: $93.07 - 0.06 : 124.76 +0.28/ 067 : 4,235
10-31: 257.15 +0.40 42.7M: 10.18 : 22.48 - 0.28 : 120.67 - 0.46 3.76M: 1277.5 $54.20: $94.54 +0.01 : 124.46 +0.04/ 101 : 2,371
11-30: 265.01 +2.30 104.M: 11.28 : 22.47 - 0.03 : 121.10 - 0.94 7.84M: 1276.7 $57.40: $92.97  - 0.09 : 125.12 - 0.42/ 079 : 2180
12-29: 266.86 - 1.01 60.8M: 11.04 : 23.24 +0.04 : 123.65 +0.80 7.55M: 1309.3 $60.42 : $92.30 - 0.20 : 126.86 +0.20/ 107 : 1590

01-31: 281.90 +0.14 97.6M: 13.54 : 23.75 +0.30 : 127.65 +0.85 13.0M: 1343.1 $64.73 : $89.11 +0.06 : 122.73 +0.72/
02-28: 271.65 - 2.78 101.M: 19.85 : 21.35 - 0.14 : 125.00 - 0.13 4.52M: 1317.9 $61.64 : $90.73 +0.07 : 118.75 +0.75/ 076 : 1093
03-29: 263.15 +3.32 104.M: 19.97 : 21.98 - 0.01 : 125.79 +0.06 6.84M: 1327.3 $64.94 : $90.01 -0.13 : 121.90 +0.59/ 067: 0,880
04-30: 264.51 - 2.05 65.0M: 15.93 : 22.28 - 0.45 : 124.59 - 0.91 9.59M: 1319.2 $68.57 : $91.86 +0.27 : 119.10 +0.21/ 074, 0,630
05-31: 270.94 - 1.67 78.4M: 15.43 : 22.34 - 0.10 : 123.10 - 0.27 7.62M: 1304.7 $66.24 : $93.98 - 0.09 : 121.22 - 0.20/ 074 : 0667
06-29: 271.28 +0.39 74.2M: 16.09 : 22.31 +0.38 : 118.65 +0.43 7.67M: 1254.5 $74.15 : $94.47 - 0.85 : 121.72 - 0.42/ 100 : 1026
07-31: 281.22 +1.38 57.6M: 12.83 : 21.28 +0.01 : 115.99 +0.34 5.45M: 1233.6 $68.76 : $94.55 +0.20 : 119.70 +0.65/ 108 : 1038
08-31: 290.31 +0.01 52.7M: 13.81 : 18.55 - 0.14 : 113.51 - 0.13 4.82M: 1206.7 $69.80 : $95.08 +0.00 : 121.00 - 0.29/ 096 : 0954
09-28: 290.72 +0.03 57.6M: 12.12 : 18.52 +0.18 : 112.76 +0.71 5.78M: 1196.2 $73.25 : $95.13 +0.16 : 117.27 - 0.31/ 081: 0753
10-31: 270.63 +2.86 000.M: 21.23 : 18.93 - 0.21 : 115.15 - 0.65 0.00M: 1215.0 $65.31 : $96.85 - 0.15 : 113.31 - 0.85/ 114: 1184
11-30: 275.65 +1.67 78.5M: 18.07 : 19.09 - 0.08 : 115.54 - 0.20 7.83M: 1220.2 $50.93 : $97.20 +0.41 : 115.33 +0.43/ 163: 1556
12-31: 249.92 +2.17 111.M: 25.42 : 21.09 +0.49 : 121.25 +0.19 8.38M: 1281.3 $45.41 : $96.16 - 0.25 : 121.51 +0.51/ 127: 1254

---: SPY- : Chg : volume/ VIX : GDX: +-chg: -GLD- : Chg: volume: x10.?? WTI.Cr: -DXY- -Chg.- : --TLT- : Chg : Posts/Views cum'l:

28: 247.75 - 0.32 140.M: 28.34 : 20.60 -0.37 : 121.06 + 0.49 6.75M: 1283.0 $45.33 : $96.39 -0.18 : 121.05 +1.01/ 00, 115: 000, 1100 :
31: 249.92 +2.17 111.M: 25.42 : 21.09 +0.49 : 121.25 +0.19 8.38M: 1281.3 $45.41 : $96.16 -0.25 : 121.51 +0.51/ 00, 127: 000, 1254 :
30: 267.58 +4.17 84.3M: 17.66 : 22.18 +0.21 : 124.69 +0.71 12.1M: 1315.5 $54.23 : $95.24 - 0.57 : 120.93 - 0.09/ 03, 103: 034, 1195
31: 269.93 +2.35 80.5M: 16.57 : 22.69 +0.51 : 124.75 +0.06 10.0M: 1325.2 $53.79 : $95.56 +0.32 : 121.97 +1.04/ 00, 108: 000, 1284:

