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Asia : Electric Power thread (focus on China)

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According to the IEA, energy consumption up to 2030 in developing Asia is estimated to be about 43 per cent of the worldwide increase.


This addition of about 1600 GW may cost $1450 billion.


It is widely known that China is the largest power market in the region and indeed the fastest growing in the world. China’s medium term objective was to achieve a balance between power supply and demand by 2010. This, however, will happen before 2007.


The long term objective is to bring the nation’s total installed generating capacity to between 950 GW and 1000 GW by 2020. Strengthening of the national grid and construction of regional power grids is also a key objective. In 2005, the State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), the nation’s largest power grid builder, invested a total of Yuan 9.21 billion (US$1.15 billion) in grid construction and transmission lines. The central government plans to establish an effective state grid by 2010.


With so much activity, clearly opportunities exist for both western and regional investors. Certainly, utilities in neighbouring Hong Kong have aspirations to be among the key developers in the Chinese market.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s Scheme of Control is scheduled to end in 2008. In the opening keynote, the Asian Development Bank will give an overview of the opportunities and challenges facing Asia’s power market.


Meanwhile, Hongkong Electric will analyse the Hong Kong power market updating delegates on the latest discussions regarding the Scheme of Control and how possible outcomes will affect Hongkong Electric’s

strategy. CLP Group will give an overview of the Asian power market.



= = SPEAKERS = =

Mr. Richard McIndoe

Group Director - Managing Director,



CLP Group

Hong Kong SAR

Editorial Director and Conference Chairman

PEI Magazine

PennWell Corporation

United Kingdom


Mr. C.T. Wan

Director & General Manager

(Corporate Development)

Hongkong Electric

Hong Kong SAR


Robert Bestani

Director General,

Private Sector Finance Department,

Asian Development Bank,



note for DB in HK: http://www.powergenasia.com // 5-7sept. at Asia-world Expo : Exhibitors

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