27: 279.20 - 0.12 52.3M: 14.70 : 22.35 - 0.38: 124.69 - 0.89 7.76M: 1321.2 $56.94 : $96.10 -0.02 : 120.43 - 1.38/ 00, 082: 000, 718
28: 278.68 - 0.52 56.1M: 14.78 : 22.24 - 0.11: 123.99 - 0.90 7.51M: 1316.1 $57.22 : $96.23 +0.23 : 120.02 - 0.41/ 03, 085, 032, 750
28: 280.71 +1.06 53.0M: 14.43 : 22.41 -0.60: 121.90 -1.75 11.4M: 1295.3 $59.30 : $97.20 +0.28 : 126.56 +0.44/
29: 282.48 +1.77 64.1M: 13.71 : 22.42 +0.01: 122.01 +0.11 6.59M: 1298.5 $60.14 : $97.21 +0.01 : 126.44 -0.12/ 01: 83, 022: 688
29: 293.87 +0.46: 57.2M: 13.11 : 20.84 - 0.46: 120.83 - 0.54 4.47M: 1281.4 $63.50 : $97.86 - 0.15: 123.02 - 0.19/ 00, 071: 000, 640
30: 294.02 +0.15: 00.0M: 13.12 : 20.89 +0.05: 121.20 +0.37 0.00M: 1286.7 $63.91 : $97.53 - 0.33: 123.65 +0.63/ 00, 074: 000, 680
30: 279.03 +0.76: 82.1M: 17.30 : 20.77+0.45 : 121.69 +0.82 7.76M: 1292.4 $56.59: $98.17 +0.03: 130.20 +1.11/ 00, 092: 000, 1000
31: 275.27 - 3.76: 86.9M: 18.71 : 21.59 +0.82 : 123.33 +1.64 15.4M: 1311.1 $53.50: $97.61 -0.56: 131.83 +1.63/ 02, 094: 047, 1047

03: 274.57 - 0.70: 94.4M: 18.86 : 22.49 +0.90 : 125.11 +2.78 14.2M: 1328.0 $53.25: :$97.05
04: 280.53 +5.96: 77.2M: 16.97 : 22.59 +0.10 : 125.15 +0.04 8.00M: 1331.0 $53.50: $97.25
05: 282.96 +2.43: 71.2M: 16.09 : 22.63 +0.04 : 125.47 +0.32 7.64M: 1333.8 $51.70: $97.00
06: 284.80 +1.84: 69.4M: 15.93 : 22.87 +0.24 : 125.88 +0.41 5.55M: 1342.7 $54.59: $96.55 +0.00: 130.61 +0.00/
07: 287.65 +2.85: 74.2M: 16.30 : 22.89 +0.02 : 126.59 +0.71 8.15M: 1346.1 $53.99: $96.81 +0.26: 131.74 +1.13/ 00, 017: 00, 155
10: 288.97 +1.32: 60.8M: 15.94 : 22.46 -0.43 : 125.33 - 0.26 5.41M:
11: 288.90 - 0.07: 00.0M: 15.99 : 22.59 +0.13 : 125.18 -1.41 0.00M: 1331.2 $53.27: $96.69 - 0.12: 130.58 - 1.16/
12: 288.39 - 0.51: 47.1M: 15.91 : 22.96 +0.37 : 125.83 +0.65 5.76M: 1336.8 $51.14 : $96.96 +0.27: 130.68 +0.10/ 00, 028: 000, 217
13: 289.58 +1.19: 48.9M: 15.82: 23.24 +0.28 : 126.60 +0.77 5.37M: 1343.7 $52.28 : $97.03 +0.07: 131.13 +0.45/  01, 029: 021, 238
14: 289.26 - 0.32: 52.3M: 15.28: 23.33 +0.09 : 126.56 -0.04 9.23M: 1000.0 $00.00 : $97.45 +0.42: 131.46 +0.33/
17: 289.37 + 0.11: 00.0M: 14.95: 23.46 +0.13 : 126.48 - 0.08 0.00M: 1342.9 $51.93 : $9764 +0.19:  131.69 +0.23/
18: 292.40 +3.03: 85.4M: 15.15: 23.67 +0.21 : 127.12 +0.64 10.3M : 1350.7 $54.11 : $97.63 - 0.01: 132.35 +0.66/ 00, 033: 000, 327
19: 293.06 +0.65: 78.6M: 14.33: 24.00 +0.33 : 127.89 +0.77 11.7M : 1348.8 $53.97: $96.97 - 0.66: 132.54 +0.19/ 03, 036: 041, 368
20: 294.43 +2.60: 00.0M: 14.75: 25.05 +1.05 : 131.11 +3.22 18.6M : 1396.9 $57.07: $96.63 - 0.34: 132.89 +0.45/ 04, 040: 050, 418
21: 294.00 - 0.43: 83.3M: 15.40: 25.21 +0.16 : 131.98 +0.87 15.1M : 1400.1 $57.43: $96.09 - 0.54: 131.43 - 1.46/ 04, 044: 050, 468
24: 293.64 - 0.36: 00.0M: 15.26: 26.19 +0.98: 133.94 +0.00 00.0M: 1418.2 $57.90: $96.14 +0.05: 132.31 +0.88/
25: 290.76 - 2.88: 82.0M: 16.28: 25.63 -0.56: 134.20 +0.26 24.8M: 1418.7 $57.83: $96.29 +0.15: 132.82 +0.51/ 02, 051: 040, 578
26: 290.47 - 0.29: 51.6M: 16.21: 25.52 -0.11: 132.97 - 1.23 12.0M: 1000.0 $00.00: $96.27 - 0.02: 131.97 -0.85/
27:  291.50 +1.03 00.0M: 15.82:
28: 293.00 +1.50: 59.4M: 15.08: 25.56 +0.00: 133.20 -0.00 00.0M: 1000.0 $00.00:  $96.20 -0.00: 132.55 +0.00/ 00,060: 000, 720
01: 295.66 +2.66: 79.1M: 14.06: 24.58 -0.98: 130.62 - 2.58 13.4M: 1000.0 $00.00: $96.84 +0.64: 132.24 - 0.31/
02: 296.43 +0.77: 00.0M: 12.93: 25.55 +0.97: 133.41 +2.79 0.00M: 1408.0 $56.25: $96.77 -0.07: 133.26 +1.02/
03: 298.80 +2.37: 40.9M: 12.57: 25.65 +0.10: 133.63 +0.22 6.35M: 1420.9 $57.34: $96.73 -0.04: 134.21 +0.95/ 00,000: 000, 000
05: 298.46 - 0.34: 51.7M: 13.28: 25.29 - 0.26: 132.14 - 1.49 0.00M: 1000.0 $00.00: $97.38 +0.65: 132.44 +0.23/
08: 296.82 - 1.64: 45.8M: 13.96: 25.42 +0.03: 131.29 - 0.85 8.03M: 1400.0 $57.66: $97.41 +0.03: 132.61 +0.18/
09: 297.19 +0.37: 41.1M: 14.09: 25.65 +0.23: 131.75 +0.45 6.63M: 1400.5 $57.83: $97.51 +0.02: 132.56 -0.05/ 00, 020: 000, 082
10: 298.61 +1.42: 00.0M: 13.03: 26.20 - 0.45:
11: 299.31 +0.70: 50.9M: 12.93: 25.94 - 0.26: 132.70 +0.00 0.00M: 1406.7 $60.20: $97.05 +0.00: 130.07 +0.00/
12: 300.65 +1.34: 40.3M: 12.39: 26.21 +0.27: 133.53 +0.83 6.31M:  1412.2 $60.21: $96.72 - 0.33: 130.22 +0.15/
15: 300.75 +0.10: 33.9M: 12.68: 26.18 - 0.03: 133.53 Unch 4.03M: 1000.0 $00.00: $96.95 +0.23: 130.97 +0.75/ 00. 029: 000, 174
16: 299.61 - 1.14: 00.0M:
17: 297.74 - 1.87: 44.1M:
18: 298.83 +1.09: 00.0M: 13.53: 28.25 +0.00: 136.48 +0.00 00.0M: 1428.1 $55.42: $96.79 +0.00: 132.00
19: 297.17 - 1.66: 70.9M: 14.45: 27.98 - 0.27: 134.47 - 2.01 18.1M: 1426.7 $55.76: $97.07 +0.28: 131.69 - 0.31/
22: 297.90 +0.73: 43.7M: 13.53: 28.19 +0.21: 134.45 -0.02 7.57M: 1000.0 $00.00: $97.26 +0.19:
23: 300.03 +2.13: 44.7M: 12.61: 27.87 - 0.32: 000.00 - 0.00 00.0M: 1422.0
24: 301.44 +1.41:  00.0M: 12.07: 28.15 - 0.00: 134.37 - 0.00 00.0M: 1424.0 $00.00: $97.82 -0.00: 131.79 - 0.00/
25: 300.00 - 1.44: 55.4M: 12.75: 27.43 - 0.72: 133.42 - 0.95 11.7M: 1415.0 $00.00: $97.78 - 0.04: 131.16 - 0.63/
26: 302.01 +2.01: 45.1M: 12.16: 27.28 - 0.15: 133.64 +0.18 6.25M: 1419.5
29: 301.46 - 0.55: 38.1M: 12.83: 27.77 +0.49: 134.53 +0.89 9.16M: 1420.0 $00.00: $98.05 +0.00: 131.51 +0.00/
30: 300.72 - 0.74: 45.8M: 13.94: 27.83 +0.06: 134.98 +0.45 9.45M: 1442.0 $00.00: $98.06 +0.01: 131.83 +0.32/
31: 297.43 - 3.29: 104.M: 16.12 : 26.50 - 1.33: 133.21 - 1.77 18.8M: 1437.8 $58.58: $98.82 +0.76: 132.89 +1.06/
01: 294.84 - 2.59: 143.M: 17.87 : 27.85 +1.35: 136.41 +3.20 27.7M: 1432.4 $53.95: $98.34 -0.48: 135.26 +2.63/
02: 292.62 - 2.22: 117.M : 17.61 :  27.77 - 0.08: 135.89 -0.52 13.8M: 1557.5 $55.66: $97.52 -0.82: 136.51 +0.25/
05: 283.82 - 8.80: 179.M: 24.59 : 28.60 +0.83: 137.79 +1.90 17.5M: 1476.5 $54.97: $97.35 -0.17: 138.87 +2.36/

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Year End price Recap

Prices---- > YrE'16 : YrE'17 : change :  YrE'18 : change :
Gold ------ : 1151.7 : 1309.3 : +13.7% : 1281.3 : - 2.15% :
GLD ------ : 109.61 : 123.65 : +12.8% : 121.25 : - 1.94% :
Ratio ------: r10.51 : r10.59 : ====== : r10.567 : ===== :
GDX ------ : $20.92 : $23.24 : +11.1% : $21.09 : - 9.75% :
GDXJ ---- : $31.55 : $34.13 : +8.18% : $30.22 : - 11.5% :
SIL -------- : $32.11 : $32.64 : +1.65% : $25.02 : - 23.3% :
SLV-------- : $15.64 : $15.98 : +2.08% : $14.52 : - 9.14% :
Ratio ------: r2.053 : R2.043 : ====== : R1.723 : ===== : :
WTI ------- : $53.72 : $60.42 : +12.5% : $45.41 : - 24.8% :
USO ------- : $11.72 : $12.01 : +2.47% : $ 9.66 : - 19.6% :
OIH ------- : $33.25 : $26.05 : - 21.7% : $14.03 : - 46.1% :
XLE ------- : $75.32 : $72.26 : - 4.06% : $57.35 : - 20.6% :
SHcomp : $3,104. : $3,307 : +6.54% : $2,494 : - 24.6% :

A month ago, I said:

"Many Gold shares are COILED & Ready to spring - if the Dollar slides below $97"

But the USD is still over $97, while Gold has jumped over $1300 again. This looks good

idx24_usd_en_2.gif  : t24_au_en_usoz_6.gif :

USD Index/DXY: $96.11 -0.29 : Gold : $1282.10 +1.70 ...

DXY/ Trade-wgt $/12mo : 2yr : DXY: $97.61+1.44, EUR: $1.1200 -0.027, GBP: $1.264, CAD: $0.738, AUD: $0.694, PHP: 52.15 (from last mo.)


GDXJ - OIH  vs UDN, SLV ... fr.1/2008 w/Dba : 7/2008 w/Dba : GDXJ: $29.53 +1.03 , OIH: $13.08 -0.36, USO: $11.10 -0.66


FXFX : 2017-mid'19 :


Group #1 : update : old chartJNUG ($7.55 -22.6%), UGLD ($96.39 +1.84%), GDXJ ($29.53 -7.11%) - from last month


Group # 2: update : GCM.t ($3.49 -0.85%), CCO.t ($13.64 -12.3%), MUX.t ($1.82 -9.91%)


OIH ($13.08 -27.3%) vs. Drillers: HAL ($21.29 -31.3%), MDR ($6.04 -27.8%), ESV ($8.37 -48.1%)


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Long Term Charts updated from time-to-time, to at least: April 30, 2017


IWM / etf for Russell-2000 - 12/31/16 : $134.85,  12/31/17 : $152.46 :

All-log : 10-yrs : 12mos // SPY ... : To-End-2015 : last-12mos



SPY / S&P500 etf - (UP) ...SPY: to 12/31/16 : $223.53,  12/31/17 : $266.86

updated 12/17/2018 : 2,545.94


All-log / 3yrs : 4yrs : 5yrs : 10yrs : TREND is still UP, but may be rolling over


SPX ... 10-yr


TLT / T-Bonds etf - (DOWN) ... TLT: to 12/31/16 : $119.13,  12/31/17 : $126.86

All / 3 years : 4 years : 5yrs : 10yr : Made an important Peak in 2016 (?) identified in prior chart here !


UUP / USDollar x2 etf - (Peaking?) ... to 12/31/16 : $26.46,,  12/31/17 : $24.03

All / 3 years : 4 years : 5yrs : 10yr : long ter, TREND is still UP,


USO / Oil etf - (Battling DOWNtrend) ... to 12/31/16 : $11.72, 12/31/17 : $12.01

All / 3 years : 4 years : 5yrs : 10yr : 10yrL : Price is battling that old Downtrend


XLE / Oil stocks - (Fighting back UP) ... to 12/31/16 : $75.32,  12/31/17 : $72.26

All-log / 3 years : 4 years : 5yrs : 10yrs : TREND is still Up


OIH / Oil service - (Fight DOWNtrend) ... $11.72, 2016  ,  12/31/17 : $26.05

All-Log  3 years : 4 years : 5yrs : 10yrs : Major Bottom in place?


GLD / Gold etf - (Reversing Downtrend?) ... 12/31/16 : 109.61,  12/31/17 : $123.65

All : 3yrs : 4 years : 5yrs : 10yrs : Reversing to Up?


GDX / Gold stocks - (Breaking Downtrend?) ... 12/31/16 : $20.92,  12/31/17 : $23.24

GDX ... All-Log : 3 years : 4 years : 5yrs : 10yrs : Reversed to Up in 2016 maybe?


.HUI Chart - price data goes back further ... 12/31/16 : 182.31, 2016 range: $99.19 to 286.05 : +199.4% - beta 7.64

All-data :


China's Shanghai index last bounced of a support level near 2,600
ShComp 12/31/16 : 3103.6, 2016 range: 2638.3 to 3538.7 : +34.12% - beta 1.305

CN : SHcomp ... All-Log : All-Data


===== other CHARTS =====

10yrs : SLV : GDXJ : / log : AGQ : PSLV : UGL : PHM +, GDXJ -, RGLD -, HK:HSI +, HK:12 -new,

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BRADLEY Model : "TURN dates"

SPY... 2015-2019: 12-31-16: $223.53 / 12-29-17: $266.86 : +19.4%

2016 : +Jan. 5, -May 10, +June 1, -July 5, +??, -Sep. 28, +Nov. 29
2017 : +Dec. 29, -Apr.17, +Apr.29, -Jun.21, +Aug.19, -Sep .7, +Dec.3, /
2018 : -Jan.4, +Jan.17
2019 : +Jan.18, +Apr.17, -May29, -Aug28, +Oct.9, -Dec3


Model dates: 2019 : 2018 : 2017 : 2016 : 2015 :
Historical TURN: Bonds peaked first in 2015, then the Dollar, then stocks...

TLT... 2015-2019 : 12-31-16: $119.13 / 12-31-17: $126.86 : +6.49%


USD trade-weighted dollar:

DXY ... 2015-2019 : DXY-all-data : 12-31-16: $102.36 / '17: $92.28 : -9.72%



sym: ye.2016 : ye.2017 : %.chg : 2017-H :
SPY : $223.53 : $266.86 : +19.4% : 268.60 :
TLT : $119.13 : $126.86 : +6.49% : 129.57 :
DXY : $102.21 : $92.282 : -9.72% : 103.82 :
Djia  : $19,763 : $24,719 : +25.1% : 24,876 :
GLD-: $109.61 : $123.65 : +12.8% : 128.32 :
EUR-: $1.0520 : $1.2001 : +14.1% : 1.2093 :
Dj/E : E18,786 : E20,597 : +9.64% :
PHP-: P49.606 : P50.009 : +0.00% : 52.006 :

OTHER Indices : USO : GLD : GDX : PHM : IYR : UGLD-vsGDX : : IMGHST.co

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MARKET CYCLES - Gold vs Property Charts

Gold and Property appear to be counter-cyclical - Time to switch into Gold?

Pulte (PHM) vs. Gold (GLD) ... update / 3-yrs :

BLUE Box: Sell PHM, Buy Gold / Red Box: Buy PHM, Sell Gold



3-years Chart : Key Level for PHM ($24.50) - Old chart :

OLD CHART PHM: $24.50, GLD: $112.57 / ratio: 21.8%


NEW CHART: PHM showed nice rally vs Gold ... update : Last (4/5/19) PHM: $28.94, GLD: $121.98 / ratio: 23.7%


RATIO : PHM-to-GLD / rose from 21.8% > 23.7% . that's +8.7% higher , and may be peaking out now


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Gas down, Oil down... OIH making new lows


WTI crude


OIH / Oil Service


"Oil Service stocks are still under pressure" - I said May 2nd

HAL, etc ... update : 10d / Last: $21?


Sym. 31may: 01may: -Chg. -Pct%: PER : Yield :
HAL: $21.29: $27.59 -6.30 -22.8%:10.6: 3.38%
SLB:  $34.69: $41.37 -6.68, -16.1%: 23.8: 5.77%
Bhge $21.41: $23.55 -2.14, -9.09%: 66.9: 3.36%
OIH : $13.08: $16.14 -3.06, -19.0%: N/ A: 2.29%
XLE : $58.77: $64.79 -6.02. -9.29%: N/ A: 3.52%
CNQ: $26.99: $28.94 -1.95, -6.74%: 14.5: 4.13%
CHK: $ 1.92 : $ 2.83 -0.91, -32.2%: 4.43: 0.00%
SWN: $ 3.52 : $  3.87 -0.25, -6.46%: 2.14: 0.00%
USO: $11.10 : $13.22 -2.12, -16.0%: ==
WTI: $53.50: $63.60 -10.1,-15.9%: ==
NGas $ 2.45: $2.62: - 0.17, -6.49%:
NG/wt r-4.6%: r-4.1%: :

Ratio: NatGas to-WTI Crude - @ r-4.12% - Buy NatGas versus Oil?


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GOLD "knocked on that Ceiling" - of  "the $1350 to $1370 area", then  broke out to a recent high of $14---



=== (as reported last month) ===

Gold put in a strong performance today with the St. Louis Fed president presentingmike_1-636952019002018821.jpg a case for cutting rates.

St. Louis Fed president James Bullard helped light a fire under gold today, Yapping About Too Little Inflation and the Need for Rate Cuts.

Technically speaking, the $1350 to $1370 area has been one tough nut for gold to crack.

On a weekly chart, gold has failed in this area five or six times, depending on how one counts.


Gold fell from $850 an ounce in 1980 to $262 an ounce in in 1999 with inflation every step of the way.

People believed Greenspan, the great "maestro" had everything under control. It was an illusion.

Faith in central banks is about to be tested again.

Read more at https://stockhouse.com/companies/bullboard?symbol=t.gcm&postid=29795842#gfA3VEXYpChAbyD6.99
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FAILED just below Targets? on the day before July 4th Holiday

Index : Target?: Close +change, +pct.: Day-High: Year-H : Below-YrH
SP500 : $3,000: 2995.82  +22.8,+0.77%: 2995.84: 2995.84: Record H!
DJIA- : 27,000?: 26,966.  +179. ,+0.67%: 26,966. :  26,966. :  Record H!
IWM - : $174.0  : $156.26 +1.11,+0.72%:  156.34 :  173.39  : - 9.88 %
RUT - : $1,740. : 1572.12 +11.6,+0.74%: 1572.19: 1742.09: - 9.76 %
SOXX- : $220.0: $199.95 - 0.92 ,-0.46%:  200.99 :   218.00 : - 8.83 %
XLF - : $ 30.00 : $ 28.08  +0.22, +0.79%:  $28.09 :   $29.07 : - 3.41 %

CHARTS - note how NARROW the New Highs are

SP500 : $3,000: 2995.82  +22.8,+0.77%: 2995.84: 2995.84: Record H!

DJIA- : 27,000?: 26,966.  +179. ,+0.67%: 26,966. : 26,966. : Record H!

IWM - : =====> : $156.26 +1.11,+0.72%: 156.34 :  173.39  : - 9.88 %

SOXX- =====> : $199.95 - 0.92 ,-0.46%:  200.99 :   218.00 : - 8.83 %

XLF - : =====> : $ 28.08  +0.22, +0.79%:  $28.09 :   $29.07 : - 3.41 %

FAZ vs-TZA . update :  FAZ $36.09 (yrL-H:$36.09-84.95)/ TZA $44.94 (yrL-H:$39.02-93.45)


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Gold Will Rise Even If The Fed Doesn’t Cut Interest Rates

To be fair, many analysts are basing their assumptions partly on the current financial reality. They are aware of factors that the average person is mostly oblivious to. Even now in the wake of swift declines in almost every sector of the economy there are still economists and portions of the public arguing that we are in the midst of an economic renaissance. Those people predicting a Fed rate cut in the near term know better.

They see major indicators like the housing market suffering from a 7.8% overall drop in sales and an 8.1% drop in prices.

They see auto market sales at the slowest pace in four years as interest rates rise on auto loans.

They see historic levels of consumer debt and corporate debt. They see massive retail closures (more than 7100 closures announced so far this year), a grinding halt to shipping and freight, seven-year lows in Global manufacturing PMI, the weakest U.S. manufacturing PMI since 2009, and a three month running inversion in the treasury yield curve, etc.

All of these factors signal a violent drop in global and U.S. demand, while the squeeze in dollar denominated assets globally signals that the Fed is indeed tightening liquidity as it said it was doing. Only a fool or a liar would argue in the face of these facts that the economy is in “recovery”. We are in a recessionary crash right now.

Read more: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED | The History The US Government HOPES You Never Learn! https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz5soncfthN
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"I Haven't Seen This In Over 9 Years": Small Business Employment Collapses "Like In March 2008"

Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, said:

The job market continues to throttle back. Job growth has slowed sharply in recent months, as businesses have turned more cautious in their hiring. Small businesses are the most nervous, especially in the construction sector and at bricks-and-mortar retailers.”

The biggest shock in today’s number was the small businesses and goods-producing sector, which lost the most jobs (with mining and construction hardest hit). Goods-producers saw jobs contract for the 2nd month in a row…


But it was the plunge in small business employment…


And specifically companies with 1-19 employees, that cratered in both May and June:


Why does this matter? Because as David Rosenberg pointed out, “the small business sector leads the cycle and employment here has plunged 61k in the past two months.” Adding that he hasn’t “seen this in over 9 years”, the Gluskin-Sheff economist notes that he saw that “same decline in Feb-March of 2008 when the consensus was busy calling for a soft landing. This isn’t a repeat of 2016 by any stretch.”

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Indeed. Gold has gone through its correction when the Fed tightened last year. The Fed cannot tighten anymore and gold has broken out. As I said just before the breakout, that was the last we've seen of $1290 gold forever. It will never again go below that price.

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"seen the last of $1290..."

Looks like a Breakout to me


Fed's Racetrack: Gold (GLD) vs Stocks (SPY) : update :vs.CRB : GLD-hr : SPY-hr : GLD/SPYratio


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Catching up... to day before July 4th - a peak maybe?

==== :  Fye'16 : Fye'17 : +-%chg :  12/31 :   02/01 :  03/01 :  05/03 :  05/17  :  05/24 :  05/31 :  07/03 :
Gold : 1151.7 : 1309.3 : +13.7% : 1281.3 : 1322.1 : 1299.2 : 1281.3 : 1275.7 : 1283.6 : 1311.1 : 1420.9 :
GLD- : 109.61 : 123.65 : +12.8% : 121.51 : 124.50 : 121.88 : 120.65 : 120.65 : 121.30 : 123.33 : 133.63 :
SPY- : 223.53 : 266.86 : +19.4% : 249.92 : 270.06 : 280.42 : 294.03 : 285.84 : 282.78 : 275.57 : 298.80 :
SPX- : 2238.8 : 2673.6 : +19.4% : 2506.8 : 2706.5 : 2803.7 : 2945.6 : 2859.5 : 2826.1 : 2752.7 : 2995.8 :
S/AU: 194.4%: 204.2%: ====== : 195.6% : 204.7% : 215.8% : 229.9%: 224.2%: 220.2%: 2 ??
WTIc: $53.72 : $60.42 : +12.4% : $45.41 : $55.26 : $55.80 : $61.94 : $62.92 : $58.63 : $53.50 : $57.34 :
XLE : $75.32 : $72.24 : -4.09% : $57.35: $64.89 : $66.48: $64.25: $63.75: $61.62 : $58.78 : $63.00 :
OIH-: $33.35 : $26.05: -11.9 % : $14.03: $17.22 : $17.42: $16.34: $15.09: $13.81 : $13.12 : $14.48 :

OI/X :  44.3% :  36.1% : ====== : 24.46%: 26.54%: 26.20%: 25.43%: 23.67% : 22.40% :  ?????????????? :
Ngas: $3.350 : $2.950 : - 11.9% : $2.940 : $2.734 : $2.859 : $2.570 : $2.630 : $2.610 : $2.452 : $2.290 :
Cop'r: $2.510 : $3.305 : +31.7% : $2.630 : $2.773 : $2.932 : $2.819 : $2.739 : $2.700 : $2.640 : $2.675 :
Soyb : 1000.0 : 950.00 : -----------> 895.00 : 917.75 : 911.50 : 842.25 : 821.75 : 829.75 : 878.00? : 908.75 :
Weat : 408.00 : 426.25 : +4.47%: 503.25 : 524.25 : 457.28 : 438.00 : 465.00 : 489.50 : 502.70 : 514.00 :
Corn : 352.00 : 350.75 : - 0.36% : 375.00 : 378.25 : 373.00 : 370.75 : 383.25 : 404.25 : 426.70 : 441.25 :
CRB- : 192.51 : 193.86 : +0.07% : 169.80 : 180.55 : 181.50 : 181.77 : 180.99 : 178.63 : 175.35 : 179.08 :
DBA : $19.97 : $18.76 : -6.06% : $16.91: $16.93 : $16.45: $16.03: $15.92: $16.27: $16.61 : $16.69 :
D/crb: 10.37%: 9.67 % : ====== :  r9.96%: R9.38%: r9.06% : r8.82% : r8.80% : r9.10% : ??
Xle/D: r-3.770 : r-3.850: +2.14% : R3.391 : R3.833 : r4.041 : R4.008 : r4.004 : R3.787 : ??
DXY- : 102.38 : $92.30 : - 9.85% : $96.16 : $95.62 : $96.45 : $97.26 : $97.82 : $97.48 : $97.61 : $96.33 :
TLT- : 119.13 : 126.86 : + 6.49% : 121.51 : 120.96 : 118.66 : 123.66 : 125.99 : 127.78 : 131.83 : 134.21 :
=== :

Gold : 1151.7 : 1309.3 : +13.7% : 1281.3 : 1322.1 : 1299.2 : 1281.3 : 1275.7 : 1283.6 : 1311.1 : 1420.9 :
Au/hd: r1.401 : r1.58E : ======:  r1.61E : R1.617 : R1.681 : R1.730 : R1.735 : R1.737 : r1.748  : r1.78.e :
Hold : 822.17 : 830.00 : +01.0% : 795.8E : 817.40 : 772.46 : 740.82 : 736.20 : 738.81 : 750.0E : 800.0E :
WPM : $19.32 : $22.27: +15.3% : $19.53 : $21.10 : $21.38 : $20.86 : $20.07 : $20.30 : $22.10 : $23.94 :
GDX- : $20.92 : $23.24 : +11.1% : $21.09 : $22.57 : $21.70 : $20.26 : $20.75 : $20.57 : $21.59 : $25.65 :
Gdxj : $31.55 : $34.13 : + 8.18% : $30.22 : $32.84 : $31.44: $28.41 : $28.74 : $28.19 : $29.53 : $34.84 :
SIL-- : $32.11 : $32.64 : +1.65% : $25.02 : $26.88 : $26.01 : $23.80 : $22.59 : $22.31 : $23.05 : $26.59 :
/SLV: R2.053 : R2.042 : - 0.54% : r1.723 : R1.802 : R1.832 : R1.705 : R1.671 : R1.634 : R1.689 : R1.856 :
SLV- : $15.64 : $15.98 : +2.08% : $14.52 : $14.92 : $14.20 : $13.96 : $13.52 : $13.65 : $13.65 : $14.32 :
Silver: 16.580 : 17.150 : +3.44% : 15.540: 15.930 : 15.260 : 14.980 : 14.390 : 14.560 : 14.570 : 15.340 :
PHM : $18.38 : $33.33 : +81.4% : $25.99 : $27.35 : $26.74 : $31.78 : $32.48 : $32.12 : $31.00 : $32.68 :

EEM- : $35.01 : $47.30 : +35.1% : $39.06 : $42.76 : $42.49 : $44.22 : $40.29 : $39.95 : $40.71 : $43.23 :
ShCm: 3103.7 : 3307.2 : +6.56% : 2494.0 : 2618.2 : 2994.0 : 3078.3 : 2860.2 : 2853.0 : 2898.7 : 3005.4 :
PhpSi: 6840.6 : 8558.4 : +25.1% : 7476.0 : 8121.9 : 7641.8 : 7968.0 : 7580.9 : 7747.1 : 7970.0 : 8064.9 :
XLF-  : $23.25 : $27.19 : +16.9% : $23.82 : $26.05 : $26.69 : $28.07 : $26.88 : $26.86 : $26.01 : $28.08 :

IWM- : 134.85 : 152.43 : +13.0% : 133.90 : 149.18 : 158.24 : 160.53 : 152.84 : 150.79 : 145.86 : 156.26 :
F/iwm 17.24%: 17.84%: =====  : 17.79% : 17.46%: 16.87% : 17.49% : 17.59%: 17.81%: 17.83%: 17.97%:
BTC-- : $948.5 : 13,100 : x13.8X : $3,770 :  $3,435 : $3,818 : $5,712 : $7,110 : $8,114 : $8,350 : x
===== : Fye'16 : Fye'17 : +-%chg :  12/31 :   02/01 :  03/01 :  05/03 :  05/17  :  05/24 :  05/31 :  07/03 :

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Back to Resistance levels - Can they break through it?

CBL & PEI ... update : PEI-CBL : $1.12 +0.07, $6.50 -0.02, WPG: $3.90, +0.05




10d- w/WPG : WPG: $3.90, +0.05



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Victoria Gold (VIT.v) will soon open the EAGLE Gold Mine... and looks cheap


  • Fully-financed to production
  • Fully permitted, in construction project located in Yukon Canada
  • 200,000 oz/year with high margins in Canada
  • High-quality, low-cost operation with first gold pour in H2 2019
  • Management team with successful mine development track record
  • Share in the rerate from developer to producer
  • Numerous high priority, near mine exploration targets to add ounces and value

> website: https://www.vitgoldcorp.com/

Symb.: FX : Price: BkVal.: MktCp: Cash: $Debt : Ent.Val : OzProd : EV/Oz : CAD : UsdEV: EV/eb: YrsPr
GCM.T: C$ $4.06: $5.39 : $191m: $40m: $074m: $236m : 225k.a : $1,050 : $0.76 : $  800 : 2.21 :  ? ?
MUX.T: C$ $2.11: $1.38 : $792m: $15m: $057m: $844m : 205k.e : $4,012 : $0.76 : $3,049: -38.  :  ? ?
VIT.v - : C$ $0.40: $0.37 : $341m: $13m: $128m : $455m : 200k.e : $2,275 : $0.76: $1,726:   ? ?  :  ? ?
ROXGt: C$ $1,05: $0.44 : $388m: $49m: $046m : $408m : 150k.e : $3,886 : $0.76 : $2,953: 5.20 :  ? ?
PVG.T : C$ 13.33: $4.93 : $2.46b: $51m: $630m : $3.01b : 520k.e : $5,788 : $0.76 : $4,400: 13.9 :  ? ?
TXG.T : C$ 13.21 : $8.90 : $1.13b: $92m: $318m : $1.34b : 430k.e : $3,116 : $0.76: $2,368:  6.97 :  ? ?
TMR.T : C$ $6.05: $8.03 : $680m: $26m: $152m : $826m:  170k.e : $4,859 : $0.76: $3,692: 12.8 :  ? ?
AGB.V*: C$ $2.90: $0.68 : $685m: $36m: $078m : $769m: 100k.e : $7,690 : $0.76: $5,844:  9.51 :  ? ?

TXG -etc ... update: TXG.t: $13.21 +0.99%. PVG.t: $13.33 +0.98%, MUX.t: $2.11 -5.38%, (Mux: $1.61)



AGB.V*: update / C$ $2.90: $0.68 : $685m: last: $2.90 +0.02 (BUY price: XX)


Benefits of the Transaction for Atlantic shareholders include:Immediate and significant premium of approximately 41.1% to the closing price of Atlantic shares on May 14, 2019, and approximately 40.8% based on the 30-day VWAPCash offer is not subject to a financing condition Strong deal certainty with support agreements entered into with shareholders of Atlantic owning approximately 32% of Atlantic sharesThrough SpinCo, Atlantic shareholders will maintain exposure to Velocity’s RozinoProject in Bulgaria, which Atlantic believes has many similar characteristics to its Moose River Consolidated Mine in Nova Scotia*Equity value based upon 236.9 million Atlantic shares outstanding and 20.7 million option

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FASCINATING Interview - with the (in)famous Bob Lazar (who worked on UFO's at Area 51)

Over 5.5 Million views !

Joe Rogan Experience #1315 - Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell


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That giant asteroid of gold won’t make us richer

The 16 Psyche and other asteroids will probably be mined for their metals. But once they start hitting the market in large quantities, they’re unlikely to be precious for much longer.
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Sold out of most of my NGD - Taking profits just over 97 cents (to invest in VIT.v)

If it breaks out now, I have (some of) the profits invested in Jan.2020 50 cent calls

: 6-mo fewer lines : 3-mo : fr.Oct 2018 : last $0.975 : Options : NGD-website : presentations :


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Nobody will ring a bell when market cycles end.

There won’t be a grand announcement that a top is in.

There won’t be a grand announcement that a top is in. There won’t be a massive reversal that will make it clear to everyone that a major top is in, a top for years to come. Wall Street won’t announce it, nor will the Fed, and any warnings will be dismissed.

Nobody can call a top in advance, tops are only clear in hindsight. Not the day after, but often only months later.

In fact tops can be very sneaky, innocuous, uneventful, subtle. Indeed there was nothing special about key market pivot points in 2000 or 2007.

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SIM JINCLAIR :  Another Big Gold Target

Has the real JIm Sinclair passed away?

Is the one making these new wild forecasts a simulation?

Gold $87,000 per ounce at Least - Bill Holter & Jim Sinclair

Gold $87,000 per ounce at Least -  Bill Holter & Jim Sinclair –  2,628 views  Greg Hunter  Published on Jul 9, 2019 
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(Do you want to hear some of the dark and strange stuff surrounding that guy epstein? 

Sounds crazy, but I think there may be some truth in it.)



MP3 http://media.blubrry.com/rbn/s/content.blubrry.com/rbn/stream_2019-07-11_125956.mp3

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